圣光回归 - 第三十章
2005 年首次由Green Willow Publications of Candler, NC 28715, USA出版
作者 埃洛拉· 加百列
在许多书中,简介都只是被大家简单的浏览一下或完全跳过。 然而,我们希望您能花时间阅读这几页。 否则,当您继续阅读文本本身时,您会发现自己有许多疑惑。 另外,请注意本书末尾有一个术语表,如果您遇到不熟悉的术语,这将会有所帮助。
本书由四人编写:Elora Gabriel、Karen Kirschbaum、Shakura Rei 和 Marjorie Bair。 Karen是一个水晶般纯净无暇的管道,她传递了这些页面中记录的所有信息。 正是她作为管道的卓越能力使这项工作成为可能。 我通常(尽管并非总是)是提出问题的人。 我还写了一个简短的叙述来介绍每一章; 在某些地方,我的评论被插入到章节正文中。 Shakura提出了许多问题并帮助出版了这本书。 Marjorie担任这本书的顾问编辑,经常提出自己富有洞察力的问题,并慷慨地分享她在出版领域的专业知识。
Chapter THIRTY: In Memory of Elora Gabriel
埃洛拉·加百列 -1950年12月20日 –2006年12月6日
Elora Gabriel - December 20, 1950 – December 6, 2006
埃洛拉·加百列在长期患病后,平静而安详地离开了这个世界。对于那些认识她的人来说, 她不仅是一道伟大的圣光,而且她通过《圣光的回归》的工作给这个世界带来了伟大的教 导。所有人都会深深怀念她。在创办了两家成功的互联网企业后,她认为《圣光的回归》 是她人生中最伟大的成就。
Elora Gabriel quietly and peacefully left this world after a long illness. She was not only a great Light to those who knew her, but brought a great teaching into this world through the work on The Return of Light . She will be deeply missed by all. After founding two successful online business, she held that The Return of Light was her greatest achievement.
A Letter From Heru
My Dear Friends and Readers,
埃洛拉离开地球的消息让许多人感到悲伤。我来这里是为了告诉你们,她是时候该回家 了,因为她已经完成了她在地球上的使命。她现在在一个非常好的地方,远远脱离了你们 星球的轮回转世。正如她在世时一直是一位杰出的引路人一样,她在自己死后也依然是一 位优秀的引路人。在你们的星球上,很少有人能够摆脱生死的轮回。能够冲破重重障碍返 回自己原本的宇宙家园的人就更少了。而她现在正在这样做,并且在她这样做的同时,她 正为所有人类打开回家的大门(门户)。这不仅会影响你们在生命终结时的选择,还会影响 到许多目前仍然被业力陷阱束缚的灵魂。
This news of Elora’s leaving the Earth is accompanied with much sadness for many. I am here to tell you that it was her Time, and that she has completed her Mission here on Earth. She is now in a very good place, far beyond the incarnational cycles of your Planet. As she was a way-shower in her life, so too she is a way-shower in her death. Very few people have been able to break out of the cycle of birth and death on your Planet. Fewer still have made it beyond all barriers to return to their Cosmic Home. She is doing this, and in doing so, she is opening the gates to all. This will effect not only your choices at your life’s end, but also many souls that are still bound by their karmic entrapments.
很少有人(如果有的话)了解她的工作和使命的全部内容。凯伦知道其中的很多内容,她 丈夫约翰也知道很多,但没有人知道她曾经所做过的一切贡献。她将因她为地球及这个宇 宙的其他地方带来光明和解放所做的工作而受到极大的赞誉。为你们自己也是这项伟大工 作的一部分而感到高兴和自豪吧。这项使命不会停止。光之联邦和我已要求凯伦将她们的 这项工作继续下去,凯伦已经接受了这项任务。我相信她会欢迎你们的支持和厚爱。
Few people, if anyone, know the full extent of her Work and Mission. Karen knows much, John her Husband knows much, but no one knows all that she has done. She will be greatly honored for the work she did in bringing Light and Liberation to this Earth and beyond. Take joy and pride in the fact that you are a part of this great Work. This Mission will not stop. The Federation of Light and I have asked Karen to continue this Work, and Karen has accepted this task. I am sure she will welcome your support and love.
To grieve is natural, but remember also to celebrate who she was on Earth and who she is in Eternity.
My Love and Blessings to All,
A Letter From Karen
Dear Friends,
我不知道自己该从哪里开始,跟你们讲述我对埃洛拉的感情。就好像我们一直都认识彼此 一样。 我俩都觉得我们从一开始就计划好了要在这一生相聚在一起,去做我们正在做的工 作。遇见她对我们俩人来说都是催化剂。她说完成这本书是她一生中最自豪的时刻。我本 可以继续和你们谈论她在宇宙中取得的成就,但我觉得这本书的本身就足以说明一切了。
I don’t know where to begin to tell you of my feelings for Elora. It was as if we had always known each other. We both felt that we had planned to come together in this life to do the work we were doing. Meeting her was a catalyst for both of us. She talked about the Book as her proudest moment in life. I could go on about her Cosmic achievements, but I feel somehow that the Work speaks for itself.
我想与大家分享一些我最喜欢的和埃洛拉在一起的时光。2003 年 1 月,我来到“青柳树”公 司为她工作。这是设立在她家里的一个小型互联网企业。她与她的丈夫约翰、三只被宠坏 的猫以及四五个员工共享她的小家。在《新约》书中的某一处,耶稣说过这样的话:“你如 何对待这些中最小的造物(我的造物),你就是如何对待我的。” 她视一切生命为神圣,对 待员工、环境、宠物,甚至是小虫子,她都充满爱和关怀。
I would like to share with you some of my most favorite times with her. I came to work for her at The Green Willow Tree in January of 2003. This was a small Internet business in her home. She shared her very small home with her Husband, John, three very spoiled cats and the business with four or five employees. Somewhere in the New Testament, Jesus says something about, “How you treat the least of these (my creatures), is how you treat Me.” She held all life to be sacred and treated her employees, her environment, her pets and even the little bugs with love and care.
她是一位令人难以置信的园丁。她周围都是鲜花和蔬菜。对她来说,每天的最开心的时刻 就是在树林里开始她的“小猫散步”。她喜欢到大自然中去。她很有幽默感。最近她告诉约 翰和我,几年前她正在根据真实的叙述,为每个星座编写一个有趣的短语。我是金牛座, 她告诉我们她有一个男朋友【译注:这里的男朋友指的就是凯伦】,他(她)常常说:“我 只有在正确的时候才会固执。” 埃洛拉还有其他一些类似的好短语,每一个都把我们逗得 哈哈大笑。
She was an incredible gardener. She surrounded herself with flowers and vegetables. The highlight of each day for her was her “kitty walks” in the woods. She loved being out in nature. She had a wonderful sense of humor. Recently she was telling John and me that years ago she was working to compile a funny phrase for each zodiac sign based on real statements. I am a Taurus, and she told us she had a boyfriend that used to say, “I’m only stubborn when I’m right.” There were a few other good phrases like that and we all had a good laugh.
我们彼此分享了如此多的爱、欢笑、悲伤和进入更伟大领域的旅程。我知道我的工作还会 继续在地球上持续一段时间,但我也期待着有一天我们能够重聚并回顾我们在这里所做的 一切。
We shared so much love, laughter, grief, and journeys into the Greater Realms. I know that my work continues here for some time to come, but I also look forward to the day when we will be able to reunite and look back on all that we did here.
不幸的是凯伦随后发现她无法与赫鲁进行进一步的沟通了,最终于 2007 年 9 月关闭了她 们关于地球的“近况更新”这一项目。
Unfortunately Karen subsequently found that she was unable to bring through further communications from Heru, and finally closed down the “Updating Project” in September 2007.
如果我们没有向我们称为杜尔伽或塞赫迈特的赫鲁双生灵魂/火焰致以敬意,那这本书就不 算完整。赫鲁和杜尔伽/塞赫迈特是我的宇宙先祖,因此她是我真正意义上的母亲。事实 上,在我知道我和赫鲁的关系之前,就是她联系了我。我不知道她是谁,我只知道有一个 强大的存有进入了我的生活,其力量超出了我所经历过的任何事物。一天晚上,我向她求 救,突然发现我的卧室里出现了三只以太狮子。这是对她身份的第一次暗示。
This Book would not be complete without a Homage devoted to the Twin Soul/Flame of Heru whom we call Durga or Sekhmet. Heru and Durga/Sekhmet are my Cosmic Progenitors, and therefore she is my true Mother in a very real sense. It was she, in fact, who contacted me even before I knew of my relationship to Heru. I had no idea who she was, only that a mighty Being had come into my life with a power beyond anything I had yet experienced. One night I called upon her for protection, and suddenly found that three Etheric lions had manifested in my bedroom. This was my first hint as to her identity.
然后我意识到这个存有就是一位女神,在印度被称为杜尔伽。 杜尔伽在印度被尊为神圣女 性最受喜爱的化身之一。她总是与狮子或老虎联系在一起,最常见的是骑在狮子背上。传 说曾经在地球上有一段时间,黑暗势力是如此的压迫我们的星球,甚至连众神也无能为 力。杜尔伽就在那时出现了,并以无人能抵挡的力量击败了恶魔和其他邪恶势力。据说, 像毗湿奴一样,杜尔迦会在宇宙平衡受到威胁时显现,是佛法/达摩的支持者和守护者。 【译注:达摩意为影响整个宇宙的真理或规则。】
I then realized that this Being was the Goddess whom in India is called Durga. Durga is revered in India as one of the best loved embodiments of the Divine Feminine. She is always associated with lions or tigers and is most commonly shown riding on the back of a lion. Legends tell of a time on Earth when the Forces of Darkness had so oppressed our Planet that even the Gods themselves were helpless. Durga appeared at that time and, with a power that none could withstand, defeated the demons and other evil forces. It is said that, like Vishnu, Durga manifests when cosmic balance is threatened and is an upholder and guardian of Dharma.
在凯伦开始引导扬升大师和造物主神之后,我能够直接与这个伟大的存有进行交流。她证 实,她就是那位被人们称为杜尔伽(Durga)的存有,也是埃及的狮子女神塞赫迈特 (Sekhmet)和中美洲的白美洲豹女士(White Jaguar Lady)。她还表示,她在古希腊被称 为阿尔忒弥斯。这些女神中的每一位都代表了她存在的不同面向。她告诉我们,这就像转 动一颗拥有许多刻面宝石一样。由于每个面都会反射光线,所以她本性的不同部分也因此 被揭示了出来。因此,当我与以阿耳忒弥斯的身份出现的她进行联系时,我感受到了荒 野、偏远的地方、山岩、夜空和野生动物的感觉。【译注:阿耳忒弥斯(古希腊语: Ἄρτεμις;拉丁语:Artemis;也译阿尔泰美斯)对应神是罗马神话中的戴安娜(拉丁语: Diana),是古希腊神话中的狩猎女神,被称为“野兽的女主人与荒野的领主”。也是古希腊 神话中象征纯洁的女神,奥林帕斯十二主神之一。她是众神之王宙斯和女神勒托的女儿, 也是太阳神阿波罗的双胞胎姐姐。阿耳忒弥斯主要被认为是月亮的守护女神。】
After Karen began to channel the Ascended Masters and Creator Gods, I was able to communicate directly with this great Being. She confirmed that she is the one who is known as Durga, as well as the Lion Goddess Sekhmet of Egypt and White Jaguar Lady of Central America. She also stated that she was known as Artemis in ancient Greece. Each of these Goddesses represents a different facet of her Being. She told us that it is like turning a faceted jewel. As each facet reflects the light, so a different part of her nature is revealed. Therefore when I connect to her as Artemis, I feel the sense of wild, remote places, of mountain crags, of the night sky, and wild animals.
当我与以塞赫迈特的身份出现的她进行联系时,我体验到了一种强大的、王族的、压倒性 的力量。事实上,塞赫迈特这个名字的字面意思就是“强大的”或“无所不能的”。
When I connect to her as Sekhmet, I experience a mighty, royal, overwhelming power. The name Sekhmet, in fact, literally means "the powerful" or "the mighty".
我发现,赫鲁体现了知识和智慧,而杜尔伽/塞赫迈特则体现了神圣能量和力量。在与我的 先祖一起工作时,我发现当我想知道某事时,我会召唤赫鲁。当我需要做某件事时,我会 召唤杜尔伽/塞赫迈特。在东方传统文化中,每个神都会有自己的 Shakti/神圣女性配偶, 即存在的神圣能量。没有祂的 Shakti/神圣女性配偶,这些神都将是没有生命的思想,没有 运动的知识,没有创造力的愿景。因此,虽然赫鲁为我们提供了这本书的信息材料,但我 们应该向使他变得完整的人致敬,杜尔伽/塞赫迈特的力量和创造力是对赫鲁的智慧和广阔 意识的补充。
I came to see that while Heru embodies Knowledge and Wisdom, Durga/Sekhmet embodies Divine Energy and Power. In working with my Progenitors, I found that when I wanted to know something, I would call upon Heru. When I needed to have something done, I would call upon Durga/Sekhmet. In the Eastern traditions each God has his Shakti, the Divine Energy of existence. Without his Shakti, the God would be mind without life, knowledge without movement, vision without creativity. Therefore, while it is Heru who gave us the material for this Book, homage is due to the one who completes him, whose power and creative force are the complement to his wisdom and vast consciousness.
随着我们与赫鲁的工作取得进展,我们一次又一次发现我们需要帮助、保护和疗愈。由于 我们将把这项极其重要的工作推向世界,我们多次受到黑暗势力的攻击。此外,我们灵性 成长的加速不断地使我们过去的创伤浮出水面,然后得到疗愈和释放。我们几乎每天都向 杜尔伽/塞赫迈特寻求帮助,她也从未让我们失望过。没有她,这本书永远不可能取得任何 成果。
As our work with Heru progressed, time and again we found that we needed assistance, protection, and healing. We repeatedly came under fire from the Dark side for our part in bringing this crucially important work to the world. In addition, the acceleration of our spiritual growth continually brought old wounds to the surface to be healed and released. Scarcely a day has gone by that we have not called upon Durga/Sekhmet for help, and never has she failed us. Without her this Book could never have come to fruition.
在我的宇宙母亲的所有面向中,我心中最珍视的是她作为白色美洲虎女士的化身。我发 现,当我在塞赫迈特的星相中召唤她时,我经常会看到一座被满月覆盖的金字塔——但不 是埃及金字塔。相反,它是一个平顶结构,就像玛雅人和阿兹特克人建造的那样,周围环 绕着丛林。我看到自己坐在这座金字塔的底部,等待和祈祷。在月亮高高挂满的夜晚,一 位闪亮的女神会在两只母狮的陪伴下从金字塔上下来。在研究塞赫迈特时,我发现了 玛 雅·纳尔图米德的网站:www:spiritmythos.org【译注:这个网站目前依然可以登陆。】。玛雅 (Maia)对塞赫迈特(Sekhmet)进行了令人信服的描述,她描述了中美洲的一座古老寺 庙:
Of all the Aspects of my Cosmic Mother, most dear to my heart is her manifestation as White Jaguar Lady. I found that often when I called upon her in the Aspect of Sekhmet, I would see a pyramid surmounted by the full moon - but not an Egyptian pyramid. Instead it was a flat-topped structure, such as those built by the Mayans and Aztecs, and was surrounded by jungle. I saw myself sitting at the base of this pyramid, waiting and praying. On nights when the Moon was high and full, a shining Goddess would descend the pyramid, flanked by two lionesses. In researching Sekhmet, I came across the site of Maia Nartoomid at www:spiritmythos.org. Maia, who writes compellingly about Sekhmet, describes an ancient temple in Central America:
“Qetalaxitolutum/凯塔拉奇托鲁姆【译注:这座古老寺庙的名字】:这座塞赫迈特神庙的遗 迹仍然位于尤卡坦半岛茂密的绿色丛林中,距离玛雅奇琴伊察遗址的裸露部分不远。它是 由阿玛卢萨女王献给“白色美洲虎女士”或“达莉亚女士”的 ”,至今已经过去了亿万年。艾玛 卢萨为在她的幻象中出现的猫之女神创造了一座“宫殿神庙”,她称之为“白美洲虎女士”。直 到一个名叫“三鹰”的埃及人从埃及来到了这里 Qetalaxitolutum/凯塔拉奇托鲁姆,凭借神圣 的“星图”,女王意识到她的达莉亚夫人与狮头塞赫迈特是同一个人。在塞赫迈特的入徒— —三鹰的帮助下,阿玛卢萨尔女王将她的宫殿改造成真正的第一座塞赫迈特神庙。” (赫 鲁说“三鹰”不是别人,正是他自己的化身之一。)
"Qetalaxitolutum: Remnants of this Sekhmet Temple are still within the rich, green tangle of the Yucatan, not far from the uncovered portion of the Mayan Chichen Itza ruins. It was dedicated by Queen Amaluxal to the 'White Jaguar Lady' or 'Lady Dalia', in eons past. Amaluxal created a 'Palace-Temple' for the Cat-woman appearing to her in her visions, whom she called the White Jaguar Lady. It was only after an Egyptian named 'Three-Hawk' came from Egypt to Qetalaxitolutum, with sacred 'Star Charts', that the Queen realized her Lady Dalia to be one and the same as the lion-headed Sekhmet. With the help of Three-Hawk, an initiate of Sekhmet, Queen Amaluxal reformed her palace into a true initiatory Temple of Sekhmet." (Heru says that "Three-Hawk" was none other than himself, in one of his incarnations.)
回到她作为杜尔伽的化身,杜尔伽作为最能代表她的化身之一,为我了解这个伟大存有的 本质提供了线索。她骑着一头狮子,用她的许多手臂挥舞着令黑暗势力闻风丧胆的武器。 但她美丽的脸庞却带着平静的微笑,充满慈悲和温柔。终有一天,当地球上这场造物之战 完全胜利时,她将放下武器,放下不必要的战士本性,再次全身心投入到她作为孕育灵 魂、世界、与宇宙的伟大造物女神的角色中。
To return to her embodiment as Durga, the best representations of her give a clue to the nature of this magnificent Being. She rides a lion and brandishes fearsome weapons with her many arms. Yet her beautiful face is serenely smiling, filled with compassion and tenderness. One day, when the battle for this Creation is entirely won, she will lay down her weapons and the warrior nature she has assumed out of necessity, and once again devote herself wholly to her role as the great Creator Goddess who has given birth to Souls, to Worlds, and to Universes.
我将我这一生的所有时光和工作的成果献给我的神圣母亲,她的爱和力量支撑着我,她的 恩典笼罩着我。
To my Divine Mother, whose love and power have sustained me and whose grace overlights me, I dedicate the days of my life and the fruits of my work.