I. Orin’s First Appearance

People ask me if I've always known I was psychic, and I realize that I have had psychic experiences since my teens and early twenties. In the beginning, I didn't know how to harness and direct my intuitive insights or the heightened states of awareness that I was experi­encing. Some experiences even seemed scary, such as the time I drove 120 miles from Portland to Eugene in an altered state of consciousness. I was eighteen at the time, and on my way to the University of Oregon to start college. I sensed people's thoughts and feelings in every car I passed through the entire trip. Even more astonishing was the fact that the gas tank (which should have been almost empty) was still completely full when I reached Eugene.

My earliest exposure to alternate realities was through the science fiction I read avidly as a high school student in Oregon. I can remember reading every book I could find on time and space and probable realities, particularly those that explored higher ways of living together as a society, such as 2150 by Thea Alex­ander. I used to dream that I had a special machine, a time and space machine in which I could visit other planets and lifeforms, go backwards and forward in time, and discover probable realities in which mankind had explored different options for itself. But mostly I wanted to explore the inner realm of the psyche and make my journeys and adventures not to other coun­tries but to other realities. One of the greatest joys of channeling a guide has been the discovery that I have the machine I fantasized about—it is my own mind and a connection with a higher source of light (Orin) that makes possible these various journeys.

I can vividly recall my first real channeling experience when I was seventeen. I had been playing the piano for several hours, feeling very peaceful, and went to lie down by the bay window and watch the stars. All of a sudden, it seemed like I was being talked to inside my head. A "voice" began showing me the earth, explain­ing that the earth would go through shifts and changes in the future, and that there was nothing to fear. Al­though I was living in Oregon at the time, the voice said that within a year I would move with my family to California where I would live, but my family would be returning to Oregon. I had spent my childhood moving frequently, living in Kansas, Michigan, California, Mis­souri and Oregon, so I didn't want to move and didn't like the message. I didn't record what else was said, although it went on for a long time. As it turned out, six months later my dad unexpectedly began a business in San Francisco, and moved the family there. By then, I was going to college in Oregon and was sure I wouldn't come to California with my family. However, one year later, the University of Oregon decided to charge me out-of-state tuition, so I transferred to the University of California in Berkeley and moved to the San Francisco Bay Area. My parents would move back to Portland eight years later.

About the time I was twenty-six I became good friends with a woman named Evelyn Taylor. She came over one day with a Ouija board, saying she knew we could bring through a guide. (I had, as a child of eight or nine, gotten many messages from the Ouija board, playing on it with my great aunt in Kansas. At that age, I recall feeling I was "cheating" because the messages often came into my mind before my fingers.) Cindy Fla­herty, another friend, was reading the first Seth book, The Coming of Seth, as well as Seth Speaks, and we spent many excited hours discussing them.

We began getting messages right away. I spent many evenings on the Ouija board with Cindy and Eve, meet­ing three or more nights a week, and often friends would join us. It was obvious from the beginning that the messages were coming through me, so Cindy and Eve took turns, one working with me while the other wrote down, letter by letter, all the messages. We accu­mulated more than 200 pages of notes that first year.

We asked for the highest possible guide and teacher to come to us and shortly thereafter, on October 9, 1977, Orin appeared.

"Who's there?" we asked, when it became apparent that another entity was on the board.


"What is your status?"

I am Master Life, above all so far. Your progress is sufficient to receive me now. Your messages will be delivered clearly. Time to start with your progress and learning. I am going to start making assign­ments. Meditation everyday essential, upon rising and retiring.

After several months, I felt a strong inner urge to speak the messages I was getting on the Ouija board, but didn't know how to start. I sensed whole realms of ideas behind every painstakingly spelled out word but I didn't feel confident enough to speak, and I was afraid that I couldn't do it.

Events soon conspired to get me moving, however. I was driving home in my Volkswagon Bug when a car suddenly pulled out in front of me, causing me to slam on my brakes. The brakes locked, and the car started swerving, out of control, on a four-lane freeway. I was headed for the guardrail and a drop of several stories. Something happened at that moment, a feeling beyond description. It was as if I expanded in time and space, able to check out the future and see myself living. I had an instant awareness of every other driver on the road and felt them as one cohesive unit, with everyone aware and assisting me at a real and energy level. Sud­denly the car began rolling over, and I had a glimpse of myself as existing in other dimensions—like a door opening into other realities. The car landed right side up. Other than a bad bruise I was fine. As I looked back on the freeway, I could see that every car had stopped, matching my vision that everyone was working to­ gether. I felt different all day, and that night I knew when we met for the Ouija board session I would start channeling.

Everyone sat expectantly as I began. We put away the board, and I sat on a chair with my eyes closed. At first the message I received was like listening to a tape re­corder going too fast—ideas would zoom across my awareness before I could speak them. I asked for the words to come more slowly, and then they came so slowly my mind would wander and I would lose the connection. I did bring through coherent and meaning­ful messages, however, and the evening was an exciting success. I spoke with my own voice, for I was very shy about appearing strange or different to my friends. I would suppress the gestures and the voice that I knew were a part of the being, Dan, who was speaking through me. Orin later explained that Dan would repre­sent him until I could handle Orin's powerful vibration and thought-impulses.

Channeling required tremendous concentration. It was like finding a station on TV, one that you could only bring in as long as you held the thought of it steady and unwavering. After a while, I was able to feel my own thoughts alongside Dan's. I would ask him questions mentally while he was explaining something to someone, and I could feel his reply to me even while I was channeling a message from him to someone else.

The next three years were spent doing many, many readings. In retrospect, I realize it was a time of prac­tice, practice, practice. All the messages were extremely loving, and came from Dan. Orin could only come through on the Ouija board, as was apparent when I tried to let him come through me and almost passed out. At first I felt like I was expanding from top to bot­tom, becoming spongelike, larger than the room, but still encased in an energy field. I felt a crushing sensa­tion in my chest, and a sense of power and love. My perception of light and color changed. I was so over­whelmed with these feelings that I stopped trying to bring in Orin through my voice. His message to us on the Ouija board at that time was:

l give light, love, and respect to those who come, as well as information. I am indeed full of energy and it is I who is Dan's overseer and guide. He receives from me much like you receive from him. I have much energy at a different frequency than Dan, and much power in my being. 1 am sending energy to you through the being of Dan, who steps down my energy to a level you can manage. Your body is like an electrical wire that can only handle 20 watts—and I am more like 50 watts!

In the summer of 1981, I had an urge to buy a very good tape recorder. After I bought it, I rushed home to plug it in and try it out. I remember sitting in a chair with the microphones ready and the tape recorder loaded with a blank tape. The next thing I knew I was coming out of a very heavy, almost dreamlike trance state, discovering I had made a tape. I played it back excitedly, and realized I had just channeled Orin for the first time with my voice. It was a guided meditation that relaxed my body and talked directly to my subcon­scious to open my channel to him. I listened to it every day. Orin suggested that I practice channeling at a slower rate, until I found the right rhythm. He in­structed me on breathing, and suggested that I take up aerobic exercise and get out in nature more often. I could bring him through without all the changes he was encouraging me to make in my body, but he was concerned that his higher vibration and frequency not cause my body to prematurely burn out.

I began to know Orin as I channeled the tapes. I was able to hold his energy for 20 or 30 minutes, the length of the meditations. I asked Orin to make a tape for me on every topic I could think of. When I wanted to feel more powerful, gain clarity, achieve certain goals, let go of pain or fear, or feel inner peace, I asked for a tape. Orin told me that one of the fastest and most effective ways to change anything was to work directly with the subconscious, putting in new ideas and releasing old ones. The tapes put new, higher thoughts into my sub­conscious which would automatically create the changes I was asking for. I channeled many tapes, and friends began asking for copies as they also wanted to experi­ence the positive changes that were happening to me.

Once I was able to bring Orin through verbally, Dan slowly left until one day he bid us all goodbye, saying that as I became attuned to Orin it was difficult for him to come through, and that his purpose has been accom­plished. From then on, Orin was my guide, giving readings, teaching people, and assisting me with my spiritual development.

I experienced Orin as a very wise, loving being. Occa­sionally he would talk directly to me, either through my voice or into my mind, helping me in so many ways. He had a way of looking at the world that was definitely different from mine. There was no coercion on his part; I did not have to see the world his way. But things worked better and I felt better when I used his wiser, more compassionate and much more loving perspective. I started looking at people and events, wondering how Orin would interpret them. Life be­gan to feel better, and I felt peaceful and joyful more frequently. Orin was directing my consciousness to a higher level where I could function more effective in both my inner and outer worlds, aligning them for purpose, direction and a sense of well-being.

In April of 1983, Orin began telling me about a book he wanted to create:

I am developing a philosophy and helping plant a new mass thoughtform on earth, one that will help people find their power, reach their hearts and cre­ate more happiness and peace in their lives. I want to assist everyone who is ready to receive their higher good and live in higher purpose. We will be helping people understand their minds and emo­tions, and evolve to a higher consciousness. I want to assist people in discovering that they may create peace and joy, and believe in themselves as loving beings.

Orin's readings have always reflected this philosophy. When someone comes to him for advice, he is always loving; he gives people a new, more expansive view of their lives and purpose. He has pointed out beliefs that were in conflict, causing pain or frustration, and has given practical, stimulating exercises to bring in new beliefs. He always encourages people to use their own discrimination, to use the information that fits and to let go of anything that does not fit their experience. He never tells people what to do, although if they ask he shows them their choices. He helps them discover what is important in their lives so that their decisions will be reflections of their souls and not their personalities.

Orin is aware of every soul that reaches him through his words, either spoken or written. His light is always available to those who have made contact with him, holding within their minds the thought of light and love that is Orin. In his words is a recognition of who you are—a being of light and perfection experiencing the world of earth, evolving and growing and learning how to express your soul's light in the world of form and matter.

Orin made it clear from the beginning he is here to help heal the healers and teach the teachers. He is drawing to him those who want to be involved in the forefront of a new movement, one that will open more people to their higher selves.

This book, then, is Orin's gift.