To the grace of Earth and the seekers of her keys.





Chapter 1 : The Game, the Codes, and the Master Numbers

Chapter 2. : Redreaming the Living Library

Chapter 3. : Earth Speaks

Chapter 4. : Earth is Your Home

Chapter 5. : Galvanization of the Goddess

Chapter 6. : Landing of the Light Body

Chapter 7. : The Dimensions Dance

Chapter 8. : The Gift of the Gods

Chapter 9. : Riding the Corridors of Time

Chapter 10. : The Heavens Speak

Chapter 11. : Earth’s Initiation

Chapter 12. : Awaken, Dear Friends, Within This Dream


About the Author


A joint collaboration in faith produced this book, and recognition is due to the mighty and valiant players involved in the process. With love, respect, and deep appreciation, I offer my thanks to both my sister, Karen Marciniak, and Tera Thomas, co-creators and co-conspirators of Earth. A special tribute to the faith of Barbara and Gerry Clow, and to their reliable and responsible guidance and support, as well as the entire staff of Bear & Company, who do an impeccable job of working with and holding the energy. The meticulous skills of copyeditor Gail Vivino brought new meaning to the word “clarity,” helping to create a smooth and readable text, and the finesse of Marilyn Hager created the final elegant and splendid form. A special testimonial to the remarkable talents of artist Peter Everly, whose work once again graces our cover. Peter gave us an exquisite image from which Earth would evolve.

Loving thanks to my parents, Ted and Bertha Marciniak, and my entire family, who have always been there for me.

A thanks to the pioneers of thought, you adventuresome souls, who so eagerly embrace the world of spirit, and to Earth herself for giving us all a place to be from.

And, not to be forgotten, a loving tribute to the Pleia- dians, whoever they may be, who so effortlessly stand by, offering steadfast and undaunted faith in our process as human beings. Their unrelenting love is a marvel to me, and in turn serves to give me the daring and courage to persist and persevere.

It is my intent that this work serve as a catalyst for an emotional cleansing on a mass scale, calling forth a profound realization of spirit and triggering relief and freedom from the old dungeons of our making. May Earth reflect our heal- ing. Blessings be to all who share these probabilities.


Barbara Marciniak

I am an interpreter and conduit for spirit because I am willing and able to grasp the invisible and translate it as best I can. I hear, feel, and experience the web of existence, the universal source. I am inherently connected to it and per- ceive the whisperings, impulses, and revelations of cosmic forces as I use this source to guide and sustain me. For me, this force individualizes itself as the Pleiadians. Naturally, the experience is colored by my beliefs. This is an operational principle of existence, where the participant/observer deter- mines the event. I have developed great reverence for the power of spirit and a deep trust in the significance of life and the ever-unfolding purpose of people, places, and events.

The process through which I directed the creation of Earth involved, at the core, the issue of faith and trust. All of us involved in creating Earth—Karen, Tera, and I—believe in and work with the invisibles, whomever they may be. Each of us is a unique individual agreeing to play with a new manual for life. During the process of pulling Earth together, we were each challenged to make a leap in faith in our own special field of limitation. Only later would we marvel at our own miracles.

It is no easy task to bring the Pleiadian channelings into written form. The P’s, as they speak through me, teach through humor, paradox, innuendo, contrast, compassion, and a masterful use of confounding statements and ideas. They convey their energy and essence of intent so well in the spoken form. Our challenge was to take a vast array of information and technique and use it as the foundation of the Living Library teachings—as a book in concrete form—when not much of what the Pleiadians teach is concrete.

Fortunately, the format for this book was clear from the start. It was to contain twelve chapters and would be de- signed to deliver the reader deeper into the experience of the “influence of twelve.” The Pleiadians maintained that we were bound within twelve, so to discover more, we could use the binding itself to evolve. The main body of informa- tion was to come from thirteen sessions delivered in 1991 and 1992. Five channelings were from trips abroad to sacred sites in Mexico, Egypt, Greece, and two visits to Bali; and eight from specific three-hour sessions offered around the USA.

At times, if I stopped to logically think about doing this book, I would feel overwhelmed with the enormity of the material. However, I had accomplished so very many things without the slightest knowledge as to what I was about, that now, this faith in the process of not knowing sustains me! It is so much easier to live this way. This faith, held by Karen and Tera as well, and a belief in my commitment to bring the book into form, kept me going. The P’s, of course, were at the helm, guiding and intriguing the entire free-will process, notching their subtle signature on life’s events—dignified, understated, and always there.

Early on, I divined that this book, which was to be about the Living Library and still had no title, was indeed in exis- tence somewhere in the future. After all, I had committed to do it, so somewhere it was complete, on a shelf, waiting to be reviewed. My idea was to find that future edition and use it to create the original, now. The idea gave us great peace, and seemed a whole lot easier than facing the monumental stack of papers containing transcribed Pleiadian potpourri.

I always knew that once I had a cover for this Living Library story, the book would follow and the pages would fall into line. The cover was conceived of in due time by Peter Everly, while simultaneously the title was received by us— Earth: Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library. We were immensely impressed with both the cover and the title. Now it was up to us to put something behind it.

The remainder of the process involved a complex series of synchronistic layers, with time and life’s events adding a deeper richness to the unfolding story. We dove into the stacks of pages, and for months we were all immersed in another world where our primary intent and purpose was to create Earth. The book was coming together in our dreams, where night after night we all dreamt of its formation. I would write on my “to do” list: “Earth, create yourself,” and so it did!

As I continue to work with this material, I am challenged to further explore the invisible and examine the nooks and crannies of my beliefs. As invisible friends with a personality, the Pleiadians beckon me to experience an endlessly expand- ing picture of life. They present the neutrality of the force and web of existence, defining it as an expression of love—the essence of existence for all to use—conscious and uncondi- tionally available as eternal fuel to create anything desired. It was from this force that we created Earth.

I oftentimes feel as if I’m here as an observer when my galactic self peers in and perceives Earth life with much less attachment than I. This view is expansive, and I “know” in those moments that I am here to experience and affect the great shift, as it is referred to by my galactic consciousness.

We each create a different world for ourselves, of this I am keenly aware. However, the subtlety with which this knowledge intersects life can hardly be recognized, let alone awarded its own acclaim. My life choice has been to safari to the undetected and hidden mysteries, to gather some sort of meaning for myself, and ultimately to gather a reason for being.

Life for me is a series of chapters, and it is no great task to picture myself the heroine of my own novel, vaulting from episode to adventure, crisscrossing worlds both inner and outer. With each segment of life I assign meaning, and like a history book with eras and epochs, each phase is recognized for its seemingly sequential happenings in grand procession, offering a unique sense of order and purpose. It was never a great stretch to accept that life and all its component parts had great meaning. For me, everything that we were told to attach great meaning to seemed so meaningless—that the opposite just had to be true!

My personal reflection on the material is this: Don’t kid yourselves—not one of us knows anything for sure! Every- thing can be true and probably is, because as you think, so shall it be!

Love, clear intent, and a sense of humor are powerful ingredients. Coupled with reverence, compassion, and inspi- ration, they can make all the difference. May this work serve to further your own freedom. Blessings!

Barbara J. Marciniak
Raleigh, NC
19 September 1994
Full Moon in Pisces

Karen Marciniak

On January 11th of 1994, with the new moon in Cap- ricorn, Barbara, Tera, and I signed the contract and com- mitted to writing this book. I fluctuated between a state of excitement and one of despair. I thought to myself, “This book is something I really want to contribute to. How will I find the time to immerse myself in this project and juggle all the pieces of my already-very-busy world?”

A month before we started Earth, my husband and I ended our twenty-two-year marriage/partnership. We sold the home we owned, and my seven-year-old daughter, Laurel, and I moved into a rented house. I was busy unpack- ing, keeping business at Bold Connections moving along, processing orders, answering mail, and feeling I had to do it all at the expense of free time for myself. Many times I seriously doubted whether I could be part of this book process, and I found myself in a panic, visualizing all the slices of reality I would be dealing with in the first six months of 1994, knowing full well the book would command a large slice.

Finally, I realized that if I didn’t participate, a major prob- ability for growth and change would pass me by. I forced myself to come face to face with one of my biggest issues: control. Control was behind the challenge of my never hav- ing enough time. I saw with clarity how control had limited me in so many areas of my life, and I decided the only thing I could do was surrender, give up control, get some help with the day-to-day stuff, and trust!

Trust. The whole book was a process of trust. Early on, when the three of us were overwhelmed by all the material Tera had transcribed, when we didn’t know where to start to make sense of all the mounds of paper, we did know enough to trust. Barbara, Tera, and I had formed a bond, a triangle of energy, and worked as a team in producing The Pleiadian Times and other projects. We had mastered the art of accept- ing constructive criticism from each other, putting egos and hurt feelings aside, and knowing we were never victims. This allowed us to go a long way in what we were able to accom- plish. We trusted that when our energies worked together in harmony and clear intention we could do anything we set our minds to.

Over and over again we visualized pulling the book from the future into the now. We had the cover painting by Peter Everly long before we had the completed material to go inside that cover! The painting magnetized and mesmer- ized us. We were drawn into that reality time and time again. I cried the first time I was able to really stare into it—it felt like the P’s were beaming the book information through the painting. Oh, those foxy Pleiadians, they were at it again!

Today, as I sit on my back deck writing, with the book process behind us, feeling the rays of a mellow Carolina September sun, my mind wanders down some of the avenues of reality that I have created for myself. I sit here and smile, recalling events that helped to land me in this particular now, being ever thankful that I was magnetized years ago to the words “thought creates.”

Back in the late 1970s, Jane Roberts and the Seth mate- rial were a guiding force for Barbara and me. In those days, I was living in Rochester, New York, and Barbara was in Los Angeles. I was settled down with a husband and a job and lived in a beautiful old Dutch Colonial home with a yard that I had turned into my own Living Library. Barbara, on the other hand, was your typical free spirit of the times, always in search of something new to expand her perspective, mov- ing often, and absorbing the new thought that California and the world had to offer.

One year for my birthday, Barbara sent me two books with a card saying something like, “There is so much thought-provoking information out now, I can’t read it all myself. You check out these two books and let me know if they’re worth getting into.” The two books turned out to be The Seth Material and Seth Speaks by Jane Roberts. Reading these books was a definite wake-up call from the universe!

We spent the next few years reading and absorbing all the available Seth material. We reread it, highlighted it, talk- ed about it, and attempted to live it. I flash back to those days and realize how I immersed myself in the realities of Jane Roberts and Rob Butts as I read page after page. I would pic- ture their realities so very clearly. I would agonize over the slow and meticulous note-taking and transcription that Rob challenged himself with—if only he would work faster then maybe we would get the next book quicker! I pictured Jane with her stacks of unanswered mail and felt her total frustra- tion at never being caught up. Looking back today, I can feel the force that guided me back then to take note of everything they did. Now, as I run the business of Bold Connections and look at the stacks of unanswered mail—the requests for a new Pleiadian book!—I find myself in a situation similar to theirs of the 1970s, with some of the same joys and challenges to deal with.

It was in April of 1988 that Barbara took a trip to Egypt and Greece, laying the foundation for the Pleiadians to enter her reality. I was now living in Raleigh, North Carolina, and the foundation for my new home was being created at the same time, a home that for five years the Pleiadians used as a classroom to impart wisdom, make us laugh, scold us, play with our heads, and teach us about ourselves.

When Barbara returned from her Egypt/Greece adven- ture, she called me from Boston and said, “Guess what?” I said, “You started channeling.” She said, “How did you know?” We always knew. It wasn’t something we talked about very often; however, there was a deep unspoken knowing between us that we would be involved in some sort of psychic adventure some day. We had a staunch loyalty to each other; on some level we knew that we came into this reality as female siblings to anchor in a new paradigm of thought, and that we couldn’t do it without the love and sup- port of each other.

I was eager to meet Barbara’s new friends who called themselves the Pleiadians. We still didn’t know how we felt about them. I mean, Barbara was expecting a nice, proper discarnate like Seth, and what did she get? Extraterrestrials! I remember that first time Barbara came to my home and called in the Pleiadians. Their voice was very weak and hard to understand, and I had to strain to hear the words. They gave me some information about who they were and why they were working with us. They told me they were going to call me Moley because I was like a mole who liked to keep her head underground and stay out of the limelight. However, they said, the time was now for me to embrace and live all these ideas that I had been collecting and playing with, that my life would change in profound ways, nothing would be the same. “Interesting,” I thought, as I sat there in my comfy home with a husband I loved, a job I was satisfied with, my two-year-old daughter asleep down the hall. I felt so safe and secure; I had no idea what kind of changes they were talking about!

Well, six years later, my life certainly has changed, and not necessarily in all the ways I would have imagined. If I could have envisioned the future back then, I know I would have been too chicken to go forward with it. So, I give great thanks to the P’s for all their love and guidance—even the times I didn’t think it was love and guidance—and for their persistence in always pushing me to the next level of chal- lenge. I thank Barbara for her love, support, and loyalty, for her dedication to this work and for her penchant for liv- ing the Pleiadian teachings and making it look easy. And a thank you to Tera for being a friend that I trust and grow with, a fellow Sagittarian that I can relate to, and a great editor. A special thanks to my daughter, Laurel, who from a very young age was able to integrate watching her Aunt Barbara—or “Cioci” as she calls her—tune into the P’s every other week at our home, and for allowing me to travel with Barbara and the P’s free of guilt for not always being there; for taking her parents’ opposing views of reality, and merg- ing them in her world and finding a unique balance.

As I reflect in this moment, I can truly say I am in a peaceful and harmonious state of being. Trusting myself and knowing I create every aspect of my reality in order to teach myself the lessons I need to experience has given me a great freedom. As September comes to a close and as the splendor of autumn ever so gently unfolds its magic upon this land that is called “The Triangle,” I find myself purchasing my own home, taking back my maiden name, and giving up the nickname Moley. I look forward with joy and excitement to the next segment of reality that I find myself playing in.

Karen J. Marciniak

Raleigh, NC

Tera Thomas

I have known Barbara and Karen since Barbara began channeling in 1988. We have worked together, played togeth- er, laughed, cried, fought, and developed a deep level of trust with each other. Starting The Pleiadian Times newsletter in the spring of 1993 solidified and deepened the relation- ship between the three of us. We are all strong, opinionated women who have learned how to merge our power to work with spirit, to support each other, and to create something greater than the sum of its parts. So, when Barbara proposed that the three of us work on Earth together, I was excited.

Working with the Pleiadians is not the same as working with other channeled information. Rather than a lecture on any given topic, the teachings don’t come in a specific order, and some of them are confusing or contradictory—they’re meant to be. Those of us who work with them regularly know that the P’s rarely hand us something on a silver plat- ter, because they want us to learn to use their teachings in our lives, and to learn to trust ourselves in the process. So, the Pleiadians do not sit down and dictate a book. Working on a book with them is the same as going to one of their work- shops. You have to dig inside yourself to pull the information into 3D and into your life.

Having worked on Bringers of the Dawn, I knew the pro- cess of pulling a Pleiadian book together. First, selected tapes are transcribed, then the information is divided into spe- cific categories, i.e.: “DNA,” “Reptiles,” “Blood,” “The Game Masters.” This creates pages of information bundled together in neat little Pendaflex files. The next step is weaving all the pieces of information together to form chapters that make a coherent story in rough form.

When Barbara, Karen, and I work together, we always begin with a small ceremony to solidify our energy and let the P’s know we’re ready to work. We state our intentions, then ring the Tibetan bells twelve times, once for each chakra.

After that, we’re ready to begin working in “no sense,” letting spirit guide us.

Our portable file was chock full. The number of catego- ries we had, and the number of pages in each, looked intimi- dating. We knew there would be twelve chapters, so we got out blank astrology wheels and labeled each house as a chap- ter. Then we began calling off the names of the categories and slipping them into houses that seemed to fit. We decided that each of us would take four houses, or four chapters, and pull the information together. We each chose a color and colored in our charts. We now had a rough blueprint to weave the information together. When Karen’s seven-year-old daugh- ter, Laurel, came home from school, we held up our colored charts and asked her what she thought they were. Without hesitation she said, “It’s the book.” Well, someone had faith!

Organizing the various bits of information into chapters required a big letting go of control and a profound trust in the process. Of course, in the beginning, we each attempted to do it the old way, by reading and absorbing each and every word on the many typewritten pages and making some sort of sense out of it all. That didn’t work well with Pleiadian material. We started getting fuzzy and confused and nothing made sense anymore.

Fortunately, Peter Everly’s painting for the cover arrived and gave us all a focus. That painting led us in a way I can’t even fathom. I just know that each time I was attempting to control the process, I’d take a deep breath, look at the painting, and I’d be right back where I needed to be—in “no sense”— knowing that the book really did exist in the future, and all I needed to do was trust in that and let the informa- tion organize itself.

After we had each pulled together our initial four chap- ters in rough form, we began exchanging chapters to smooth, reorganize, and fill in the gaps. My chapters went to Karen, Karen’s chapters went to Barbara, and Barbara’s went to me. We did this dance of shuffling chapters over and over again so we each had our input in every chapter. When we got stuck or confused, Barbara Clow guided us back on track. Miraculously, or so it seemed, Earth was born.

The Pleiadians constantly talk about effortlessness. If something is not effortless, you’re on the wrong track. Working with their material is effortless; however, that doesn’t mean no work is involved. The effortless part is that if you trust, take one step at a time, and don’t ask how or why, everything will come together. It still involves a lot of energy, a lot of concentration, and a lot of 3D hustle. You don’t get to make intentions and sit back and watch them happen; someone has to do the physical work. And, I can tell you, Barbara, Karen, and I worked hard.

I learned a lot working on Earth. Of course, I got to see a lot of my old patterns come to the surface: wanting to control the work instead of letting go, feeling I needed to work really hard and wear myself out or I wouldn’t be appreciated, worrying about deadlines and how it could all possibly get done. I made work a burden for myself, subscribing to that old belief that if it’s not difficult, it’s not good. It’s interest- ing how clear your issues become when you’re working in relationship with others. On your own, they’re ingrained pat- terns, part of who you are. When you’re in a relationship, it’s as if there’s a mirror held up in front of you saying, “Look at this!” I was able to recognize my pattern of burden and let go of it. Phew, it felt good!

I also learned a new and deeper way to work as a team, and gained a deeper respect and love for Barbara and Karen, and for myself. We were able to solidify our energies so that we could work as a unit, bringing into play all our strengths without competing with each other or overshadowing each other. And I can see that it’s our relationship that created this book. Yes, it was all the physical things we did, the intentions we made, the bells we rang, Peter’s art, but those things alone would not have created Earth. It was the deep bond between Barbara, Karen, and me, the love we share between ourselves and the Pleiadians, and the combining of our energies with a profound trust in the process.

I’m now understanding how this level of respect and trust and love can be brought into every area of my life. And, I have a profound thankfulness for the teachings I received while working on Earth, for the relationships I have devel- oped with the Pleiadians, with the non-physical realm, with Barbara and Karen, with my family and friends, and most particularly, with myself.

Tera Thomas Pittsboro, NC