Astral Star — LEMURIA LIGHT⋆✩★
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Astral Star

The Therapy Frequencies of Light

Mandala Astral Star produces fractal light fields carrying precise informational resonances, interacting through the human energetic meridian nodes, points, and informational auric fields, resulting in harmonious mental, emotional & psycho-spiritual states. Mandala Astral Star enhances the atmosphere of spaces resulting in improved mood and overall energetic benefits; for relaxation & wellness studios, health retreats, and personal meditation spaces.



Mandala Astral Star forms precise geometric patterns of coherent light, combining with the geometric structures of pure resonantly tuned crystals, the results are uniquely resonating fields of light. Light Mandalas explore the interactions between the resonant geometric photon fields on the human energetic and informational fields. Mandala Astral Star creates custom ambient atmospheres influencing moods and consciousness states through brain waves and bio-fields.



Home Energy SPA

Harmonic light frequency and scalar wave bioresonance are generated to help you feel relax instantly. Certain protocol has great effect in clearing our stress in just 15 minutes. You may think that health problems are the result of bacteria or viruses. What many people do not realize is that stress can also disable the body’s immune system to make you more susceptible to germs in the environment.

With Light Mandala, you can stress relief in minutes, relieving muscle stiffness, improve body conditions and simply feel better. Much better than having the massage chair or bone correction, Astral Star scalar pulse can improve the condition by fixing the stress and toxin retain inside the muscle tissue. Thus having a lasting result!

Many also reported that the negative emotion lifted after the treatment.

Wellness Advocates

Astral Star have specific frequency to heals our that heal the energy bodies and chakra. Some wellness advocates extend the healing to healing the energy body for experience the expanded consciousness.

Some of the practitioner use specific energy for meditation and yoga to achieve the alternate state of mind, astral travels and psychic reading. Lemuria Light share exclusive knowledge on this part, training handful of the practitioner achieve the divine.



Ferng Shui Interior

Do not underestimate the power of the Astral Star on Geopathic energy upliftment! Some of the protocol can be use for Ferng Shui and environment energy improvement. With specialist like Pure Living and Space has develop protocols specialised for improving the living space energy. This not only reduce the conflict between people but you can even induce a certain mood into the mundane.


Gymn & Sports Arena

There are many contest on sport and gymn each years. How to surpass the competitor easily? This is when we talk about Astral Star. It’s already proven some of the protocol can improve metabolic rate. Some of the protocol design can improve the muscle function and strengthen the DNA.

Combine with the Gravity Plate one can easily get in shape!


Education and Speed Learning

One of the powerful protocols inside the Astral Star is the frequency library of the brainwave pattern - the Mental Library. This bandwidth of frequency affects the thinking pattern easily. This kind of wave pattern can excite specific part of our brain and simulate certain respond. Thus we can use it for speed learning and clearing the learning obstacle. Advance user can use this to promote sales or promote certain desirable feeling.

With Astral Star, the learning curve will be smoother and able to really staying ahead of our academy time without the stress and imbalance.