Lemons: Superfood Spotlight
Lemon: the queen of all citrus fruits. A common fruit with an infamously tart flavor, lemons are loaded with nutritional value. Not to mention they’re as versatile as they are nutritional. Known for their bright color and fresh scent, this superstar fruit is often prized for its juice which is used in everything from home cleaners to sore throat remedies to easy facials.

Does a Body Good
There’s a lot to love about lemons. Each serving (roughly 58g or one average sized fruit) has
17 calories
5g of fiber – about 6% RDA (recommended daily allowance)
80mg of potassium
5g of sugar
Perhaps most impressive is the healthy dose of vitamin C one serving of lemon provides – 30mg which is roughly 51% of the RDA!
Consumption of lemons, especially vitamin C, is linked to many health benefits and studies show that it may help:
Fight the Radicals – The Free Radicals (and Prevent Cancer)
While lemon juice might not be the key to curing cancer, some studies show that citrus limonoids may inhibit the development of certain tumors. Vitamin C might also help fight the formation of free radicals, which are known to cause cancer.
Lemons for Beauty
Lemon juice is a natural antiseptic that can help keep your skin clear when applied topically. (Mix with some plain kefir for a simple cleansing mask.) Even more, the vitamin C found in lemon juice supports in the formation of collagen, the protein that makes up the tissues of your body, including your skin.
Lower The Risk of Stroke – Especially in Women
According to research from the publication, Stroke: Journal of the American Heart Association, eating higher amounts of a compound in citrus fruit (such as lemon) may lower the risk of ischemic stroke – the kind of stroke that occurs when an artery to the brain is blocked. According to the study, women who consumed more vitamin C from citrus fruit had a 19% lower risk of ischemic stroke than the women who consumed the least amount of vitamin C.
Prevent Scurvy (Vitamin C Deficiency)
The age-old disease with symptoms such as anemia, debility, exhaustion, spontaneous bleeding, and pain in the limbs, can easily be prevented by consuming vitamin C. Again, 1 lemon has 51% of the recommended daily value for the average person over 19.
Increase Iron Absorption
Pairing foods that are high in vitamin C with those that are high in iron (including sunflower seeds, nuts, beans, and dark leafy greens), can help maximize the body’s ability to absorb iron. A deficiency in iron is the leading cause of anemia and one of the most common nutrient deficiencies in developed countries.
Source: http://lifewaykefir.com/lemons-superfood-spotlight/