Lemuria Light FM (APRIL 2021)
Let us discover the ancient mystery, learn some interesting knowledge, and enjoy a happy lifestyle together with Lemuria Light FM~ (https://t.me/lemurialight) Let’s join Lemuria Light FM now~
Lemuria Light internal jokes when facing unhealthy tipbits:
"Do you prioritize your emotional body or your physical body?"
Ironic Truth
Be careful the camera is not working on your side... As they going to execute, play safely at the first charge. Then they will let loose.
Music can solve the problem
° Area of Africa = 30.37 million km2
° China area = 9.6 million km2
° USA area = 9.8 million km2
° Area of Europe = 10.18 million km2
● Africa is bigger than Europe as a whole, China and the United States of America combined.
● Intersting Fact:
- Africa is 60 % arable land;
- Africa is 90 % reserve of raw material;
- Africa is 40 % gold reserve;
- Africa, 33 % Diamond reserve;
- Africa is manganese, iron, wood and oil.
- Africa is three times the area of China, three times the area of Europe, three times the area of the United States of America.
- Africa is thirty and a half million km2 (30 km2);
Africa is 1,3 billion inhabitants (China is 1,4 billion inhabitants of 9,6 million km2).
- Africa is cultural diversity, (dance, music, architecture, sculpture, etc.) ).
- Africa is 30 medicinal recipes.
-African Zulu Tribe Shaman were defiance against darkness for many centuries. The connection traced back all the way to the early Hyperboreans Root Race and Central Sun Race.
Antarion in conversion , Aldebaran in action (Malaysia, Penang)
Who Create the stress between Ukraine and Russia?
Under the highly polorized light and darkness. In this height of illusions of society and lumiousity of lightgrid ✨ the restructuring of the world begins.
hint: Journey will be very different at the second half of the year
Mental Disipline is crucial for blue band's journey:
Each thought you entertain creates reality. Think Wisely.
🔥Or learn to add some red: Life, Sponteaneous. Kundalini, Impulsive, Motivation, Action.
Moral of the Story: rather be cold and hungry, maintaining the level of consicousness...🤣
"It's the little things!"😘🥰😆