圣光回归 - 第四章
2005 年首次由Green Willow Publications of Candler, NC 28715, USA出版
作者 埃洛拉· 加百列
在许多书中,简介都只是被大家简单的浏览一下或完全跳过。 然而,我们希望您能花时间阅读这几页。 否则,当您继续阅读文本本身时,您会发现自己有许多疑惑。 另外,请注意本书末尾有一个术语表,如果您遇到不熟悉的术语,这将会有所帮助。
本书由四人编写:Elora Gabriel、Karen Kirschbaum、Shakura Rei 和 Marjorie Bair。 Karen是一个水晶般纯净无暇的管道,她传递了这些页面中记录的所有信息。 正是她作为管道的卓越能力使这项工作成为可能。 我通常(尽管并非总是)是提出问题的人。 我还写了一个简短的叙述来介绍每一章; 在某些地方,我的评论被插入到章节正文中。 Shakura提出了许多问题并帮助出版了这本书。 Marjorie担任这本书的顾问编辑,经常提出自己富有洞察力的问题,并慷慨地分享她在出版领域的专业知识。
本节提到了恢复造物的两个非常重要的组成部分:万能能量和光战士。 详细信息包含在后面的章节中; 请参阅术语表以了解相关概念的简明释义。
This section mentions two very important components of the restoration of Creation: the Omniversal Energy and the Light Warriors. Details are included in later chapters; please consult the Glossary for short definitions.
第 1 部分 — 造物主遗失的信仰
Part 1: The Loss of Faith in the Creator
埃洛拉:赫鲁,我们今天将谈论的是一个令人不悦的话题。 前几天通灵之后,当我思考的时候,我的情绪开始沸腾。 首先,当我想到由于黑暗的入侵而发生的所有痛苦时,我感到强烈的悲伤,特别是因为它是无用且无目的的,而不是某个更大计划的一部分。 然后,对造物主的深深的愤怒油然而生,我怒斥造物主,而其背后是一种强烈而深刻的被背叛和被遗弃感。 我确信这些感觉有非理性的成分。 尽管如此,我还是要与你分享我的心路历程,因为我相信地球上和所有堕落宇宙中的几乎所有人类都有类似的情绪,无论有意识还是无意识的。
Elora: Heru, our topic for today is not a pleasant one. After the channeling we did a few days ago, as I was mulling it over, my emotions began to boil. First I felt intense grief as I considered all the suffering that has occurred due to the invasion of darkness, particularly because it was useless and purposeless, not part of some greater plan. Then, deep anger and rage at the Creator came up, underlain by a profound sense of betrayal and abandonment. I'm sure these feelings have an irrational component. Nevertheless I'm going to share the track of my emotions with you, because I'm convinced that almost all Humans on Earth and in all of the Fallen Universes have similar emotions, consciously or not.
Heru: They do.
埃洛拉:首先,我们在这里处理问题所耗费的时间是惊人的。 你说最初的黑暗入侵发生在大约13亿年前,而我们的宇宙大约在距今9亿年前被入侵。
Elora: First of all, the amount of time that we're dealing with here is staggering. You said that the original invasion happened about 1.3 billion years ago, and that our Universe was invaded about 900 million years ago.
Heru: That is correct.
埃洛拉:然后我开始思考有多少个宇宙已经确定陨落了。 如果宇宙的数量有数万个,那么我们就假设有四万个吧。 如果如你所说,其中约百分之六的宇宙堕落或陷入困境,那么我们就有 2400 个黑暗宇宙! 我觉得 10 亿年和 2400 个黑暗宇宙这两个数字背后的含义,无论从数量的多少上还是时间的长度上都实在是夸张离谱的令人发指!!!!
Elora: Then I started thinking about the number of universes that must have fallen. If the universes number in the tens of thousands, let's say just for example that there are 40,000 of them. If six percent are fallen or embattled, as you have said, then we have 2400 Dark Universes! And I feel that a billion years and 2400 Dark Universes is just way, way too much, and way, way, way too long.
Heru: I agree.
埃洛拉:我觉得用蜘蛛咬人手臂来比喻并不恰当。 那是个体因感染而失去整只手臂并最终导致死亡。 而事实上,对我来说,造物们更像一个被强奸的美丽女子。 也许强奸只发生在占她身体的百分之六阴道中,但这件事影响的是她的整个身心灵,这绝不是一件小事。
Elora: This is not like a spider bite on a person's arm. It's like losing a whole hand to infection and death. In fact, it feels almost to me as if this Creation is like a beautiful woman who has been raped. Maybe the rape only took place in her vagina, in six percent of her body, but it affects the whole, and it's not a small thing.
Heru: That is a good analogy.
埃洛拉:当我开始想到由于黑暗被允许蔓延而造成的痛苦和破坏,并且在如此长的一段时间内没有得到处理时,我内心涌起一种巨大的感觉,“后悔这样的马后炮是苍白而无力的!”。对于那些处于最高维度层面的存有来说,他们对自己没有早点采取行动感到抱歉,但这种抱歉对于无数经历了数以百万世苦难的存有来说,对于那些实际上已经被毁灭、已经不复存在的存有来说,简直轻如鸿毛!对于那些存有来说,救援来得太晚了。 他们已经永远消失了。
Elora: When I began to think of the amount of suffering and devastation that has occurred because darkness was allowed to spread, and wasn't dealt with for such an incredibly long time, a tremendous feeling welled up in me that said, "Regret isn't enough." For those on the highest level to say they're sorry they didn't act sooner is just not enough to balance the weight of the countless numbers of Beings who went through not just many lifetimes of suffering, but millions of such lifetimes. It's also not enough for those Beings who have actually been destroyed, who have ceased to exist. For them, the rescue has come too late. They are gone forever.
Heru: That is true.
埃洛拉:我觉得这个宇宙中所有生命都坚信造物主是慈爱的、造物主是公正的、造物主是仁慈的。 但事实上,那些堕落宇宙的生命却发现,当黑暗入侵的时候,神并没有行动。 上帝没有保护无辜者。 上帝并没有阻止黑暗势力对世界、星系和宇宙的掠夺和破坏。 就像一个胆怯或瘫痪的丈夫一样,当我们不仅为自己的生存而战,而且为了帮助宇宙整体而牺牲自己时,上帝袖手旁观,允许他的造物被强暴,而它只在那里袖手旁观!什么也不做。终于,上帝开始行动了,我们都很感激,但我们依然感觉实际的帮助太少了,也太晚了。 是的,我们需要帮助,而且我们在大约十亿年前就需要它了!
Elora: I feel that hardwired into all life in this universe is the belief that Creator is loving, Creator is just, Creator is merciful. But in fact, those Beings in the Fallen Universes found that when darkness invaded, God did not act. God did not protect the innocent. God did not stop the rape, the devastation, of worlds and galaxies and universes. Like a husband who is cowardly or paralyzed, God stood by and allowed His Creation to be raped, stood by and watched and did nothing, when we were fighting not only for our own existence but sacrificing ourselves to help the whole. God is finally acting and we are all grateful, but it feels like too little, too late. Yes, we need help, but we needed it about a billion years ago!
Heru: Yes.
Elora: At this point Heru, I feel a need to ask: Do you trust God, the Prime Creator?
赫鲁:我相信最初造物主的意图。 我并不总是认为最初造物主能够完全触及所有造物并影响那里所需的改变。 正如我最近试图在你们的第三维度世界中显化而无法做到一样,最初造物主也曾尝试过处理这个问题,但直到现在,它还无法处理好它。 [Elora:但你绝对完全相信最初造物主的意图?) 是的。
Heru: I trust the intentions. I do not always feel that the Prime Creator can totally reach into the Creation and effect the change that is needed. Just as I recently tried to manifest in your third dimensional world and was unable to, Prime Creator has attempted to deal with this but has been, up until now, unable to deal with it. [Elora: But you do absolutely and totally trust the intentions of Creator?) Yes.
埃洛拉:我意识到我在很大程度上不再相信造物主了。 我的感觉就像生活在一个家庭里的孩子,然后有一个入侵者闯入了我的家,强奸、折磨和杀害了我的兄弟姐妹,而在这个过程中,我的父母只是待在房子的顶楼,什么也没做。我如何才能再次相信这样的父母呢?
Elora: I realized that there's a large part of me that no longer has that trust. I feel like a child in a household where an invader broke in and raped, tortured, and killed the children, while the parents stayed on the top floor of the house and didn't do anything. How could I ever trust my parents again?
然后一种可能比愤怒还更糟糕的感觉出现了。 这就是被神背叛、抛弃的感觉。 我知道我是五亿年前被派到这里来帮助堕落宇宙的光之工作者群体的一员。 再打个比方,我感觉自己就像是我国政府派往一个黑暗而危险的地方的特别工作组的成员。 我们是由我们的国家派来的,我们被派来的任务和承诺是,“建立一个基地——增援部队很快就会到来。” 赫鲁,我说错了吗? 我发自内心的认为当初这个句话被许诺给了我们这些自愿在黑暗宇宙工作的每一位光之工作者。
Then a feeling came that is perhaps even worse than the anger. And that is the sense of being betrayed and abandoned by God. I know that I was part of the group of Light Workers which were sent here 500 million years ago to help the Fallen Universes. To use yet another analogy, I feel like a member of a special task force that is sent by my government to a dark and dangerous place. We are sent by our Country, and we are sent with the mandate and the promise, "Establish a base - reinforcements will follow, very soon." Heru, am I wrong? I feel in my bones that this was said to those of us who volunteered to work in the Dark Universes.
Heru: It was, and the help was not able to come through.
埃洛拉:所以我们就这样出发了。 我们不断地遭受苦难与死亡,被敌人里三层外三层的团团包围。 但没有任何援助到来。 我们发出求救的电报和信息、并大声呼救。 但依然没有任何援助。 直到现在。 但现在,作为一支队伍,我们早已伤痕累累,而且我们中的很多人甚至都没能坚持到这一天。
Elora: So we went out. We suffered, we died, we have been ringed about with enemies all around. But no help arrived. We sent telegrams, we sent messages, we cried out for help. But no help came. Not until now. But by now, as a force we are in rags and tatters and a lot of us didn't even make it to this point.
Heru: This is true.
Elora: The sense of abandonment that I feel around this is so profound that it feels as if every cell in my body could weep for a thousand years.
无论如何,为了结束这篇情感长篇大论,我回到被强奸的女子的比喻。 她的丈夫最终采取了行动,肇事者丢进了监狱,而女人的身体伤口也痊愈了。 可是她的情感上的伤痕又该如何愈合呢? 她的灵魂深处仍然承载着,不是一种创伤,而是两种创伤。 首先是强奸造成的创伤,其次是她的丈夫允许这件事发生的事实造成的创伤,在未来很长一段时间内,对她来说,这都将是永恒的可怕创伤。
In any case , to conclude this tirade of emotion, I return to the metaphor of the woman who gets raped. The Husband finally acts, the perpetrator is carried off to jail, and the woman is healed of her physical wounds. But what about her emotional scars? She still carries, imbedded in her soul substance, not one trauma but two. First, the trauma of the rape, and secondly, the trauma of the fact that her Husband allowed it to happen, for a long stretch of time that, for her, was an eternity of horror.
Heru: Yes.
埃洛拉:所以现在造物主终于开始行动,驱逐黑暗入侵者了。 这是一个非常欢乐的时刻。 但是,当我们这些遭受了这一事件影响的人开始抬起头并再次看到光明时,我们的感激之情中夹杂着我刚才描述的痛苦情绪。 所以我觉得即将发生的疗愈也必须发生在这个造物大家庭内部,发生在造物主与造物之间。 现在,我们有无数的存有在某种程度上已经不再相信上帝。 这种信任将如何恢复?
Elora: So now the Creator is finally acting to expel the dark invaders. This is a time of great joy. But, as we who have suffered the effects of this event begin to raise our heads and to see the Light again, mixed with our gratitude are the painful emotions that I've just described. So I feel that the healing which will take place must also occur within the family of this Creation itself, between Creator and creatures. We have uncountable numbers of Beings now who have ceased, on some level and to some degree, to trust God. How will this trust be restored?
赫鲁:我不知道我是否有这个问题的答案。 这些都是深刻而令人深感悲痛的问题。 我有点左右为难,我参与了宇宙的创造。 我看着他们倒下,却在某种程度上无力阻止或纠正这种情况。 我甚至不知道该如何开始解决大家的这些悲伤和失落为好。
Heru: I don't know that I have the answers to this. These are profound and deeply sorrowful questions. And I am sort of in the middle, where I have participated in the creation of the universes. I have watched them fall, and have been to some degree powerless to prevent or correct that. I don't even know how to begin to address the sorrow and the loss.
埃洛拉:我知道,当我对某人感到愤怒时,如果我能够站在那个人的立场上去感受,这种愤怒就会立即消失。 或许,如果我们这些造物中的存有能够真正理解造物主在入侵发生时所经历的事情,那么我们就可以原谅这段漫长时光的流逝和其中所发生的难以形容的可怕经历。
Elora: I know that when I feel anger at someone, that anger immediately evaporates when I can stand in that person's shoes. Perhaps if we, the creatures in this Creation, could truly grasp what the Creator went through when the invasion occurred, then we could forgive this great lapse of time and the unspeakable horrors that have happened.
赫鲁:是的。 我建议你们尝试直接与最初造物主沟通,让凯伦引导造物主。 并直接将你们向我表达表达的内容表达给造物主。
Heru: Yes. I would suggest attempting a direct communication, having Karen channel the Creator. And express what you have expressed to me, directly.
Elora: Can you add anything else?
赫鲁:我会告诉你,所有的扬升大师都感受到了与你所表达的类似的情绪。 如果你看看约书亚(耶稣)的一生,你会发现他很好地体现了我们所有人试图改变黑暗现实的努力,以及这种改变是如何被破坏和扭曲的。 [埃洛拉:你是在谈论他的生活,还是他的传授的教导发生的情况?] 我说的是他传授的教导和他在受难时发生的事情。 随着这个世界进一步陷入黑暗,扬升大师任何公开的救援尝试都会遭遇相同的命运。
Heru: I would tell you that all of the Ascended Masters have felt similar emotions to what you have expressed. If you would look at the life of Jeshua [Jesus], he would be a pretty good manifestation of the attempt of all of us to effect change, and how that was ruined and distorted. [Elora: Are you speaking of his life, or what happened to his teachings?] Both his teachings and what happened to him, in the Crucifixion. As this world fell further into darkness, any attempt at a public ministry by an Ascended Master would meet with the same fate.
Part 2: The Prime Creator responds
凯伦和我采纳了赫鲁的建议,我们开始尝试进入我们称之为最初造物主的意识的某些方面。 在这里我必须承认,我一直对那些自称可以和“上帝”通灵的人抱有极大的怀疑。 事实上,在我这一生所有的内在探索旅途中,我从未遇到过任何可以称之为上帝的存有或意识。 然而,当凯伦和我按照赫鲁的建议召唤这个造物的最初造物主时,确实有一种来自有意识存有的回应,它既强大又温柔。 我仍然不知道我们的最初造物主是否是终极的上帝,是否在它以外还有别的上帝存有存在。 然而,我确实觉得我们与最初造物主意识的某个方面进行了交流。 最初造物主的能量是如此的强烈,以至于有时所它传达的话语必须极其简单易懂。 我希望下面我们与它的谈话内容,能够传达出那些时刻充满整个房间的深刻的力量和爱。
Karen and I took Heru's advice, and we set out in an attempt to access some aspect of the consciousness of that being whom we call Creator. I must confess here that I have always felt extremely skeptical of those who profess to channel "God". In fact, in a lifetime of travels on the inner planes, I had never encountered any being or consciousness whom I could call God. However, when Karen and I called in the Prime Creator of this Creation at Heru's suggestion, there was indeed a response from a Consciousness which was both awesomely powerful and tenderly loving. I still do not know if our Prime Creator is the ultimate God beyond which there is no other. I do feel that we communicated with an aspect of the Consciousness of the Creator, however. The energy was so intense that the words coming through were sometimes, of necessity, extremely simple. I wish that these words could convey the profound power and love which filled the room during those moments.
埃洛拉:向你问好,最初造物主。 我们拜访你是希望能够更好地了解你,并修复我们与你的关系。 我们知道你是创造我们所生活的这个造物宇宙的那一位存有。请问这样说正确吗?
Elora: Greetings to you, Creator. We have called on you in hopes that we can understand you better, and to heal our relationships with you. We understand that you are the One who created this Creation that we live in. Is this correct?
最初造物主:是的。 [埃洛拉:你是一个独立存在的存有,还是你是集体意识的表达,是创造这个造物的群体或委员会的表达?] 我是独立存在的。 [埃洛拉:你有性别吗?] 没有。
Prime Creator: Yes. [Elora: Are you a singular Being, or are you an expression of group mind, an expression of a group or Council which created this Creation?] I am One. [Elora: Do you have gender?] No.
Elora: Are there Creations created by Gods other than yourself?
Prime Creator: It appears to me that there are but I do not interface with them.
Elora: Would you please describe to us something of the vision that you held when you created this particular Creation?
最初造物主:我创造了许多造物,这是我迄今为止创造的最美丽的造物。 在很大程度上它是成功的。 我知道你们在这一堕落宇宙的这颗行星上承受的痛苦和困扰。 今天我想与你们一起讨论一下这个问题。
Prime Creator: I have created many Creations, and this was to be my most beautiful Creation yet to date. In large part it is successful. I am aware of your pain and concern in this part of the Fallen Universes. I would like to discuss that today.
埃洛拉:谢谢你,我们也非常乐意对这个问题进行探讨。 你对黑暗的最初攻击有何感受或感知?
Elora: Thank you, we would as well. How did you feel or perceive the initial attack of darkness?
最初造物主:黑暗最一开始在我们这个宇宙造物造成的伤害其实很小,就像踩在钉子上一样; 或者类是被针刺或被蜜蜂蜇伤,诸如此类的东西。 最初的疼痛并没有那么严重。 然而,随后有一种毒液从那个伤口开始流入,起初这种毒液扩散的非常迅速,同时也非常隐蔽——隐蔽到我没有立即察觉到它的扩散。 之后这个外来入侵者开始产卵并建立殖民地。 最初这一切的发生并没有显得如此具有伤害性。 当时它看起来还是很温和的,似乎并不会伤害这些造物宇宙,而且当时我觉得我的造物宇宙具有足够的包容性可以包容一切。
Prime Creator: It was actually fairly small initially, like stepping on a nail; or a pinprick or a bee sting, something of that nature. The initial pain was not that severe. However there was a venom that was inserted through that opening, which began to spread fairly subtly and rapidly - subtly enough that I did not perceive its spread immediately. This foreign invader began to lay eggs and set up colonies. And that did not appear extremely harmful at first. It seemed benign and it seemed that these Universes would not be harmed by it, for I felt there was room for all.
Elora: At that point, were you getting calls for help?
最初造物主:没有,因为这些黑暗存有在相当长的一段时间内没有表现出他们的真实意图。 他们在暴露他们的犯罪意图之前就已经在我们这站稳了脚跟。 至于它们是何时透露出犯罪意图的,让我们看看是否可以设定一些时间表。 我很难理解你的时间观,所以也许你可以通过提供一个你们时间观下的时间框架来帮助我们完成这个时间表。
Prime Creator: No, for these beings were not manifesting their true intent for quite a long period of time. They were well established before they revealed their criminal intent. Regarding when that intent was revealed, let us see if we can set some timelines. Your time is difficult for me to relate to, so perhaps you can help by giving a framework.
埃洛拉:赫鲁表示,最初的入侵发生在大约 13 亿年前。 一段时间过后,在某个时刻你意识到这些入侵者存在威胁性,而非是无辜且温和的?
Elora: Heru states that the initial invasion occurred about 1.3 billion years ago. To continue, at some point you realized there was a threat, and these invaders were not innocent?
最初造物主:是的。 这似乎发生在数亿年前,但不是数十亿年前。 因此,黑暗的腐蚀需要很长一段时间才能在造物主诸神、天使阶层、耶洛因(创世大天使阶层)和其他阶层中蔓延开来,几乎所有这些阶层在那时都已被黑暗感染。 在那段时间里,黑暗存有们将他们的犯罪意图秘密且严密地隐藏在在他们的内心里。 直到黑暗宇宙开始从黑暗中诞生,这种犯罪意图的完整性才变得清晰起来。 同样,那个时间可能是几亿年前,并没有十亿年前那么久远。
Prime Creator: Yes. It seems that this occurred hundreds of millions of years ago, but not billions. And so there would have been that long amount of time for the corruption to spread and to spread, amongst the Creator Gods, the Angelic Hierarchies, the Elohim, and the other hierarchies, almost all of which have been contaminated. During that time the Dark Beings were keeping within themselves, and very closely guarded, the secret of their criminal intent. The fullness of this criminal intent did not become clear until the Dark Universes began being born out of the darkness. Again, that time was perhaps several hundred million years ago, but not as much as a billion.
埃洛拉:光之工作者似乎在大约 5 亿年前首次被送入受黑暗污染的宇宙。 所以也许黑暗入侵的时间是在那之前不久。
Elora: It appears that the Light Workers were first sent into the contaminated Universes about 500 million years ago. So perhaps it was shortly before that.
最初造物主:是的,这很可能是正确的。 当时还不知道这些光明势力是否会占上风,也不知道它们的效果如何,因为大家和我从未遇到过这样的事情。 人们希望的援助力量这已经足够解决黑暗引发的问题了。在这个过程中,我的那些屈服于黑暗的造物存有们试图隐藏他们已被黑暗污染的事实。 因此整个救援过程都充满了混乱和拖延。 这些延误使得人们花费了本不应花费的更长的时间才清楚的认识到,当时光明势力开展的那些类型的工作并不足以解决黑暗造成的问题。
Prime Creator: Yes, that is most likely correct. At that time it was not known whether these Light Forces would prevail or how effective they could be, for we had and I had never encountered anything like this. There was hope that this would be enough. And all along the way, those of my Creation who had succumbed attempted to hide their contamination. Therefore throughout this whole process was obfuscation and delay. These delays made it take longer than it should have for it to become apparent that the efforts of the Light Forces were not enough.
Elora: Were the dark and contaminated Universes sealed off at this points so they could not infect others?
最初造物主:当时的我没有能做到这一点的机制。 这股入侵的黑暗力量在那时能够穿透我造物中的一切。 当时,这个造物宇宙中确实没有任何材料能够偏转、密封或容纳这种污染。 就在那时,我意识到我需要在这个造物宇宙之外创造一些新的东西,并开始创造一个新的造物。 这就是光之战士的来源。
Prime Creator: I had no mechanism with which to do so. This invading force was able to penetrate anything and everything in this Creation. There was really no material at that time in this Creation built in such a way that could deflect or seal or contain this contamination. It was at that point that I saw the need to create something outside of this Creation, and began to create a new Creation. And that is where the Warriors of Light have come from.
Elora: Why did this take so long?
最初造物主:黑暗势力正式登场和频率栅栏(黑暗势力的帷幕技术)的建立发生在距你们目前大约五亿年前的时候。 相对于这个造物宇宙的周期而言,这其实是一个相对较短的时间,尽管对你们来说这一时间跨度是如此难以置信的漫长。 话虽如此,创造光战士的最大困难在于我需要创造一种全新的物质来创造他们。 造物的外形、个性、天赋——所有这些——基本上可以遵循已经建立的模型。 但要创造出全新的东西、新的物质,需要很多时间。
Prime Creator: The declaration of the Dark and the erection of the Frequency Fence happened about 500 million years ago in your time. In the age of this particular Creation this is a relatively short time period, though it would seem incredibly vast to you. That being said, the greatest difficulty in bringing forth the Light Warriors was in creating an entirely new substance with which to create. Creating the forms, the personalities, the talents - all of that - basically followed the patterns that had already been established. But to create something wholly new, a new substance, takes a lot of time.
Elora: Why did you not send help to the Light Beings who went into the Dark Universes, as promised?
最初造物主:事实上救援已送出,但被当时的黑暗势力击败了。 [这句话之后最初造物主陷入了由这场悲剧引起的死寂与沉默中许久。]事实上,我不仅未能将黑暗势力同其他造物隔离开来,反而还被黑暗势力切断了与我的造物援军的联系。也因此他们中的很多人牺牲了。
Prime Creator: Help was sent, and it was defeated. [This statement seemed to be followed by a deafening silence, as the tragedy of it sank in.] In fact, instead of my sealing off the invaders, the invaders sealed me off from this part of the Creation. And many have been lost.
Elora: Is all the infection more or less located within a certain area of the Creation?
最初造物主:是的。 [埃洛拉:黑暗目前还在传播吗?] 就目前而言,没有了,但这一切都是因为有光战士的缘故。
Prime Creator: Yes. [Elora: Is it still spreading?] At this point, no, but only because of the Light Warriors.
埃洛拉:我知道我们这些身处黑暗和堕落宇宙的人们的感受。 我们过去感到被你抛弃和背叛了。 我们当时并不明白你已经派出了救援力量。 你当时是怎样的一种感受?
Elora: I know how we felt, we who were in the Dark and Fallen Universes. We felt abandoned and betrayed by you. We didn't understand that you had sent help. How did you feel at that time?
最初造物主:我能感受到我的整个造物都在哭泣。你们所有人都是我的挚爱,根本没有言语能形容我在失去你们其中一部分人时的悲伤,因为我与你们所有人以及整个造物宇宙都是合一的。 这种感觉就像是整个造物宇宙被截肢了一般,而她就快要死了——她的一部分被截肢了,而她的整个人也已经濒临死亡。 因为所有的造物都受到了这次黑暗入侵的威胁。
Prime Creator: The whole of the Creation wept. There are no words to describe the grief at the loss of part of my beloved, for this whole Creation functions as one entity. And it was as if she were dying and amputated - that this part of her was amputated, and that the whole of her was going to die. For the whole Creation has been threatened by this invasion.
埃洛拉:这是一件可怕的事情。 但随后新的造物被创造了,你创造了光之战士。
Elora: It has been a terrible thing. But then the new Creation was created, and you made the Light Warriors.
最初造物主:是的。 [埃洛拉:你现在怎么看待发生的这一切?](最初造物主激情澎湃的说道)我创造了任何黑暗都无法对抗的存在。 我已经将黑暗与这个造物宇宙的其余部分隔离开来,并开始了伟大的战斗。 我自己对战争一无所知; 它不是我的一部分。 但在这些光之战士中,有一些伟大的队长,就在我们谈话的时候,他们正在展现他们的力量。 转眼之间,这个造物宇宙中的事物就会看起来大不相同。 然后疗愈就会开始。 那些由堕落者创造的宇宙将会被毁灭,因为它们是不可修正的; 它们不是建立在我的光的基本原则之上的。 [埃洛拉:入侵者会被消灭吗?] 是的。
Prime Creator: Yes. [Elora: How do you see things now?] (Strongly) I have created something that no darkness can resist. I have cordoned the darkness off from the rest of this Creation, and have begun the Great Battle. I myself know nothing of war; it is not a part of what I am. But amongst these Warriors of Light are great Captains who are in the process of uncloaking themselves as we speak. And in a twinkling of an eye, things in this Creation will look much different. Then the healing will begin. Those Universes that were created by the Fallen will be destroyed, for they are not reclaimable; they were not built upon my founding principles of Light. [Elora: And the Invaders will be destroyed?] Yes.
Elora: Will the Light Warriors destroy all the darkness in this Creation?
最初造物主:这些光战士不会被我造物宇宙的边界所束缚。 他们将寻找并触及到将黑暗传播到我们这儿的根源所在,并摧毁它。 [埃洛拉:一旦这个造物宇宙被清理完毕,你会保护它免受未来的一切攻击吗?] 是的,我将用光之战士环抱这个造物宇宙的一切。
Prime Creator: These Light Warriors will not stop at the perimeters of my Creation. They will reach out into the heart of what sent the Darkness here, and will destroy it. [Elora: Once this Creation is cleared, will you protect it from further attacks?] Yes, I will ring all of Creation with the Warriors of Light.
Elora: Have other Creations been threatened?
最初造物主:是的,确实如此。 第二次攻击发生在我的另一件作品上。 然而第二次攻击相比于这一次要小得多,而且要晚得多,所以我能够阻止它。 [埃洛拉:那么其他造物主创造的造物宇宙又怎么样了呢?] 这一点我无法评论。 [埃洛拉:你并不熟悉另外的那些造物宇宙吗?] 是的。
Prime Creator: Yes, indeed. There was a second attack, on another of my Creations. However it was much smaller and much later, and I was able to fend it off. [Elora: And how about those made by others?] I cannot say. [Elora: Those are too far distant for you?] Yes.
Elora: Do you know where the Dark Beings came from?
最初造物主:是的,但那是一个有点难以形容的地方。 没有言语能够表达。 它在这个造物宇宙之外。
Prime Creator: Yes, but it is somewhat of an indescribable place. There are no words. It is outside of this Creation.
Elora: How can the sense of abandonment and betrayal, that so many of us feel, be healed?
最初造物主:我想说,当你们的疗愈开始时,你的问题的答案就将不言自明。 当我消除了黑暗之后,疗愈就会开始,到那时我们间的信任就会被恢复。
Prime Creator: I would say that the proof is in the pudding. When I have eliminated the darkness, then the healing will begin. Then faith can be restored, and not until that time.
Elora: I realize my own anger at you was unfounded, and ask you to forgive me for that.
最初造物主:我的挚爱,是我需要请求你的原谅,因为我要为所发生的所有事情负责。 无法用言语来表达我对此的悲伤有多深。 [埃洛拉:我们作为人类很难认识到和理解到,即使是像你这样强大的存在也不是无所不知和无所不能,我们过去未能认识到即使对你来说这也是一个学习的过程。] 是的。
Prime Creator: My darling one, it is I who needs to ask your forgiveness, for it is I who am responsible for what occurred. There are no words to express the depth of my sorrow about this. [Elora: It is hard for us Humans to realize and understand that even a Being so powerful as yourself is not completely omniscient and omnipotent, to realize that even for you this is a learning process.] Yes.
埃洛拉:对我来说最困难的任务是拯救迷失的存有们。 有办法修正它们吗?
Elora: The hardest thing for me is the Beings who were lost. Will there ever be a way to reclaim them?
最初造物主:他们的神圣蓝图依旧完好无损,他们的阿卡西记录也同样完好无损。 [埃洛拉:但是他们原本的灵魂呢? 它会永远消失吗?]一旦黑暗被移除,我们就会看到这个问题的答案。 而目前,我尚不清楚具体的答案。
Prime Creator: Their blueprints are intact, their records are intact. [Elora: But their essence? Is it gone forever?] Once the darkness has been removed, we will see. It is not known yet.
通讯到这里就结束了,因为我哭了,凯伦也哭了,造物主似乎也哭了。 这个能量太过强大,她根本无法处理,所以我们结束了与最初造物主的这次通讯。
The communication ended at this point, because I was crying, as was Karen, and it seemed that Creator was weeping as well. The energy was also too strong for her to handle, so we released the connection.
[埃洛拉:]我在此解释一下这次与最初造物主通讯的最后部分关于迷失存有灵魂的是否会消失的问题:堕落宇宙中的某些存有受到了如此具有破坏性的攻击,因此唯一的解决办法就是让他们“融化”并返回源头。 打个比方,把一个金杯扔进一桶熔化的金子里。 金子本身仍然存在,但它所有个性都消失了。 这就是黑暗入侵造成的最终悲剧,因此许多伟大而美丽的存有都消失了。 然而,人们依然希望,即使是被黑暗破坏最深的存有们,最终也能重新回到最初造物主(本源)的怀抱。
[Elora:] To explain the last part of the communication: certain Beings within the Fallen Universes have been attacked in such a destructive way that the only recourse was for them to be "melted down" and returned to Source. An analogy would be a golden cup which is thrown into a vat of molten gold. The pure metal remains, but all individuation is lost. This has been the ultimate tragedy resulting from the Invasion of Darkness, for many great and beautiful Beings have been lost. It is hoped, however, that ultimately even they can be reclaimed.
一周后,我们再次与最初造物主交谈。 这次沟通比起第一次要顺畅了很多。
A week later, we spoke to the Creator again. The communication flowed more easily this time.
第3部分 — 造物之舞
Part 3 -The Dance of Creation
埃洛拉:最初造物主,感谢你今天再次与我们对话。 首先我们想知道,你能影响这个世界以及这里人们的生活中发生的变化吗?
Elora: Creator, thank you for coming to speak with us again today. We would like to know, first, can you affect change in this world, in people's lives here?
最初造物主:是的。 这是一个有趣的悖论。 我知道你们一直收到这样的信息:当人们开悟时,他们周围会被一种泡泡包围着,在这泡泡当中他们看到的只有光和爱。 在某种程度上,信仰和信念在其中发挥着重要作用。 [埃洛拉:当人们持有圣光的信仰时,你可以更容易地影响他们是吗?] 是的。
Prime Creator: Yes. It is an interesting paradox. I know you have been receiving information about the fact that when they become enlightened, people have a sort of bubble around themselves where all they see is love and light. To some degree, faith and belief playa big part in that. [Elora: When people have faith you can work more easily?] Yes.
埃洛拉:我对赫鲁告诉我的一些事情感到困惑。 他说,由于我们身处的是一个建立在自由意志之上的宇宙,要启用万能能量和光战士的必须经过申请并获得许可,然而送出这样的一份申请的请求却多次被否决,因此万能能量和光战士被启用的时间被大大推迟。 你真的是在等待这份请愿书的到来吗?如果是的话,为什么你在明知道堕落宇宙中真正的自由意志少的可怜的情况下,仍要等待这样一份请愿书的到来而不是直接启用万能能量和光战士进行干预呢?
Elora: I am puzzled by something that Heru told me. He said that since we are a Free Will Universe, the release of the Omniversal Energy and the Light Warriors had to be petitioned for, and it was voted down many times, therefore delaying the release greatly. Is it true that you were waiting on this petition to come to you - and if so why, since surely you are aware that Free Will in the Fallen Universes is a mockery?
最初造物主:也许我对于这件事的描述会与此非常不同。 我并不想说赫鲁的描述是错误的,但从我的角度来看,它有些不同。这其实是造物魔法中同步共时性的一次体现。 因为直到光战士被创造完成可以启用的前夕,要求干预的呼声才开始出现。 因此,尽管造物的这个部分已经支离破碎了——变得堕落、难以理喻、充满了分离与黑暗——但它仍然与我的血液、我的生命和我的光产生共鸣。 而在我完成光战士创造的同一时间出现的这要求干预的呼声就是你们与我同步共时性的证明。 我的挚爱,这应该会让你非常高兴。 因为这种同步共时性意味着你仍然属于我,你仍然是我的挚爱,我仍然与你一同共舞。
Prime Creator: That is perhaps not quite the way I would describe it. I don't want to say that Heru was incorrect, but from my perspective it was somewhat different. It is one of those synchronies that is the magic of this Creation. For the cry for intervention did not develop until the Light Warriors were ready to be released. Therefore as fragmented - as fallen, dense, separate, and dark as this sector of the Creation is - it still resonates with my blood, with my life, and with my light. And this is proof of it. And that, my dear, should make you very happy. For what that says is that you still belong to me, you are still my beloved, and I still dance with you.
Elora: There was not a unified cry for intervention before then?
最初造物主:这仿佛就像这个区域的存有能感觉到救援即将到来,他们能预感到它已经准备好了。 因此,随着救援的准备就绪,呼救的哭泣也随之而来。 这就是为什么我说这是同步发生的。
Prime Creator: It was as if the Beings in this sector could feel the help that was coming, they could smell it being ready. So as the readiness came, the cry also came. That is why I say it is a synchronous happening.
埃洛拉:即使在地球上,我们也有期待着这一次救援到来的预言。 我想知道,我们是怎么知道会有这样一场救援即将到来的呢?
Elora: Even on Earth, we have prophecies which have looked forward to this time. And I've wondered, how did we know?
最初造物主:确实如此。 正如你所知道的那样。 无论你们每个人都经历什么,但你们仍然与我保持着这种联系。
Prime Creator: Exactly. You knew. And you still have that connection with me, in spite of everything that has been done to each of you.
埃洛拉:我已经看到,在未来的某个时候,一股强大的能量脉冲将会从上帝宇宙中发出。 你能具体解释一下这是什么吗?
Elora: I have seen that a mighty pulse of energy is going to come out of the Godverse some time in the future. Could you explain exactly what this is?
最初造物主:这是上帝的呼吸。而我的呼吸具有强大的恢复能力,正如你可以想象的那样——它可用于疗愈、恢复和清理。 [埃洛拉:你会这样呼吸一次,还是多次呼吸直到造物痊愈?] 三次。 [埃洛拉:不知何故,当我听到这个消息时,我想哭。] 因为你知道这一点,因为你知道这三个呼吸会让你重回完整的灵魂蓝图。
Prime Creator: It is the Breath of God. My breath has great restorative powers, as you can imagine - for healing, for restoration, and for cleansing. [Elora: Will you breathe once in that way, or many times until healing is complete?] Three times. [Elora: Somehow I want to cry when I hear that.] Because you know this, and because you know that these three breaths will bring you complete wholeness.
埃洛拉:你说造物宇宙中堕落的部分与你的连接被切断了。 这是如何发生的? 黑暗势力是否通过在那些区域周围放置了频率栅栏,以使我们与你和造物的其余部分断开连接?
Elora: You said that the Fallen part of Creation was cut off from you. How did this occur? Have there been Frequency Fences placed all around the Fallen part of Creation so that we were disconnected from you and from the rest of Creation?
最初造物主:是的。 不过件事发生的前后过程与你刚刚的假设恰好相反。实际的过程是这样的。黑暗势力开始入侵,在入侵的初期它看起来是视乎并不严重,并快速传播到了许多个造物宇宙中。 在黑暗入侵者占领了足够的大的区域,让他们可以以这些区域为跳板来控制整个被他们入侵的造物宇宙以后,他们才建造了频率栅栏,用以切断该造物宇宙与外界的一切连接,并导致了其的堕落。 最后所有堕落的宇宙都被聚集在了这个频栅内。
Prime Creator: Yes. This occurred in the reverse order from what you may imagine. The invasion came. It appeared benign, and spread through a number of universes. Once the invaders had an area sufficient to give them a platform upon which to launch the takeover of this entire Creation, they then built the Frequency Fences, cut everything off, and caused the Universes to fall. All of the Fallen Universes are grouped together inside this Frequency Fence.
Elora: So the Fallen part of Creation became like a cancerous tumor, walled off from the rest of the body.
Prime Creator: Yes, but once it reached a certain mass or density or intensity, it would have exploded into the rest of Creation, just as a cancer would metastasize.
埃洛拉:我记得在Virqie/维尔奇宇宙,当然它是一个光之宇宙,我有一种与上帝连接的持续体验。 那时一种超越普通连接的体验,而是可以感觉到所有生命都是合一的,所有生命都流动并融合于一体的。 这就是我们被黑暗切断的连接的一部分吗,那种与整个造物宇宙连接的合一体验?
Elora: I remember from being in Virqie, which is of course a Light Universe, that there was a continual experience of being connected to God. It was more than being connected, it was that all life was One and all life flowed together. This is part of what was cut off, this Oneness with the Whole?
最初造物主:是的。Prime Creator: Yes.
埃洛拉:造物宇宙似乎有这样一个特点,即哪怕是在一切之上,最强大的存在(最初造物主),它自身似乎也无法影响造物宇宙中的现实显化的部分。 这是造物宇宙与生俱来的特点,还是仅仅是因为黑暗势力的隔离和封锁导致的结果?
Elora: It seems that there is a characteristic of this Creation, that the highest and most powerful Beings, paradoxically, cannot seem to affect the manifest part of Creation itself. Is that how this Creation is, or is it solely due to the separation and sealing off that has been done by the Dark Forces?
原初造物主:是后者。 在未堕落的造物宇宙中,我与其中的一切都是合一的。
Prime Creator: The latter. In an Unfallen Universe there is no separation.
埃洛拉:有人说,你,最初造物主,因为太高高在上,离我们太远,因而无法积极参与到造物的过程中,而积极参与造物的角色必须由其他存有和力量来负责。 你能谈谈这个吗?
Elora: Some say that you, the Creator, are too far above or too distant to take an active part in Creation, and that the role of active participation in Creation must be undertaken by other Beings and Forces. Can you speak to this?
最初造物主:在我创造的未堕落的宇宙中,我高度活跃于其中的每一个行动、每一个周期、以及其中所发生的一切事情的每一个部分。 我是造物主神(比如赫鲁等)创造宇宙所使用的物质来源,因此我们有一个共同创造的过程。 这是一个美丽的舞蹈。 它在堕落的宇宙中是如何被扭曲的,我已无需赘述。 但这种舞蹈是非常有趣的、多层次的、流畅的,一个不断给予和收获的过程。 我和造物主之神之间用舞蹈来创造有型的世界,然后有我和这一有型的世界之间的舞蹈,几乎就像恋人共舞一般。 所有这一切的共同谱写了一首精妙绝伦且无比动听的交响曲。是的,在堕落的宇宙中,它已经被严重扭曲了。
Prime Creator: In the Unfallen part of my Creation I am very present within every action, every cycle, every part of what happens. I am the stuff from which the Creator Gods form the Universes, and so there is a process of co-creation with both of us together. It is a beautiful dance. How it has been distorted in the Fallen Universes, I do not really need to explain. But that dance is a very interesting, multi-layered, fluid give and take. There is the dance between me and the Creator Gods to create form, and then there is the dance between me and the form, almost as lovers. The beauty, the intricacy, the intensity of all of this is a magical song. And yes, it has been very distorted.
凯伦昨晚去听了一场讲座,演讲者谈论的是恋人对挚爱的另一半的极度渴望而产生的令人难以置信的火焰。 演讲者将恋人间的这种火焰描述为令人折磨的,并描述了这个火焰是如何让恋人们经历灵魂暗夜的。 这其实就是被黑暗扭曲的一部分。 这个火焰在最初被创造的时候其实并不包含任何的痛苦。 是的,在扭曲的世界中的这种火焰在让人产生无比幸福感的同时也会伴随着痛苦,但痛苦并不是这个火焰产生的过程中所固有的。然后,那股火焰确实存在于每个灵魂之中。 作为一个灵魂,你会在那火焰里找到我。
Karen went to a lecture last night where the speaker was talking about the incredible fire of all-consuming longing for the Beloved. He described that fire as torturous, and how it entails going through the dark night of the soul. And that is part of the distortion. It is not created to be painful in that way. Yes, there is ecstasy within that pain, but pain is not native to the process. Yet that fire does live in every soul. And that is where, as a soul, you will find me.
埃洛拉:你说你是创造造物所使用的“物质”。 这让我想起克里希纳在《博伽梵歌》中的说法:“用我自己的碎片渗透到造物中,我仍然存在。” 换句话说,上帝渗透到整个造物之中,但又以一种未显化的状态存在于造物之外。
Elora: You state that you are the "stuff" out of which Creation is made. This reminds me of Krishna's statement in the Bhagavad Gita: "Permeating the Creation with a fragment of Myself, I remain." In other words, God permeates the entire Creation, yet is also beyond it in an unmanifest state.
最初造物主:是的。Prime Creator: Yes.
Elora: Are you the Guardian and Protector of this Creation?
最初造物主:在黑暗势力入侵之前,我并没有看到保护或护卫造物宇宙的必要性,对此我感到非常惭愧。 这原本是一场只充满着爱的造物之舞。 我在这个造物宇宙之外创造了光之战士,以确保这个造物之舞能恢复并保持在充满着爱的状态下,因为正如你所看到的,我本可以武装整个造物宇宙和里面的一切造物; 但如果我这么做了,我将不再想与这个造物宇宙共舞。 然后到最后我将不得不亲手毁掉它。
Prime Creator: Prior to the invasion of the Dark, I am ashamed to say that I did not see the need for protection or guardianship. It was just a lovely dance. I have created the Creation of the Light Warriors to ensure that this Creation will be restored to that dance, and will remain that dance, For as you have seen I could have armed this Universe and this Creation; but I would no longer want to dance that dance with this Creation. And in the end I would have had to destroy it.
埃洛拉:那么你现在还没有这样做对吗? 你并没有武装这个造物吗?
Elora: Have you not done so now? Have you not armed this Creation?
最初造物主:是的,我只武装了这个造物宇宙之外的一些造物——这就是区别。 如果我用这个造物宇宙内部的东西武装它,那这种做法将会毁掉这个造物宇宙。 [埃洛拉:因为战争与这个造物宇宙的本质(也就是与最初造物主的本质)是如此的对立的缘故?] 是的。 那样我将不得不武装一切,从最庞大的宇宙结构到最微小的亚原子粒子,因此整个造物宇宙都将被军事武装化。 而我根本不想和武士跳亲密的爱之舞。
Prime Creator: Yes, but with something outside of the Creation - and that is the difference. Had I armed it with something from within this Creation it would have destroyed it. [Elora: Because war is so antithetical to the nature of this Creation?] Yes. I would have had to arm everything from the greatest Universal structures to the tiniest subatomic particles, and so the entire Creation would have been weaponized. And I have no desire to dance the intimate dance with a warrior.
埃洛拉:许多人将造物主上帝视为父母、视为一位父亲或母亲的形象。 我个人一直更喜欢将上帝视作爱人的概念。 从您的角度来看,哪个更正确,或者两者都是正确的?
Elora: Many Humans see God the Creator as a parent, as a Father or Mother figure. I have personally always been more drawn to the concept of God as the Beloved. Which is more correct, from your perspective, or are both of them correct?
Prime Creator: Being everything and all that is, yes, both are correct.
埃洛拉:我们很难理解黑暗存有的动机。 为什么他们想要伤害、毁灭、奴役、控制其他存有?
Elora: It is very hard for us to understand what motivates Dark Beings. Why do they wish to harm, to destroy, to enslave, to take over other Beings?
最初造物主:这之所以对你来说如此难以理解的原因是它与你的本性根本对立,也与我的本性完全对立。 我也不明白黑暗势力的动机是什么。 我派遣并牺牲了我的许多造物来努力教育、拯救、疗愈、转化和改造这些黑暗存有们; 希望能使它们与这个造物宇宙互相兼容。 但现在我只能说,它们必须被永远移除。
Prime Creator: The reason that it is so hard for you to understand is because it is one hundred percent antithetical to your nature, as it is to mine as well. I do not understand what motivates the Dark. I sent and sacrificed many of my parts in an effort to educate, salvage, heal, transform, and reform these Dark Beings; to make them compatible with this Creation. All I can say is that now they must be removed forever.