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Manganese with Sugilite

Manganese with Sugilite is a fairly recent discovery from South Africa. Sugilite often contains black matrix, reddish brown or yellowish blotches. Bright purple stones with little matrixing or blotches are the most valued.

Manganese combined with Sugilite makes an excellent headache remedy. Hold a piece of Manganese with Sugilite in order to allow pain to be transferred to the stone. Manganese with Sugilite has been used to dispel all types of discomfort and feelings of disorder. Hold the stone and allow the negative energies to be released into the black Manganese w/Sugilite. Cleanse after each use.

A mineral of bonding, Manganese brings people closer together, activating the energies of cooperation in group efforts. Manganese stimulates spontaneity, creativity and enhances positive energy. Manganese produces a grounding effect which can help to balance the emotions and the physical body. It acts as a bridge, building a connection between the conscious self and the angelic realm.

Sugilite is a major spiritual stone, promoting individual as well as universal love. Sugilite can help in understanding the "big questions" in life. Especially helpful for those who feel alienated and alone, Sugilite helps the user to understand the purpose for their existence.

Known as "The Healer's Stone", Sugilite is said to enhance one's healing and psychic abilities. Sugilite is also believed by some to lessen learning disabilities like dyslexia, and to help with more serious disorders such as schizophrenia and autism.

Physical and Metaphysical Properties for

PROPERTIES FOR STONE: Manganese w/Sugilite


CRYSTAL SYSTEM: Hexagonal-Crystal-System

CHEMICAL COMPOSITION: KNa2Li3 (Fe,Mg,Al)2Si12O30 Potassium Sodium Lithium Iron Manganese Aluminum

ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Sagittarius-(November-22-to-December-21), Virgo-(August-23-to-September-22)

NUMERICAL VIBRATION: Number-2, Number-3, Number-7

HARDNESS: 6-to-6.5-Hardness

COLOR: Lavender-(light-purple), Purple

LOCATION: Australia, Canada

RARITY: Uncommon

PRONUNCIATION: man - ga - neez / soo - jeh - lite


ISSUES AND AILMENTS (PHYSICAL): Asperger's-Syndrome, Autism, Burns, Cancer, Dyslexia, Epilepsy, Headache-and-Migraine-Relief, parkinson's-disease, Pineal-Gland, Pituitary-Gland

ISSUES AND AILMENTS (EMOTIONAL): Compassion, Joy, Kindness, Letting-Go, Peace-and-Peacefulness, Positive-Energy, Prejudice, Rage-Diffusing-or-Release, Trust

ISSUES AND AILMENTS (SPIRITUAL): Enhancing-Psychic-Abilities, Increases-and-Enhances-Intuition, Meditation

EXTRA GRADE: Beautiful black and purple color, opaque, > 25% purple

A GRADE: Nice black and purple color, opaque, 10% - 25% purple

B GRADE: Poor black and purple color, opaque, and/or < 10% purple

AFFIRMATION: I have a strong connection to spiritual wisdom.

REFERENCE 1: http://www.healingcrystals.com/Manganese_with_Sugilite_Articles_9295.html