Very Veggie Smoothies

Adding leafy greens into your smoothie recipes is a great way to boost the nutrients in your diet. This smoothie is fruit-flavored with peach, banana and mango but it's got chard in it for added vitamins K, C, and A.
4 servings
2 cups ice cubes
2 cups V8 V-Fusion Light peach mango juice
1 medium peach, halved and pitted
1 medium banana
2 chard leaves, ribs removed
Mango wedges (optional)
Prep Ready In
10 m 10 m
Combine ice cubes, juice, peach, banana, and chard. Cover and blend until smooth. Serve immediately. If desired, garnish with mango wedges.
Nutrition information
Serving size: 10 ounces
Per serving: 68 calories; 0 g fat(0 g sat); 1 g fiber; 17 g carbohydrates; 1 g protein; 9 mcg folate; 0mg cholesterol; 12 g sugars; 1,567 IU vitamin A; 38 mg vitamin C; 20 mg calcium; 0 mg iron; 41mg sodium; 292 mg potassium
Nutrition Bonus: Vitamin C (63% daily value), Vitamin A (31% dv)
Carbohydrate Servings: 1
Exchanges: 1 fruit