圣光回归 - 第十四章
2005 年首次由Green Willow Publications of Candler, NC 28715, USA出版
作者 埃洛拉· 加百列
在许多书中,简介都只是被大家简单的浏览一下或完全跳过。 然而,我们希望您能花时间阅读这几页。 否则,当您继续阅读文本本身时,您会发现自己有许多疑惑。 另外,请注意本书末尾有一个术语表,如果您遇到不熟悉的术语,这将会有所帮助。
本书由四人编写:Elora Gabriel、Karen Kirschbaum、Shakura Rei 和 Marjorie Bair。 Karen是一个水晶般纯净无暇的管道,她传递了这些页面中记录的所有信息。 正是她作为管道的卓越能力使这项工作成为可能。 我通常(尽管并非总是)是提出问题的人。 我还写了一个简短的叙述来介绍每一章; 在某些地方,我的评论被插入到章节正文中。 Shakura提出了许多问题并帮助出版了这本书。 Marjorie担任这本书的顾问编辑,经常提出自己富有洞察力的问题,并慷慨地分享她在出版领域的专业知识。
[赫鲁:] 现在让我来谈谈我们创造第三维度人类的原因。创造第三维度的人类的蓝图是根据所有造物宇宙的最高准则,也就是最初造物主本身,而设计出来的,这样做的目的是为最初造物主开启一扇通往他的造物的窗户。我在这里使用了“他的”这个词,但最初造物主毫无疑问是超越性别的存在。最初造物主为了能设计出一种具有足够的复杂性、感知能力、认知智能和处理能力的存有而不断努力,这些存有将成为最初造物主的眼睛,让他可以直接看到自己在第三维度的造物。这个蓝图是在最初造物主创世之初就制定好的。拥有第三维度的感知者和沟通者是整个造物的宏伟计划的一部分。这是最初造物主在之前的任何其他创造中都从未做过的尝试。
[Heru:] Let me talk about the purpose of a Third Dimensional Human Being. For the blueprint of Third Dimensional Humans was created in the very highest orders, with Prime Creator Itself, in an effort to have a window into his own Creation. (I use the word "his", but Prime Creator is of course beyond gender.) An effort was put forth to design a Being which would have enough complexity, components of perception, cognitive intelligence, and processing abilities, that these Beings could be cameras and windows for Prime Creator to see directly into the Third Dimension of Creation. This blueprint was set up at the beginning of this Creation. It was part of the grand scheme of this entire Creation, to have Third Dimensional perceivers and communicators. That had never been done before in any of the other prior Creations.
Prior Creations had rudimentary Third Dimensions, but they never had self-aware life forms in them. As this was the most complex of all the Creations and in many ways the grandest of all of them, Prime Creator wanted to be able to experience the totality of this Creation. Therefore Humans are the eyes, the ears, the fingertips, the nose, and the sense of taste for Prime Creator. In an Unfallen Universe, the Third Dimensional Humans are hardwired directly to Prime Creator and their experiences are directly fed back to Prime Creator. In the Fallen Universes that is not so.
In the scriptures there are references to Humans being the Crown of Creation, and this is why. Humans are the ultimate complexity, far more complex than Angels. They are the ultimate bio-computer, the ultimate sensing machine. Therefore what we touched on earlier about the insatiable desire to experience is hard-wired into Humans.
The existence of the Third Dimension is not an aberration or an error, distorted though it may be in this Universe. If you look at fractals: as they branch out and out and out, they get smaller and finer and more complex as they spread out. The Physical Plane is like that, like the fingertips of a fractal. Look at the nerve endings in your hand, how many there are, and how they flower out into so many millions of sites to experience. That is similar to the Third Dimension. Then if you look at the center of the body, there aren't those kinds of complexities in nerve endings. And that would be more like the center or the higher dimensions of Creation.
So you on this physical plane, in Human form, are the nerve endings. You are the perception points for the Creator to experience the Creation. And all that you have ever experienced goes directly back to the Creator. There is much purpose in this, and in a balanced Light Universe, there is great joy in this level of Creation. It is felt that life would not be complete without it. For within every atom and every subatomic particle, there is that direct link with the Prime Creator. And this is not something that even a Creator God can create. A Creator God can create a Universe, but he or she will do so out of the stuff that Prime Creator has created.
In the Grand Plan for Humanity, each Human would carry within the self a fully realized part of the whole. This would make them essentially an Incarnation, or what you would call an Avatar. Every Human was designed to hold that kind of energy. And when they would meet, they would mirror that within each other and would be able to see it most deeply and apparently.
Avatar/阿凡达一词可以被定义为人类内在觉醒的最初造物主。因此,当人类形成社区和家庭时,他们不仅成为了最初造物主体验三维世界的窗口,而且也成为了彼此的一面镜子,这面镜子映照出的就是与他们融为一体的,存在于他们内在世界的最初造物主正在感知的一切。【译注:这里的意思是当我们的内在足够觉醒并恢复了与最初造物主的直连状态时,我们就可以从与他人的互动中,通过彼此的行为和反应直观的观察到最初造物主在这个过程中所感知和经验的内容,并由此深刻的领悟到我们本身就是最初造物主的化身这一真相】这是一个奇妙的现象。对于堕落的宇宙来说,我们对于生活在其中人类的神圣计划就是让他们重新恢复这种状态。不过即使在光宇宙中,人类要达到这种状态也需要经历一次觉醒的过程。在过去,当最初造物主第一次创造出第三维度世界以及居住在其中的人类时,最初造物主和当时人类之间的这一连接机制并未完全发挥应有的作用。因为要使其完全发挥其应有的作用,人类必须经历相应的成长过程,而也必然是一段漫长的成长过程。 事实上,即使是在光之宇宙中,这种全意识(合一意识)以及人类与最初造物主彼此镜像过程的全貌也未能完全显化出来,尽管人们已经非常清楚它应该是怎么样的一种形式。因此,它还没有百分百发挥其应有的作用。
The term Avatar could be defined as the awakened God in man. Therefore as Humans form communities and family groupings, they not only are the windows for God to experience the Third Dimension, they also then become mirrors for each other to see what God is perceiving. And that is a wondrous phenomenon. The Plan of Humanity, from the perspective of the Fallen Universes, is to be restored to that state. Even in the Light Universes, this has been a process of awakening. When the Third Dimension was first created and peopled by Humans, this whole process was not fully functional. It has been a growth experience, and a long period of growth. The fullness of this awareness and mirroring process has not entirely manifested, even in the Light Universes, although it is very much apparent. However it is not completely functional as yet.
当然,在堕落宇宙中,我们的这个人类的神圣计划计划已经被黑暗势力完全颠覆、扭曲和阻止了。当你们观察这个星球上的人类时,你们会发现人类的DNA 已被损坏,人们的寿命可能只有原来的十分之一左右。而人们生命中的绝大部分时间都花在了谋生上,而没有留下任何时间来追求更好的知识和人生经验等等。而宗教一直是黑暗势力奴役大众的工具,政府也是如此。生活在地球上和那些不同维度的堕落世界中的人类确实迷失了方向,第四、第五和第六维度的存有也是如此。他们整体上也受到了压制、颠覆和歪曲。因此,2我们不仅要修复第三维度,还要修复所有其他维度,我们还有大量必须完成的工作。
Of course, in the Fallen Universes, this Plan for Humanity has been totally subverted, perverted, and stopped. When you look at a Human Being on this Planet, the DNA has been damaged, and people are living maybe one tenth of their life span. Much of that is spent in survival mode with nothing left over for the pursuit of higher knowledge, experiences, and so on. Religion has served as an enslaver, as have governments. Humanity on this Earth and these fallen worlds has truly lost its way, as have the Beings on the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Dimensions. They, too, have also by and large been suppressed, subverted, and perverted. Therefore a great deal of work must be done to restore not only the Third Dimension but all of the other Dimensions.
Elora: How does Prime Creator experience the other Dimensions, and how is that different?
赫鲁:最初造物主也是通过生活在其他维度的存有来体验那些维度的。第三维度与其他维度的最大不同是其的复杂性。正如我们所说,第三维度就像一个造物分形的最末端。 它比它之上的维度都要复杂得多。我知道你和凯伦已经讨论过在更高维度上所摄入的食物,以及当你在更高维度上时食物如何变得更加简单,而且也没有那么稠密。如果你观察你们世界上那种类繁多的食物,然后再与第六维度存有所吃的食物相比,你就会了解第三维度的复杂性有多么的庞大。
Heru: The other Dimensions are experienced through the Beings on those levels. What is new here is the complexity. As we have said, this Third Dimension is like a fractal. It is exponentially more complex than the Dimensions above it. I know that you and Karen have talked about the food that is consumed on the Higher Dimensions, and how it becomes more simple and less substantial as you go up in Dimensions. If you would look at the great variety of foodstuffs in your world, that would give you an idea as to the greatness of the complexity, compared to what a Sixth Dimensional Being would eat.
Elora: Is it also new that Creator experiences this degree of density?
Heru: Yes. However all the Dimensions, including the Third, are less dense in the Unfallen Universes.
Elora: Let's take a Being such as yourself. Back in a Light Universe, do you prefer the Third Dimension or the Higher Dimensions?
Heru: My preference would be more of a traveler, going back and forth. In the Light Universes that is more common than not - coming in and out of form on any given Dimension.
Elora: Then what do you enjoy more about the higher Dimensions, again in a Light Universe?
赫鲁:从某种意义上说,更高维度的世界更接近源头。它们本身并不意味着终点。任何维度都不是监狱,灵魂也并非只能存在于或者会被永远囚禁在某一维度上。当你们向上进入更高的唯独时,你会更接近源头,这种感觉会非常棒。同时当你进入更低的维度时,你会体验到更加复杂的世界,这也感觉很棒。 这是一种顺畅流动,循环往复的美妙运动。
Heru: The Higher Dimensions are, in a sense, closer to Source. None of them was meant to be an end in and of itself. Nor were any of the Dimensions meant to be a prison, or a place where a Spirit would be entrapped and would only exist on that Dimension. As you go higher in the Dimensions you would go closer to Source, which feels good. As you go lower into the Dimensions you would go more into complexity, which also feels good. It is a fluid motion back and forth, and that is a wonderful thing.
Elora: Were Humans originally designed for a much longer life span?
赫鲁:是的。人类最初的蓝图是一座令人难以置信的、宏伟的、多维度的宫殿。它确实是造物的最杰出的作品之一,但这一蓝图已经大幅退化,以至于现在的人类生活在如此低的振动频率中。寿命的缩短就是人类最初蓝图退化的表现,而 DNA 的大量减少则是这种退化的另一种表现。留给人类集体的仅剩一场艰苦的、永无休止的生存斗争。这才是此时真正主宰这个星球的东西。
Heru: Yes. The original blueprint for Humanity is an incredible, magnificent, multi-dimensional palace. It is really one of the supreme works of Creation, yet it has been degraded to the point where really Humanity is living at such a low, low vibration. The shortened lifespan is a reflection of that degradation, and the decimation of the DNA is another reflection of it. What is left for the collective Humanity is a grinding, never ending struggle for survival. That is what really dominates this Planet at this time.
If the Light Workers would get in touch with some of their older incarnations on this Planet, such as the Lemurian incarnations, it would be very helpful. Many of them had incarnations there. They were quite lengthy, and they were closer to the original blueprint in their lifespan and their realization. If the Light Workers would seek to remember those lives, and connect to them as their own identity, this will restore knowledge, power, techniques of manifestation, meditation, healing, longevity, self regeneration - all of these gifts that are considered rare. Remembering the identity of the original blueprint in an actual incarnation of it is a very quick way to begin to restore it and to bring it into being. For once it was and so it shall be again. And when a person remembers the once that was, it's like proof and it activates that cellular memory.
Elora: How does this shortening of our lifespan affect our experience of life and death?
赫鲁:人体最初设计的寿命是300-500年。而现在人类的寿命被大幅的缩短,因此人们会对身体的延续有一种强烈的执着,因为人们内心深处会有一种这一世的生命体验尚不完整的感觉。 因此,生活在现在地球上的人们,无论他们是在 50 岁、70 岁还是 100 岁时面临死亡,他们都会有这样一种感觉,即他们还没有体验完一个完整的生命周期。由于这种创伤在许多次的转世中不断重复,因此对身体延续的强烈执着也根植于细胞记忆层面。如果人类拥有了应有的寿命长度,那么他们就更容易随时放下对自己的身体的执着。 事实上,正是因为人们无法体验他们原本完整的生命周期,才导致了他们对于维持自身肉体那强烈的执着感,试图不断延续自己肉身的寿命以试图尽可能的完成自己原本的生命周期。
Heru: The Human body is originally designed for a life span of 300-500 years. Because the lives of Humans are so much shorter, there is a fierce clinging to the body due to the feeling that one's life is not complete. Therefore whether a, person is facing mortality at 50 or 70 or 100, there is still a built in sense that they haven't completed a full cycle. Since this trauma has been repeated throughout many lifetimes, that fierce clinging to the body is also imbedded on a cellular level. Were Humans having the full span of years that they were meant to have, it would be easier for them to let go of their bodies at any time. The fact that they're not having a complete life span means that they are furiously trying to cling to the body and make it survive in an effort to complete the full cycle.
正如希伯来经典中谈到生命的五个阶段一样,事实上,人类确实存在寿命长达 500 年的阶段,而这目前甚至还没有大众所触及或探索过。而这些其实是人一生中会随着个人进化而出现的自然状态,而最终人们将进入一种与最初造物主深刻连接的神秘学状态。因此,人类生命周期的完整性从很久以前就一直不断的被黑暗势力剥夺,直至今日。
Just as the Hebrew tradition talks about the five phases of life, in truth there are really stages that go out to 500 years, which have not even been touched on or explored. These are natural states of evolution that would happen in one single lifetime, culminating in a state of deep mysticism. Therefore Human Beings have been continually robbed of the fullness of their life cycles.
Elora: If people are fiercely hanging onto their bodies, then there must be many cases where the Monad tries to release the person's soul from the body, but is unable to do so.
Heru: Yes. It is a very sad thing, and is a source of much suffering on this Planet.
Elora: Can't the Monad just "pull the plug" and take the person out?
Heru: At this time and in this density it is difficult to do. It is difficult for all people, including the more evolved Light Beings, to really have that complete faith in their Higher Beings, and the complete willingness to hear them and to work with them. Also the dynamic that I described about the collective desire to live the full life span is very strong, and the trauma and the repression of that is very strong. And that is one of the great evils on this Planet, that the Life Force has been suppressed to the first two or three chakras, making people subsist on a survival level. Life for so many people is so harsh and hard that they have to fight to survive. This, combined with the fact that their life is going to be so short and they know it, creates a great fear of death. And the collective programming is there to support the fear of death, with stories of Hell and damnation and reincarnation as a cockroach, and all these teachings that people are hammered with. It's appalling. I don't know what other word to say. But it sets up the rigid dynamic of "I'm not letting go of this body."
Elora: Can we look forward to a relaxing of that fear that holds people in the body?
赫鲁:可以。 当第四维度在下个月左右被清理干净并明显的恢复光的状态后,[从 2004 年 10 月起]将会有大量的人类迅速离开这个星球,他们会彻底放下一切的恐惧。造成这种对死亡的恐惧的另一个根源是,当一个人甚至只是产生了一些与死亡有关的想法时,他们其实就已经接近了第三维度和第四维度之间的密度强或着说第四维度的入口,而那里从很久之前就充满了许多负面的能量,直到现在也是如此。这也是人们产生对死亡的恐惧的一个重要因素。等第四维度被清理干净后,许多人将不再害怕生老病死。而宗教的那些扭曲的结构也将面临着土崩瓦解的过程,最近天主教会的丑闻等就是证明。这些恐惧正在被消除,而疗愈也将在不久的未来正式启动。
Heru: Yes. When the Fourth Dimension is cleared out and significantly lightened in the next month or so, [from October 2004] there will be an exodus of people leaving this Planet rapidly, where that fear for them will drop away. Another dynamic that sets up this fear is that when a person approaches even the thought of death, they approach the wall or the entrance into the Fourth Dimension, which has been filled with many negative energies. That is also a great factor in the fear of death. With that cleaned out many will no longer fear. There is also a great dismantling in process of religious structures, as evidenced by the Catholic Church scandals and such. These fears are being smashed and the restoration will begin.
Elora: Can you give a forecast for Humanity's future?
Heru: I would say that for Humanity the future is bright, and the amazing restoration of the original Plan that will come about in the next few centuries will bring joy to so many. Humanity will be restored to its original Plan, and life spans again will increase significantly. The transition between lives will be more seamless because there will be more memories of past lives, and in a sense memories of future lives. Thus the whole cycle will then become much more integrated.