http://www.jimmyhotz.com Jimmy Hotz 制片人并且也是 "The Gates of Time" 的作者。http://www.thegatesoftime.com 在加利福尼亚沿海地区观测到这罕见又超乎预期的壮观的云况. http://youtu.be/Myr_0gjR7ZI 当事人说,我们住在加利福尼亚有20年了,不曾见过这般的云状。
令人惊叹连连的荚状云,在海風吹拂过境山间 。照片拍摄于弗拉格斯塔夫,亚利桑那州。Bryan Snider, 30岁, 是亚利桑那州凤凰城的摄影师。.
пришелец #москва #нло #невероятнонофакт #космос #инопланетяне #шок #летающаятарелка #репортаж #пришелецвмоскве #UFO Москва 24, Мобильный репортер: "Таинственный "пришелец" появился на юге Москвы. По словам мобильного репортёра, кадры сняты этим утром в районе проспекта Андропова. Видно, как огромная "тарелка" плывёт по небосклону. "Что это такое? Пришелец, инопланетяне?" - задаётся вопросом автор ролика.
Lenticular clouds, Lenticular meaning lens, because the clouds are shaped like lenses and are often regarded as looking like UFO's, Lenticular clouds are stationary lens-shaped clouds that form at high altitudes, normally aligned perpendicular to the wind direction.
Rare lenticular clouds have been observed in the sky over China's Yinchuan City. The saucer-shaped clouds appeared during the morning rush-hours on Thursday. Local residents were shocked to see what they described as "UFO clouds," and took many photos and videos with their mobile phones.
August 19, 2012, late afternoon. This large UFO shaped cloud formed over the Hualapai Mountains, Kingman AZ. Peace, Mark Allen Channel (4GUESTS.COM)

自然奇迹#云船 2017 #(1)