We’re Open for Visit !!!
2022/06/21 - 2022/09/28
Working Holiday @ Fusion Longhouse
Taking a break at the breathtaking Kuala Kubu Bharu’s site becomes a sensational experience, that has just become available to the public. Lemuria Light is having a working holiday and we welcome everyone to experience the magic of life we live! Do not miss this golden opportunity to co-create a beautiful holiday with Aura Reading, Cellular Memory Scan, and Light Mandalas Technology exhibition bring to you at Fusion Long House.
Our Infomation outlet
Greetings! We are the starry family committed to heal the collective back to its magnificent state. Our Planet is about to go through a huge metamorphosis and shift in the coming days. Without knowing the insight of what is going on, many of us tend to panic during this time - Where everything seemed to fail under the scary pandemic? Not necessary!
Watch our channel, receive insight, meditate and become a master who shapes reality! As most of the networks we coach are flourishing.
Facebook Live Show
Have you ever tried online aura reading or are you looking for an accurate reading? A diverse group of professional aura specialist and energy healers will diagnose your aura and energy patterns. This diagnosis will change your life as you realize what the true solution in life is.
Light Mandalas Training Network
As a distributor of the Light Mandalas, we facilitate our own courses, training, and protocols that are aimed to facilitate healing for humanity worldwide. Our result can be shown to be tangible. We believe that a new love-based society can only be created in the purest energy grid by fine-tuned technology of Light Mandalas.
Lemuria FM
This is a place where all beautiful things and events come together, and you can learn everything on your palm. Unlimited Inspiration, newsfeed and knowledge is distributed mindfully to activate humanity to the next level.
Our Services
Aura Scanning & Consultation
Aura Reading by a professional psychic will help to identify life issues by analysing just an unfiltered photo of a person. Most importantly we bridge the understanding and solution beyond duality.
Energy Healing
An Array of highly effective energy healing is available for healing the body, mind, and soul. Skilled practitioners are in place to support the activation of the DNA. We are not only specializing in physical healing, but also deep initiation of the DNA.
Business Consultation and Lightworks Support
There are many challenges in this world that wait for solutions. It’s best to have both a seer and healer in the team to facilitate growth in the business.
Ores & Crystals
By the mineral and then processing it with the special techni, you can change even the physical properties of the mineral. These special induced crystals prove to be very healing: Testimony
Transdimensional Energy Devices
The best product that we distribute has direct powerful features. This photonic technology can greatly assist your needs in healing, activating and harmonizing the situation.
Energized Nature Gift & Liquid Light
Many powerful relics and elixirs are made naturally with natural energy infused into matter using super constellation alignment in Lemuria time.
Event & Courses
Gathering & Talks
We share, we laugh, we savour the moment with all the participants who enjoy our talks. A talk could enlighten your stagnant lifestyle, it might trigger your inner desire for life, a dream you might have forgotten, a perspective you never think of… we carry the will & spirit of The New Atlantis.
Light Grid Meditation
You might not know the power of our mind and the great power when all minds gather at a time for a MISSION, that can make a change of our reality, shaping our life or even shifting the world. Allow us to show you here the remarkable records we had made and achieved in past.
Technology Show
The great technology speak itself when you experience it. It was not a coincidence for people get close to our booth during road show, festival or event. We bring out the essence of our technology, value and service we provide, even in just a few minutes of time. We pledge you go home with joy.
On Going Project

Don’t wait until we are ascended to cooperate. Don’t wait for 3 years to start building a love based society. Heal and start your dream today. We don’t believe in building an empire. We vision a world where not only every person is well taken care of, but also find his/her place in the great rainbow mandalas.
We do this by first healing the individuals into our best version of ourselves. Secondly, establishing the energy light grids. These energy grids allow groups to develop positive interaction between people and allows groups to flourish with the cleanest energy possible.
DIstributing Technology
We distribute exclusively two powerful technologies from Antarion Dragons Family: Light Mandalas and Tachyon Technology. Full knowledge and consultation are facilitated during the distribution. The know-how indepth consultation increase the efficiency and accuracy of achieving total wellness.
Many of the funds gathered is pumped back into the community with purpose to build a love-based society - The Island of Light. We work hard for building a benevolent company and society.