圣光回归 - 赫鲁的介绍
2005 年首次由Green Willow Publications of Candler, NC 28715, USA出版
作者 埃洛拉· 加百列
在许多书中,简介都只是被大家简单的浏览一下或完全跳过。 然而,我们希望您能花时间阅读这几页。 否则,当您继续阅读文本本身时,您会发现自己有许多疑惑。 另外,请注意本书末尾有一个术语表,如果您遇到不熟悉的术语,这将会有所帮助。
本书由四人编写:Elora Gabriel、Karen Kirschbaum、Shakura Rei 和 Marjorie Bair。 Karen是一个水晶般纯净无暇的管道,她传递了这些页面中记录的所有信息。 正是她作为管道的卓越能力使这项工作成为可能。 我通常(尽管并非总是)是提出问题的人。 我还写了一个简短的叙述来介绍每一章; 在某些地方,我的评论被插入到章节正文中。 Shakura提出了许多问题并帮助出版了这本书。 Marjorie担任这本书的顾问编辑,经常提出自己富有洞察力的问题,并慷慨地分享她在出版领域的专业知识。
赫鲁:你好,亲爱的读者。 我希望您能将本书所传达的信息深深地铭记于心。
Heru: Greetings, Dear Reader. It is my wish that you would take deeply into your heart the messages put forth in this Book.
我们现在正处于这个星球历史的转折点,也是许多更大循环和系统的转折点。 我想让你知道,你此时来到这个星球上并非偶然,你正在阅读这些文字也并非偶然。 这是奇迹的时代。
We are now at the tipping point of the history of this Planet, and also the tipping point of so many larger cycles and systems. I would have you know it is no accident that you are here on this Planet at this time and it is no accident that you are reading these words.
这是许多先知所预言的时代。 然而,目前黑暗势力似乎依然占据着上风,因此我们还有一段路要走。 我说“出现”,是因为一场革命正在进行,其程度是无法理解的,因为这场革命的基础始于这个造物之外——它始于最初造物主本身,它是对整个造物的修正和恢复。
This is the time of miracles. This is the time that has been foretold by many prophets. And yet, we have a little way still to go where it would appear that the Forces of Dark have the upper hand. I say "appear", for there is a revolution afoot the likes of which is beyond comprehension, because the foundation of this revolution starts outside this Creation - it starts with Prime Creator Itself, and it is the reclamation and restoration of this entire Creation.
Elora: Can you say something about who you are as a Being?
我,赫鲁,是造物主神之一。 我们是最初造物主在这次创造之前创造的一群存有,因此我们比这个宇宙更古老。 当最初造物主说:“要有光”时,我们就是体现光的工具。 我们是最初造物主源源不断地倾注出来的这种神奇的物质的编织者。 我们将神圣的造物主物质编织并塑造成各种不同的形式,如元素、世界、宇宙、灵魂等等。 我们是在中央太阳内部创造灵魂的存有,我们创造了中央太阳。 我们创造的所有物质都来自最初造物主。 我个人和其他人一起参与了这个宇宙的创造,这个星球的创造,以及居住在这个星球上的许多灵魂的创造。 所以我是你们许多人的父亲、叔叔和曾叔叔。 我想重新让你们知道你们都是我的孩子——我想举起、拥抱和治愈你们,我的孩子们。
I, Heru, am one of the Creator Gods. We are a group of Beings that Prime Creator created prior to this Creation, and so we are older than this Universe. When Prime Creator said, "Let there be Light," we were the instruments through which that was manifested. We are the weavers of this magical substance that Prime Creator pours forth endlessly. And we weave and we shape that sacred substance into Forms, into Elements, into Worlds, into Universes, into Souls. We are the Beings who create the soul inside the Sun, and we create the Sun. All substance that we create with is of Prime Creator. I personally, along with others, was involved in the creation of this Universe, the creation of this Planet, and the creation of many of the Souls who inhabit this Planet. So I am Father, Uncle, and Great Uncle to many of you. And I would like to reclaim my own - to lift up, embrace, and heal my Children.
Elora: Why have you chosen to give these Teachings at this time?
首先,我想说,作为参与创造这个世界和这个宇宙的造物主之一,我负责对其进行修正转化。 尽管我在这个星球上已经有几千年没有很活跃了,但我的目的是提出一种目前在这个星球上不存在的关于这个造物的观点; 并在此过程中,重新激活并修正地球的各个方面。 当我这样做时,甚至整个世界上所有的令人愉悦的荷鲁斯之眼的魔力都将被我的临在所激活。 所以我现在真正回到了这个星球,不仅仅是以枯燥的文字的形式,而是以实际的临在。
First, I would like to say that, as one of the Creator Gods who was involved in the creation of this World and this Universe, I am a responsible party in its reclamation. Even though I have not been very active on this Planet for several thousand years, it is my intent to bring forward a perspective on this Creation that does not currently exist on this Planet; and in so doing, become reactivated in all aspects of the reclamation. As I do so, even all of the sweet Eye of Horus charms that exist throughout this world are being activated by my presence. So I am truly returning to this Planet, not just in dry text, but in actual presence.
Elora: What would you like this Book to accomplish?
希望、喜悦、自我疗愈,以及所有坚持持有圣光的人们将获得的荣誉的开始。 我希望揭露不加掩饰的真相,以便实现真正完全的疗愈。 这不是在肿瘤上贴创可贴,而是恢复真正的健康。
Hope, joy, self healing, and the beginning of the accolades that will be heaped upon all of those that held to the Light. I want the unvarnished truth to be revealed so that full true healing can take place. This is not about putting band-aids on a tumor, but it is about restoration of true health.
It is my wish to draw people to this material, and have it to be available as a teaching for many.
Elora: Is there an urgency to get this material out quickly?
是的,需要尽快传递出去。 因为随着光战士的出现和潮流的转变,将会有人仍然在黑暗势力培育的信仰下劳动——宗教信仰、哲学信仰和自我形象信仰。 当这些被撕掉时,他们需要有一个基础来理解剩下的东西。 因此,本书所包含的教义,以及我提供的冥想技巧,将给人们一种不绝望、不崩溃、不执着于拖垮他们的谎言的方法。
Yes, there is. For with the advent of the Light Warriors and the turning of the tide, there will be people still laboring under beliefs that were fostered by the Dark - religious beliefs, philosophical beliefs, and self-image beliefs. As these are ripped away, they will need to have a foundation for understanding what is left. Therefore both the Teachings contained within this Book, as well as the Meditation Techniques I offer, will give people a way to not despair, to not shatter, to not cling to falsehoods that would drag them down.
埃洛拉:你经常谈到黑暗势力的腐败本质。 我们和本书的读者如何知道你没有腐败的一面? 我们怎么知道你说的是实话并且完全值得信赖呢?
Elora: You have spoken often of the corrupting nature of the Forces of Darkness. How do we and the Readers of this book know that you are uncorrupted? How can we know that what you are speaking is the truth and that you are fully trustworthy?
这是最重要的一个问题。 也许除了你内心的共鸣之外,真的没有办法知道。 我将尽最大可能使这本书成为尽可能纯粹的教学,这就是我的希望、我的意图以及我的决心。 也许这个世界上不可能有百分百纯净的教导。 但我知道我已经尽力了。 那些和我一起工作的人——埃洛拉、凯伦、玛乔丽和夏库拉,都付出了巨大的努力,以确保他们的正直始终完好无损。 我能保证这一点吗? 我不能。 我可以希望吗? 是的。 我认为这会在读者灵魂最纯粹的深处产生共鸣吗? 我相信会的。
That is a most important question. And perhaps there is truly no way to know, outside of what resonates within your heart. It is my hope, my intent, and my dedication, to make this as pure a teaching as possible. Perhaps it is not possible in this world to have any teaching that is a hundred-percent pure. But I know that I have done the best that I could. And those working with me - Elora, Karen, Marjorie and Shakura, have all made great efforts to ensure that their integrity is intact at all times. Can I guarantee this? I cannot. Can I hope? Yes. Do I think that this will resonate in the depths of the purest part of the Souls of the people who read it? I believe it will.
埃洛拉:在这本书中,你谈到了黑暗势力的入侵,以及降临在我们身上的大救援。 为什么到目前为止这些信息都没有被以任何形式提供给我们?
Elora: In this Book, you speak of the Invasion of the Dark, and the Great Rescue that is upon us. Why has none of this information been available in any form until now?
过去黑暗力量够阻止人们对每个人体内细胞记忆的访问,直到最近全能能量的出现,这一切才发生了变化。 因此一直以来,大家对整个故事过程的了解(也就是阅读阿卡西记录)被黑暗势力成功的压制了。
Until the recent advent of the Omniversal Energy, the Forces of the Dark were able to block access to the cellular memory within each individual. In doing so, access to the entire story was successfully suppressed.
Elora: Heru, what would you wish to convey to Humanity at this time?
亲爱的人类,我想让你们知道,你们中的许多人带着光、疗愈和希望的使命来到这个宇宙。 由于这个星球和这一整个扇区的造物处所包含的潜在的退化本性的影响,这些计划中的大部分如今都没有实现。 因此,大家会有一种深深的挫败感、痛苦、感觉自己的创造力被压抑了等等,这对我来说是非常令人心痛的。 我知道,对于你们每个人来说,为这个宇宙提供服务的最高梦想被颠覆、扭曲和停止,这一定是难以言表的痛苦。 首先,我想说,你们所有人集体和个人所做的最重要的事情就是持有足够的光、足够的真理和足够的正直,以便这个世界和这个宇宙是可以挽救和恢复的 。 这是一项超越你们个人服务梦想的服务,这是你们所做的最重要的事情。
Beloved Humans, I would have you know that many of you have come into this Universe with missions of Light and Healing and Hope. Because of the degraded nature of where this Planet and this whole Sector of Creation are, most of these plans have not been fulfilled. Therefore there is a deep frustration, anguish, pent up creativity, and so on, that is very heart wrenching to witness on my part. I know that for each of you to have had your highest dreams of giving Service subverted and perverted and stopped has to be painful beyond words. And first, I want to say that the most important thing that all of you have done collectively and individually is to hold enough of the Light, enough of the Truth, and enough Integrity so that this World and this Universe are salvageable and will be restored. That is a service above and beyond any of your individual dreams of Service, and this is the most important thing that you have done.
尽管你们中的一些人此时可能会感到伤心、疲倦、在灵魂上也感到疲劳和受到损伤,但你们已经成功了。 你们是伟大的英雄。 没有任何奖章或嘉奖足以让你们感到荣耀。 请把这一点深深地记在心里:你们每一个抓住哪怕是一点点光、哪怕是一点点正直的人,都已经取得了胜利。 恢复和归还的应许已经近在眼前,而你们真正能够看到这一点的时间也已经很近了。
Though some of you may at this point be heartsick, weary, soul fatigued, and damaged, you have been successful. You are the Great Heroes. There is no medal or commendation that could honor you enough. Please take this deep within your heart: that each and every one of you who has held onto even a speck of the Light, even a particle of integrity, have been victorious. The promise of restoration and restitution is at hand, and the time that you will actually be able to see this is very near.
你将在本书中读到的一些内容是对这个星球上人类过去的坦率而公开的审视。 读到这篇文章可能会让你感到有些不安,但我想让你知道,这些严酷的事实在这个时候被允许出现的唯一原因是因为一切的黑暗都已经确定性要被消除,并且时间非常接近了。它现在确实离我们非常近,甚至就在我们身边。 作为疗愈的一部分,我们有必要认真审视我们从哪里来,以及我们曾离毁灭有多近。 其中大部分内容直到现在才被释放给民众,是为了不让人们因为看到黑暗势力对这一区域造物触目惊心的腐蚀程度而陷入绝望。 但现在我们正处于形势的转变期,我们可以同时向你们表达我们所面临的严峻危险和即将到来的救援。
Some of what you will read in this Book is a frank and unveiled look at the past of Human-kind on this Planet. It may be somewhat disturbing for you to read this, but I want you to know that the only reason this stark truth is being allowed to come forward at this time is because of the certainty and the nearness of the dissolving of all that is of the Dark. It is truly very close to us now, and even upon us. And as part of the healing, it is necessary for us to take a good strong look at where we have come from, and how close we have come to annihilation. Much of this was withheld until now, for the purpose of not driving people into despair by the extent to which the Dark energy had corrupted this Creation. But now that we are at the turning of the tide, we can express to you simultaneously both the harsh danger we have all been in, and the rescue that is at hand.
对于您来说,亲爱的读者,当您将这幅画面的全部内容铭记在心时,它将引发许多人非常深刻的情感,就像参与推动这本书的撰写的人们一样。 因为你们很多人都遭受了很多伤害、苦难和损失。 这将触及你内心深处埋藏的记忆——在你的个人阿卡西记录中、在你的细胞 DNA 中、在你的骨头中。 它储存在地球的石头里。 当你走在她饱受摧残的土地上时,你会情不自禁地感受到周围无处不在的痛苦,包括许多从未治愈的战场——其中一些是物质的,一些是以太的。
For you, Dear Reader, as you take into your heart the entirety of this picture, it will trigger very deep emotions for many, as it has for the people involved in bringing this Book forward. For there has been much damage and hardship and loss for so many of you. This will touch upon the very deepest buried memories that you carry within you - in your personal records, in your cellular DNA, in your bones. And it is stored in the very stones of this Earth. As you walk upon her battered soil, you cannot help but pick up the anguish that is everywhere around you, including the many battlegrounds - some of them physical, some etheric - that were never healed.
当这些情绪浮现时,我首先建议你的是不要绝望。 因为伟大的光已经回来了。 它将帮助你感受到你内在的光,感受到它在支持你。 其次,要实行自我宽恕,因为许多人所做的事情根本不符合他们的本性。 自我宽恕是疗愈的第一步。
As these emotions surface, what I would recommend to you first and foremost is not to despair. For the Great Light has returned. And it will help you to feel that Light within you, to feel it supporting you. Secondly, to practice self-forgiveness, for many have done acts that would never be in their true nature to do. Self-forgiveness is one of the first steps in healing.
我想让你们明白,为了进行疗愈,你们每个人都必须在某种程度上直接审视黑暗势力如何影响了你们的生活,它如何扭曲了你们的本质。 这并不是要跳入泥潭并花费二十五年的时间来进行疗愈以实现这些认知。 这里所要求的是你对当下的你是谁以及在未堕落的创造中你会是谁进行一个简短、简洁的自我评估。 你体内的每一个细胞和每一个原子中都有那个蓝图。 你有能力调用它并查看它。
I would have you understand that in order for the healing to take place, it is necessary to some degree for each of you to look directly at how the Dark has impacted your life, how it has distorted who you are. This is not to jump into a quagmire and spend twenty-five years in therapy working through these realizations. What is being asked is for you to take a brief, concise, self-evaluating look at who you are in the moment and who you would be in an unfallen Creation. You have that blueprint within you, within every cell and every atom of your body. And you have the capacity to call that up and see it.
回顾过去很重要,因为为了释放过去的事物,必须首先将其纳入意识中。 我想补充一点,没有必要重温几千年来的每一次割伤、擦伤和断臂的经历。 你们每个人都需要审视自己当前的生活以及其中的不平衡——重大故事、重大心痛、重大挫折——并了解它们是否符合你们数千或数百万年以来一直持有的灵魂蓝图。
It is important to look at the past because in order to release what is there, it is necessary for it to first come into conscious awareness. I would add that it is not necessary to relive every single cut and scrape and broken arm throughout the millennia. What is needed for each of you is to look at your current lives and the imbalances in them - the big stories, the big heartaches, the big frustrations - and to understand that they fit into the overall pattern that you have carried with you for many thousands or millions of years.
再次,举起并直视你现在的不平衡状态与自我,并将它与你在未被黑暗扭曲的世界中的样子进行比较——那最初的蓝图是如此完美,如此美丽,那是源头造物主如此优雅而雄辩的表达。 你的习俗、你的血统和你的目的地都与这种完美有关。 这就是你。 拥抱它。 当你接受它时,当你准备好疗愈它们时,你需要处理和看到的不平衡的东西就会自然地从你的内心涌出。 想象一下,我们正在查看两张蓝图,一张是完美的,一张是扭曲的。 当你将扭曲的蓝图与完美的蓝图一点一点、一个问题一个问题、一个原子一个原子地调整一致时,你就会自然地以有序的模式处理需要做的事情。 让我补充一点,我们可以为您提供许多帮助,您可以自由地向我们寻求帮助。
Again, hold up your current imbalanced state, and compare it with who you would be in an unfallen world - that original blueprint that is so perfect, that is so beautiful, that is such an elegant and eloquent expression of Prime Creator. Your heritage, your lineage, and your destination all pertain to that perfection. That is who you are. Embrace it. And as you embrace it, what you need to process and to look at the imbalances will naturally well up from within you as you are ready to heal them. Imagine if you would that there are two blueprints we are looking at, the perfected one and the distorted one. And as you pull your distorted blueprint into alignment with the perfected one, piece by piece, issue by issue, and atom by atom, you will naturally process, in an ordered pattern, what needs to be done. Let me add to this that much help is here for you, and that you may call upon it freely.
Elora: Why is it necessary for us to know that we had come close to annihilation?
首先,因为它是事实,其次,因为它会让你真正了解整个宇宙的全貌。 这个世界的许多信仰和哲学中都根深蒂固的错误观念认为——黑暗是一种幻觉——这一切都是MAYA/幻象 (印度教名词) 和众神的闹剧,这是造物主众神的游戏。 除非一个人真正了解这种可怕入侵的严重程度,否则这种幻想将会持续存在。 由于生活在一个堕落扭曲的世界中,你们每个人在某种程度上都会拥有被迫妥协的真理片段、光的片段和你自己真正灵魂蓝图的片段。 因此,坚持这种错误的信念就是为黑暗势力在你内心的活动留下空间。 这是对黑暗势力进行必要识别的一部分,以便将其根除。
First, because it is the truth, and secondly, because it will give you a true understanding of the whole picture. Embedded in many beliefs and philosophies on this World is the concept that the Darkness is an illusion - that this is all Maya and a play of the Gods, that this is the Creator Gods having sport. And that illusion will persist unless a person truly understands the magnitude of this horrific invasion. As a result of living in a Fallen World, each one of you will have, to some extent, compromised pieces of truth, pieces of the Light, and pieces of yourself. Therefore, to hold onto that false belief is to still leave room for the Dark to act within you. And this is part of the necessary identification of the Dark, in order for it to be eradicated.
Elora: Can you speak about the relevance of your Three Meditations to the rest of this material, and why they might be especially useful throughout this time?
这些冥想是工具。 它们不是一条需要遵循的道路、教条或宗教。 此时它们只是作为一种帮助提供给你们,为你们接引足够的能量来应对即将到来的地球变化,并给你们许多创造性的机会来处理和显化那些会让你们重新回到合一的状态。 第三种冥想技巧是这些冥想的核心,它可以根据需要以无限多样化的方式使用。 它可以只是一个避难所、和平、滋养和疗愈的地方,也可以用来体现深刻而强大的疗愈和转变。 它也可以作为与此时在场的许多你们的多维度协助者们对话的房间。
These Meditations are tools. They are not a path or a dogma or a religion to follow. They are merely offered to you as an assist at this time, to draw to you sufficient energy to proceed through the coming Earth Changes, and to give you many creative opportunities to process and manifest what will bring you back into alignment. The Third Meditation Technique is the heart of these Meditations, and it may be used in an infinite variety of ways as needed. It can be simply a place of refuge and peace, nurturing and healing, or it can be used to manifest deep and powerful healings and transformations. It can also serve as a room within which to dialogue with many of the Helpers who are here at this time.
Elora: Heru, would you like to conclude this Introduction with anything further for our Readers?
亲爱的读者们,我召唤你们站在我自己和最初造物主面前; 表达你真诚的心,并在其中接受我的祝福、我的爱、以及我对你们历经磨难并最终取得胜利的高度认可。 我需要补充的是,这同样是最初造物主的意志的延伸。 我用金色的转化之爱充满你的心,这是完全救赎的应许,我请求你接受它并让它成长。
Beloved Reader, I call you forth to stand in front of myself and in front of Prime Creator; to hold forth your genuine heart and receive within it my blessing, my Love, my acknowledgement of your tribulations and your ultimate triumph. I add that the same is extended from Prime Creator. I fill your heart with a Golden Transforming Love that is the promise of full Redemption, and I ask that you receive this and let it grow.
[埃洛拉:] 我们将用 Durga/Sekhmet/杜尔迦女神/塞赫迈特 的几句话来结束本介绍。
[Elora:] We will conclude this Introduction with a few words from Durga/Sekhmet.
[Elora:] We will conclude this Introduction with a few words from Durga/Sekhmet.
是的。 我想表达我心中对圣光的到来和回归以及这个宇宙中大大小小的所有存有的回归的绝对和完全的喜悦。 我也向所有读到这篇文章的人伸出我的手,我愿意为他们提供帮助和保护。 接下来的一段时间可能会有点困难,但有时在黑暗的走廊里伸出一只安慰的手可以让一切变得不同。 我向所有人伸出我的手。
Yes. I would like to convey the absolute and complete joy in my heart for the advent and the Return of the Light, and the reclamation of all Beings large and small in this Universe. And I would also extend my hand to any who read this, that I make myself available for help and protection. For this next little while may be somewhat trying, and sometimes a comforting hand in a dark corridor can make all the difference. I extend my hand to all.
我还向你们带来了比希望还要充满希望的信息。 那就是这一切都已经是完全确定的了; 确实无法用言语来向你们传达即将到来的巨大变化。 对于那些正在阅读本文的人:在任何怀疑和绝望的时候向我们寻求帮助,这样你便看到我们离这个地球上的人类实际上有多近,同时你还将能够感知到现实中的伟大改变正在发生。 而这个伟大的改变是所有圣光祝福的回归。
I also bring to you the message of hope beyond hope. It is certainty; it is really beyond words to convey to you the incredible magnitude of the Change that is at hand and very near. For those of you who are reading this: ask for help in any time of doubt and despair, to be given a vision of how close indeed we are to the point at which Humans on this Earth will be able to perceive that in reality the Great Change is happening. And this Great Change is the blessed return of all Light.