圣光回归 - 第十一章
2005 年首次由Green Willow Publications of Candler, NC 28715, USA出版
作者 埃洛拉· 加百列
在许多书中,简介都只是被大家简单的浏览一下或完全跳过。 然而,我们希望您能花时间阅读这几页。 否则,当您继续阅读文本本身时,您会发现自己有许多疑惑。 另外,请注意本书末尾有一个术语表,如果您遇到不熟悉的术语,这将会有所帮助。
本书由四人编写:Elora Gabriel、Karen Kirschbaum、Shakura Rei 和 Marjorie Bair。 Karen是一个水晶般纯净无暇的管道,她传递了这些页面中记录的所有信息。 正是她作为管道的卓越能力使这项工作成为可能。 我通常(尽管并非总是)是提出问题的人。 我还写了一个简短的叙述来介绍每一章; 在某些地方,我的评论被插入到章节正文中。 Shakura提出了许多问题并帮助出版了这本书。 Marjorie担任这本书的顾问编辑,经常提出自己富有洞察力的问题,并慷慨地分享她在出版领域的专业知识。
“没有人是一座孤岛”,约翰·多恩在他的诗集中这样写道。我们每个人都拥有自己的灵魂家族,这种深刻的连接源于我们被创造时灵魂的最深处。 虽然双生火焰的话题是众所周知的(尽管经常被误解),但据我所知,宇宙始祖的概念在本文之前尚未被引入人类的认知中。 这些话题既有趣又有用。与双生火焰的连接是一个强大的进化事件,正如赫鲁所说,从此没有回头路。考虑到我们宇宙中正在发生的事件,我相信大多数光工都可以期待这种情况在相对不久的将来发生。至于宇宙始祖,我可以证明与他们一起合作是一个足以改变我们生活的过程。 作为高阶造物神,宇宙先祖们的力量极其强大,远远超出了通常被称为精神导师的存有的范畴。因此,它们能给人们的生活带来的智慧、保护、洞察力和爱是无与伦比的。对我来说,这就像点亮了一盏指路的明灯,而在这其中也包含了与我的灵魂家族重新连接的深刻体验。
"No man is an island, entire of itself," wrote John Donne. And none of us is without soul family, profound connections which stem from the deepest level of our creation of our Being. While the subject of Twin Flames is well known (though often misunderstood), to the best of my knowledge the concept of Cosmic Progenitors has not been introduced to Humanity prior to this text. These topics are both fascinating and useful. Connection with one's Twin Flame is a powerful evolutionary event from which, as Heru says, there is no turning back. Given the events which are occurring in our Universe, I believe that most of the Light Workers can look forward to this occurring in the relatively near future. As for the Cosmic Progenitors, I can attest to the fact that working with them is a life-changing process. Being Creator Gods of a high order, the Progenitors are extremely powerful, far beyond the Beings who are normally known as Spirit Guides. Therefore the wisdom, protection, insight, and love which they can bring into a person's life are unsurpassed. For me it has been like having the light come on, as well as a profound re-connection to my Soul Family.
第 1 部分 - 宇宙父母和宇宙始祖
Part 1 - Cosmic Parents and Progenitors
我们将引用我们的朋友 Z 的一句话来介绍本节,Z 是一位第六维度的存在,他在最近第一次连接到自己的宇宙始祖。
We will introduce this section with a quote from our friend Z, a Sixth Dimensional Being who had recently contacted his own Cosmic Progenitors for the first time.
"As the return of Christ has been prophesied, it will happen in this way. More and more people will become aware of their Soul Parents - and the Godhead will incarnate further into the Earth Plane as these discoveries are made. As the Darkness appears to increase on the Physical Plane, this connection will bring much joy, safety, and protection, and will bring many manifestations of the Christed type of consciousness on this Planet. Instead of one Christed Being on Earth there will be many."
现在我们回到与赫鲁的讨论。 我们问:赫鲁,请定义“宇宙始祖”一词。
And now we return to our discussions with Heru. We asked: Heru, please define the term "Cosmic Progenitor".
赫鲁:宇宙始祖是一群特殊的造物主神,他们有能力创造灵魂。 【埃洛拉:能够创造灵魂,是一种罕见的能力吗? 能做到这一点的造物主神是不是比较少?】 是的。 我想说,一般来说,每个宇宙中,大概有24个左右的造物主神有这种能力。 而每个宇宙中,都会有数百位造物主神。造物主神是最初造物主在另一轮造物周期的造物,那个周期是在这轮造物周期之前的一个周期。
Heru: Cosmic Progenitors are a specialized group of Creator Gods who are capable of creating Souls. [Elora: Is it a rare ability to be able to create Souls? Are there relatively very few Creator Gods who can do this?] That is correct. I would say in general that in each Universe there would be perhaps two dozen or so of the Creator Gods who would have that ability. And there would be several hundred of the Creator Gods in each Universe. The Creator Gods were created by Prime Creator in another Creation, the most recent one before this one.
Elora: When you use the term "Soul", what exactly do you mean?
赫鲁:可以肯定的是,并非所有的造物实体都是由灵魂构成的,因为许多实体只是最初造物主思想意识的一种外在表现形式或其他与之类似的零碎的杂物。 而灵魂是最初造物主自身非常神圣的一部分。 从本质上来说,当造物主神们准备好要创造一个灵魂时,他们必须请求最初造物赐予他们一个卵子。 这个卵子里包含了最初造物主自身所有神圣几何结构和蓝图,就像人类的母亲体内生产卵子时,她的 DNA 就包含在其中一样。 造物主神是唯一能够提出这个要求并持有这个卵子的人。正是通过造物主神们的爱,有时甚至还需要宇宙父母的爱,这个卵才才能被受精并被激活,这样它就可以拥有自己的生命,并成为我们在之前的各种类比中谈到的那棵参天大树。
Heru: It is certain that not all entities are Souls, for many are just thought forms or some other such flotsam and jetsam. A Soul is a very sacred part of Prime Creator. When they are ready to create a Soul, the Creator Gods will go to Prime Creator and in essence request an egg. In this egg are all of the Divine structures and patterns that are contained within Prime Creator, just as when a mother produces a Human egg, her DNA is within that. The Creator Gods are the only ones who are able to make this request and hold it. It is through their Love, and sometimes then the Love of the Cosmic Parents, that this egg is then fertilized and activated so that it may come forth with a life of its own and become that mighty tree that we have spoken of in our various analogies.
Elora: What are these "eggs" like?
赫鲁:我认为这些卵子的外形实际上看起来并不太像卵子,而是一个非常美丽的水晶晶体结构。有趣的是,就像一个女人无法控制她所释放的特定卵子的基因组成一样,我们在某种意义上也无法控制我们从源头提取的那些水晶晶体的结构形式。 所以对我们来说,我们创造的每一个新灵魂都是一个美丽的惊喜。每一个水晶晶体结构都具有独特性,因此这对我们来说每次都是一个全新的和不可预测的过程。 这些水晶晶体,通过我们的意图、爱和祈祷,可以被创造成个体的灵魂,或者你可以通过这种方式去创造一整个宇宙。然而,要创造一个完整的宇宙,通常需要两个以上的造物主神,因为要将这个水晶晶体结构拓展开来并在其中创造一个宇宙需要许多造物主神们一起努力才能做到。
Heru: I see these forms actually as not looking so much like eggs, rather as very crystalline in structure. Interestingly, just as a woman would have no control over the genetic makeup of the particular egg that she would release, we in a sense have no control over which of those diamond crystalline forms we draw out from Source. So to us it is a beautiful surprise with each new soul that we create. The crystalline structures have a uniqueness to them that is new and unexpected for us each time. And these crystalline forms, through intent and love and prayer, can be created into individual souls, or you can give birth to entire universes in this way. To do an entire universe, though, would generally take more than two of the Creator Gods. It would take a circle of Beings to pull forth one of these structures forth and create a Universe with it.
Elora: In esoteric writings, it is said that the Monad is the first individuated manifestation beyond Source. When the Cosmic Progenitors create a Soul, then, is it actually the Monad that they create?
赫鲁:是的。 他们可以将单子们创建为单独存在的或成对存在的。
Heru: Yes. And they may create Monads as Singular or Twin Monads.
Elora: How can the Monad be only one step from Source, if it's created by the Progenitors?
Heru: Because before it is requested and drawn out of Creator, it is not separate from Creator. It is the act of drawing it forth into the membrane that causes it to become separated from Source.
Elora: Are the Monads then created directly from the Void?
赫鲁:它们是在虚空中创造的,但并非来自虚空。 造物主神将最初造物主的一些原始造物能量【译注:万能电浆】吸入虚空,并用造物之膜将其封装起来。 在那个膜内有着造物主神们为这个造物准备好的一切造物编码。在原始造物能量被注入膜内后,造物主神们会将那些造物编码再次注入其中,就像卵子在人类体内受精的过程一样。这一切都是在虚空中完成的。造物主神汲取的能量是一种没有特定结构的电浆光束,它是形成所有造物的基础物质。
Heru: They are created in the Void but not from the Void. The Creator Gods draw some of the primal Creative Energy of the Creator into the Void and encapsulate it with a membrane. Within that Membrane are all of the signatures, the personal signatures for that Being. And then they bring to it, and impregnate it again with those same signatures, much in the same way that an egg would be fertilized in a Human. This is done in the Void. The energy they draw forth is an Unformed Plasma of Light which is the substance from which all Creation is formed.
埃洛拉:让我们回到宇宙起源的话题。 宇宙始祖们创造了单子,单子是所有造物中最早出现的意识个体,即灵魂。
Elora: Let's return to the subject of Cosmic Progenitors. The Cosmic Progenitors create the Monads, and the Monads are the original individuated Beings, the Souls.
赫鲁:是的。 [埃洛拉:所有灵魂都有自己的宇宙始祖吗?] 是的,有。 [宇宙始祖们会创造除单子之外的灵魂吗?] 我不知道,但这并不意味着它不会发生。
Heru: Yes. [Elora: Do all Souls have Progenitors?] Yes, they do. [Do Progenitors create Souls other than Monads?] I don't know of any but that does not mean it does not happen.
埃洛拉:你也谈到了“宇宙父母”。 宇宙父母和宇宙始祖之间有区别吗?
Elora: You have also spoken of "Cosmic Parents". Is there a distinction between Cosmic Parents and Progenitors?
赫鲁:有的。有时,一个灵魂同时具有宇宙父母和宇宙始祖,但在其他多数情况下,一个灵魂的宇宙父母和宇宙始祖会所指代的是相同的一些存有。 当一个灵魂的宇宙父母和宇宙始祖同时存在时,那么它的宇宙始祖将通过它的宇宙父母来创造它这个灵魂。就凯伦而言,她的宇宙父母是赋予将灵魂赋予了你们这个太阳系的太阳,他们也同时将赋予灵魂赋予了昴宿星团中的一颗恒星。她的宇宙父母就在这个宇宙中,但她的宇宙始祖们仍然留在他们自己所起源的那个宇宙中。 他们是令人赞叹且无比伟大的存有。
Heru: Yes. Sometimes a Soul has both Cosmic Parents and Progenitors, but other times the Parents and Progenitors are the same Beings. When there are Cosmic Parents as well as Progenitors, the Progenitors would work through the Parents in creating a Soul. In Karen's case, her Cosmic Parents are the Beings who ensoul the Sun in this System and one of the Stars in the Pleiades. Her Parents are in this Universe, but her Progenitors remained in the home Universe. They are wonderful, glorious beings.
Elora: How about myself?
Heru: Durga/Sekhmet and I are your Cosmic Parents as well as your Progenitors.
Elora: Please define the term "Cosmic Parent" and explain exactly what they do, and in what way they are parents.
赫鲁:正如我在上面所说的那样,对于某些人来说,宇宙父母和宇宙始祖是相同的一些存有,而在某些情况下,他们是彼此独立存在的个体。在他们彼此独立的情况下,这也就意味着这些宇宙始祖们不是彼此的双生火焰。正因如此,这时候的宇宙始祖们需要彼此形成一个新的关系,来完成彼此的结合,以生成灵魂。【译注:也就是说宇宙父母其实就是由非双生火焰的宇宙始祖们组合而成的】 [埃洛拉:所以从本质上来讲,宇宙父母会做爱?] 是的。 [并且他们在创造一个或多个灵魂时会与其他宇宙始祖们互动。] 是的。
Heru: We have made the distinction that for some people the Cosmic Parents and Progenitors are the same, while in some cases they are separated. In the case where they are separated it is because the Cosmic Progenitors themselves are not Twin Flames. And because of that it is necessary to have an intermediary to perform the coupling, as you would say, to generate a Soul. [Elora: So in essence the Parents would make love?] Yes. [And interface with the Progenitors in creating the Soul or Souls.] Yes.
Elora: In other words, sometimes even Creator Gods who are Twin Flames might unite with different Creator Gods to bring forth Souls.
赫鲁:是的;我们确实会这样做。有趣的是,造物主神们常常渴望所谓的异花授粉,因为这样他们就可以彼此获得不同的造物物质。【译注:本章开篇提到过,造物主神们无法控制他们会从最初造物主那获得什么样的“卵子”,因此这样的交流将对丰富造物非常有利】 [埃洛拉:所以成为宇宙父母的造物主神们不需要是彼此的双生火焰?] 正确。造物主神们对造物多样性的渴望是无法抑制的,而这也是许多事情的内在推动力。
Heru: Yes; and we have. Interestingly enough, often there is a desire for what you might call cross-pollination, for a greater variety of material. [Elora: And Cosmic Parents would also not necessarily be Twin Flames?] Correct. The desire in this Creation for diversity is unquenchable, and drives a lot of what happens.
Elora: Are Cosmic Parents and Cosmic Progenitors generally related?
Heru: Oftentimes that is the case, but more often one Parent would be from another lineage. Again, the desire for diversity is unquenchable. Therefore, more often than not there is a mixing of lineages.
Elora: When Parents and Progenitors are different, do they both act as guardians, mentors, and teachers?
Heru: They both carry some of those qualities; it is just a greater degree in the Progenitors. While the bonds to both Parents and Progenitors would be very strong, there would be a difference in magnitude between them, in the sense that the Parents would be roughly the same size and power and potency as the offspring, but the Progenitors would be an increased magnitude of greatness.
Elora: Who can become a Cosmic Parent? Is it only the Monads, or can the Aspects become Cosmic Parents?
Heru: It is the Monads who become Cosmic Parents. The Aspects can involve themselves in the process of creating, and that does happen.
Elora: Do all Humans have Progenitors, including Humans who originated in this Universe?
赫鲁:是的,所有人类都有宇宙父母和宇宙始祖,在某些情况下,他们是同一个存有。 然而,更多时候,它们是不同的存有。
Heru: Yes, all Humans would have Parents and Progenitors, and in some cases those would be the same Beings. More often, however, they are different.
埃洛拉:你说过地球上许多人类实际上是外星存有,或者在某些情况下是天使存有。 这些人也有宇宙父母和宇宙始祖吗?
Elora: You have said that many Humans are really ETs, or in some case Angels. Do these have Parents and Progenitors as well?
赫鲁:他们会有某种特定的宇宙父母,当然如果他们来自这个宇宙之外,那就另当别论了,因为其他宇宙的造物在结构上与这个宇宙的造物有所不同。 但只要是在这个宇宙中被创造出来的存有,就会有宇宙父母。另外在植物王国,以及管理着整个植物王国的天神能量领域都存在着有性繁殖和无性繁殖相结合的造物模式。 [埃洛拉:但总体来说,这个造物宇宙中的生命都有自己的宇宙父母。] 是的。
Heru: They would have some kind of Parent, unless they are from outside this Creation. Then it's a somewhat different structure. But provided that they were created within this Creation, there would be Parents. In the Plant Kingdom, and in the Devic Realm which rules the Plant Kingdom, there is the combination of parenting and vegetative propagation. [Elora: But generally Beings in this Creation have Parents.] Yes.
Elora: Does each of us then have a Cosmic lineage which is like a family tree?
赫鲁:是的,每一个人都有属于自己的宇宙血统。 不过,我想补充以下几点。宇宙始祖们创造了生命[单子],然后这些单子进一步成为源自它们自身的灵魂的宇宙父母。但是当这些单子开始繁育更多的灵魂时,它们会直接与创造自己的宇宙始祖们互动,而不是同其他的宇宙父母互动。因此,宇宙血统不会像族谱那样,因为与其他血统的联姻而被逐级稀释。所有参与生命创造的存有总是会直接与宇宙始祖进行互动,但不一定每次都是与同一个宇宙始祖进行互动。 [埃洛拉:宇宙始祖都是造物主神?] 是的,有时会有两个以上的宇宙始祖参与创造灵魂。
Heru: There is a lineage, yes. However, I would like to add the following. The Cosmic Progenitors create Beings [Monads] who then go on to become Parents. But when these Monads go to procreate, they are then directly interfacing with the Progenitors, rather than the Parents. Therefore the lineage is not stepped down like a family tree. Each time, the Beings who are involved in creating will work directly with Cosmic Progenitors, not necessarily the same ones, but always with Cosmic Progenitors. [Elora: And Cosmic Progenitors are always Creator Gods?] Yes, and sometimes there will be more than two involved in creating a Soul.
Elora: When the Monads procreate, what are they creating?
Heru: If they desired to create a Soul, they would be able to do so with the assistance of their Cosmic Progenitors. They would call in their own Progenitors, and through their incredible expression of love, a new Soul would be birthed.
Elora: Can you describe the experience of creating children?
Heru: What is created is Love. If you could picture Durga/Sekhmet and myself standing together and focusing all of our Love on each other, then what is in the middle begins to materialize and form as a third Being - or as Twins, in the case of the creation of a Twin Soul. Thus your term of making love is very apropos.
Elora: Here on Earth, when a man and woman make love, they create an embryo. A Spirit comes into that body, but the Spirit comes from elsewhere. Can you compare this to the creation of Beings by the Cosmic Progenitors?
Heru: This is the difference, that when Beings are in such a descended state as those on Earth, there are many bodies created in all sorts of ways - with love, without love, with drunken passion, at any level of creation. Those bodies are then ensouled with existing souls. The work of Cosmic Progenitors is much different than that. It is the actual creation, through Love, of a new Being. Through intent, creators such as Durga/Sekhmet and I can create ensouled Beings such as you, or can choose to create more worlds. And it is always a choice what kind of Being to create.
埃洛拉:赫鲁,之前你说过造物主神必须去最初造物主那里接收这些晶体结构的“卵子”。 而我们也知道在一些造物主神堕落后创造了堕落的种族,比如我们这个宇宙中的黑暗爬虫族。为什么最初造物主要把含有自己神圣灵魂的“卵子”送给堕落的造物主神?
Elora: Heru, earlier you said that the Creator Gods must go to Prime Creator to receive these crystalline structures or "eggs". When some Creator Gods fell, we know that they created Fallen Races like the Dark Reptilian Races in this Universe. Why would Prime Creator give "eggs" containing this sacred soul-matter to Fallen Creator Gods?
赫鲁:因为他们是造物主神。尽管他们堕落了,但他们仍然有权利索要这些“卵子”。 [埃洛拉:难道最初造物主没有权利拒绝吗?] 很显然它没有,因此这一直以来都是一个问题——就像最初造物主没有毁灭堕落的造物主神一样,特别是在最初造物主其实完全有能力去这样做的情况下。
Heru: Because they were Creator Gods. Even though they were Fallen, they still had the right to ask for these Eggs. [Elora: Did not Prime Creator have the right to refuse?] Evidently not, and that has certainly been a problem - just as Prime Creator did not destroy the Fallen Creator Gods, and certainly Creator had the ability to do so.
第 2 部分 - 双生火焰
Elora: Please define the term "Twin Flame".
赫鲁:当造物主神和宇宙父母决定创造一个双胞胎时,双生火焰就诞生了。在人体中,有时存在异卵双胞胎,有时存在来自同一个卵子的同卵双胞胎。双生灵魂的情况比较类似于同卵双胞胎。它们是最初的“卵子”通过分裂而产生的。“卵子”的分裂是一个有意为之的结果,这个过程中蕴含着对生命极大的爱和敬意;而这样做的目的是为了能最大限度的释放造物的多样性。 正如我最近向凯伦透露的那样,双生灵魂之间存在一种特殊的机制,可以让它们释放出这个造物宇宙中最强大的能量,但这是一个很难准确描述的机制。凯伦已经向你讲述了她所能感知和理解到的关于这个机制的一切;我不认为我对此的描述能比凯伦的更好。
Heru: Twin Flames are born when the Creator Gods and the Cosmic Parents decide to create a Being as twins. In Human bodies, there are sometimes twins who are fraternal and sometimes twins who are identical and who are from the same egg. This would be the case with Twin Souls. They would be created by splitting the original form of an egg. This is done with intent; it is done with great love and reverence; and it is done to magnify the power of Creation. As I revealed to Karen recently, the mechanism of the power generation that happens between Twin Souls is one of the most powerful generators in all of Creation. It is a hard mechanism to describe. She related what she could to you; I don't know that I could give a better description than that.
[Elora:] Karen was shown a picture of two trains which were moving in a sort of figure eight configuration. They would come together at the train station, merge, and then separate again. As they reached the widest part of the figure eight, they would then both begin the return to the train station, where they would merge or pass through one another once more.
Elora: Please discuss the power generating aspect of Twin Flames.
赫鲁:双生火焰在这种来回往复,分离与回归的运动运动过程就会伴随着能量的释放。而双生火焰灵魂深处对彼此身边的渴望就是燃料。因此当双生火焰彼此结合时,就会释放巨大的能量,这股能量能照亮并鼓舞宇宙中的所有造物。 这种结合所产生的那种喜悦而美好的能量,会在亚原子层面上传递至这个宇宙中的所有造物。双生火焰在彼此结合融合时,并不会将双方具体的个人事件和经历进行共享,但除此以外,双生火焰在结合时仍会共享大量的东西,而且这种共享涉及的范围是如此之广,如此之深,以至于可以触及宇宙内的所有造物,并产生巨大的能量。
Heru: That back and forth motion, the separation and the return - that is the power. The depths of the Soul's longing to return to its Twin - that is the fuel. When the merging takes place a magnificent burst of energy is created which illuminates and inspires all of Creation. That joy, the beauty of that merging, are shared on a subatomic level with the entire Creation. The specific incidents and experiences are not shared, but there is a qualitative sum of the sharing between the Twin Souls, almost like a sum of that merging. The depth, the breadth, and the power of that synthesis reaches all of Creation.
Elora: Do Twin Flames actually spend more time apart than together?
赫鲁:也许从你们认知的时间角度上去看是这样。但你们必须明白,只有在堕落宇宙中的双生火焰才会在彼此分离时感到痛苦。在未堕落的宇宙中,这个过程并不痛苦。相反它其实是一个非常愉悦的过程,就像一场舞蹈,舞伴们会紧紧地彼此依偎在一起,互相拥抱,随后再将彼此摆动开来,去感受那力量与激情结合之美,然后他们又借着这股摆动的力量回到了一起。 双生火焰的这种来回的摆动是一种非常精妙的机制。
Heru: Time - well, you know time. Perhaps. And you must understand that the pain of the separation of Twin Flames only exists in the Fallen Universes. In the Unfallen Universes this process is not painful. It is actually very joyful, like a dance where the partners will be close to each other, holding each other, and then swing out, feeling the momentum of that exhilarating swing, and then that momentum swings them back together again. That back and forth swing is an exquisite mechanism.
Elora: Does this coming together and moving apart happen eternally, or is there a point where they are united and don't part any more? Do even you and Durga/Sekhmet part at times?
赫鲁:是的,我们也会分开。 这是一个永恒的舞蹈。【埃洛拉:在双生火焰彼此分离的时间里,它们会不会和其他存有进行结合?】会的。不过你们还必须明白,双生火焰的灵魂中有一种类似哈拉线的结构(一条垂直穿过身体中心的能量线,这是我们物质身体就是沿着这条能力轴进行显化的),而它们的这条线是永远不会分离的。
Heru: Yes, we do. It is an eternal process. The dance goes on. [Elora: In the periods of separation, is there a coming together with other partners?] Yes. And also you must understand that there is a part of the Twin Flame construct, almost like a Hara Line [an energetic line passing vertically through the center of the body which is the energetic axis upon which the body is manifested], a line that is never separated.
Elora: In this Universe, it is generally considered best for Twin Flames not to reunite until they are both spiritually mature and ready to ascend. Is this also the case in the Light Universes?
Heru: No, it is not. This is purely a function of being in a Fallen Universe. And how horrible these misaligned joinings can be!
埃洛拉:你提到人类可以有异卵双胞胎或同卵双胞胎。 是否有与具有双生灵魂的异卵双胞胎的通信?
Elora: You mentioned that Humans can have either fraternal or identical Twins. Is there a correspondence to the Fraternal Twins with Twin Souls?
赫鲁:双生灵魂不存在异卵双胞胎的情况。双生灵魂要么是源自同一个单子,要么一开始就不会存在。但与人类不同的是,双生灵魂从诞生的那一刻起,双方的男女极性就被确定了。 [埃洛拉:双生灵魂的男女极性会一直不变吗?] 通常情况下,每个灵魂都在转世过程中转变为异性,但灵魂本质上的性别是与其最初的性别一致的。
Heru: That part of that analogy does not have a correspondence. A Twin Soul is either identical or it does not happen. Unlike Human Beings though, when the Twin Soul is created, the male-female polarity is inserted in there. [Elora: And that remains constant?] Oftentimes it will reverse, where each Soul will take on the opposite sex for an incarnation, but the fundamental gender will always revert to the original.
Elora: In what sense are Twin Souls identical? They appear to be similar but different.
Heru: Yes, and the difference is the different path that each has taken and the different choices that have been made in gathering life experiences. However, each time there is that merging at the train station, so to speak, all of those experiences will become the experiences of both souls. There is a separation where experiences are gathered and a reunion where experiences are shared and merged, again a separation where experiences are gathered, and so on back and forth.
Elora: Are the original Twin Flames the Monads, in that a Monad can be created as a twin?
赫鲁:是的。 [埃洛拉:即使在单子的层面上,双生火焰也总是异性吗? 据说在单子所在的维度(第十二维度)上没有性别。] 这很难描述,因为它比单纯的性别更复杂。我不确定我能描述它。
Heru: Yes. [Elora: Are the Twin Flames always of opposite gender, even at the level of Monads? It's said that at the level of Monads there is no gender.] It is hard to describe because it is more complex than just a sexual gender. I'm not sure I can describe it.
Elora: So when we think of Twin Flames, these are really Aspects of Twin Monads, correct?
赫鲁:是的。 Heru: Yes.
Elora: Are these Twin Aspects usually created on the same Dimensions? For example, would Twin Monads generally both choose to create Aspects on the Third, Fifth, Eighth, and Tenth Dimensions, so that each Aspect has its Twin?
赫鲁:这完全取决于双生单子根据自由意志选择体验的转世路线。而不同的转世路线中所发生的事情也会因灵魂个体间的差异而大不相同。当然,堕落宇宙中的转世路线是被高度扭曲的,这导致了原本美好的转世体验之路充满了许多灾难和意外状况,变得混乱不堪。 在光之宇宙中,双生单子通常会彼此协调,以确保彼此的灵魂阶梯都会有灵魂转世在在同一维度上,以便这些灵魂可以开启他们的双生之舞。 但这并非一成不变的规则,有时,出于种种原因,在造物多样性的驱动下,总会有例外发生。
Heru: That is a highly individual choice and it would depend upon the incarnational path that each Twin Monad decides to embark upon. There is a great deal of individual variation in the stories of each path of incarnation. Of course the paths of incarnation in the Fallen Universes are highly distorted, and this results in many disasters and unplanned for events that shake things up and change things. In a Light Universe, the Twin Monads would generally coordinate things so as to have Aspects on the same rungs of the ladders, so that the dance may be played out with their partner. But it is not a rule and at times, for whatever reason, there are exceptions to that in the quest of creative expression.
Elora: You have stated before that some Beings have Twin Flames and others do not. Please explain how and why this occurs.
赫鲁:其中的原理非常简单。让我们继续用人类的出生来类比,【译注:有些人生下来就是独生子女,而有些人则是双胞胎。】一些灵魂被创造为单一的灵魂,一些灵魂被创造为双生灵魂。然而,两者的比例有所不同。我想说大约 60% 的灵魂被创造为双生灵魂。然后还有一部分,大约 6% 的灵魂,实际上是作为集体灵魂而被创造出来的,在其中的灵魂将拥有多个实际上是自己属于双生的灵魂。 [埃洛拉:就像一个有六胞胎的女人。] 是的。 这种情况不太常见,但确实会发生。
Heru: The how is very simple. Returning to the analogy of Human birth, some Souls are created as Single Souls and some are created as Twins. The percentages are different, however. I would say roughly 60% of Souls are created as Twins. There is a small group, perhaps 6% of Souls, who are actually created as a Group Soul, wherein you would have multiple Souls that would actually be identical twins. [Elora: Like a woman who has sextuplets.] Yes. It is less common, but it does happen.
而这一切会发生的原因都是基于自由意志的选择。单一灵魂的体验之路与双生灵魂的体验之路有异曲同工之妙。单一灵魂的体验之路会有其独特且多样化的觉醒和开悟机制,这是与双生灵魂之路截然不同的。也许你可以这么说,即单一灵魂的分离与回归的动力源自与最初造物主,或造物主神或宇宙始祖合一的渴望。 这是一条同样美丽的路,只是沿途的风景有所不同而已。
As for why, it is simply a choice. The path of the Singular Soul is no less great than the path of the Twin Soul. There are dynamics and mechanisms, paths of awakening and enlightenment, which happen with a Singular Soul and do not happen with the Twin Soul. Perhaps you could say the dynamic of separation and return for the Singular Soul would be played out not with a Twin, but with Prime Creator, or with the Creator Gods or the Cosmic Progenitors. It is an equally beautiful path, just a different path.
Elora: For those who have Twin Souls, does the union with the Twin Soul replace union with Prime Creator?
Heru: It is almost as if through that mechanism, that is the union with Prime Creator, that is how it is expressed. God is known through that union.
Elora: What is the purpose of creating multiple Twins over single or double Twins? Is it again the diversity that drives this Creation?
赫鲁:是的。 我不知道有什么特定的词语可以用来解释这个现象。简单来说的话,这只是造物乐趣的一个方面。
Heru: Yes. I don't know that there is any specific linear phrase that you could use to explain it. It's just one of the aspects of the joy of creating.
Elora: In terms of joining with a Twin when one has many of them available, how is it decided which Twin one joins with, and can one join with more than one Twin at a time?
Heru: It does not appear possible for more than one Twin to join at a time. Regarding how it is determined which Twin one joins with: let me go back to the analogy of a dance with a partner that I have used before. Instead of a tango with a Twin Soul, those who have multiple Twins will be engaged in something more like a square dance with four sets of partners. You would have the joining and the dancing and the swirling of each couple. And then at a certain time in the music, the partners allemande left and go to the next partner, and around and around.
Elora: So there is a kind of sequence.
Heru: Yes. There is more variation. And perhaps even inserted in there are a few swings around the room with non Twin Soul partners. You could have a very complex dance there that would include families, cousins, and so on.
埃洛拉:当一个人同时和多人互为双生灵魂,他们彼此之间是否要承担更大的责任? 例如,对于一对双生灵魂来说,我们只需在另一半需要帮助的时候关心他/她一个人就好了。 对于同时和多人互为双生灵魂的人来说,如果其中的几个人受到严重的创伤或转向黑暗会怎样——我们是否会感受到每个陷入困境的双生灵魂的影响?
Elora: Is there a greater responsibility towards each other when there are many Twins? For example, with one Twin we only need to concern ourselves with helping that one individual if help is needed. But with multiple Twins, what if several become severely damaged or turn to the Dark - do we feel the effects of that from each Twin that is in trouble?
Heru: Yes, of course. And remember that the original pattern for this Creation was created in a Light Universe with no thought of encountering these kinds of problems. With what has happened there is perhaps some greater risk, but there are also greater opportunities for rescue.
Elora: When you use the term "Twin Soul" is that the same thing as "Twin Flame"? Or is there a difference?
赫鲁:它们是同义词。 但是“灵魂伴侣”则是一个不同的概念。为了定义该术语,让我们以你的案例为例。你的灵魂伴侣与你的关系更接近于兄弟姐妹,他们是由杜尔伽/塞赫迈特和我在大致同一时期创造的。因此,他们将是与你非常相似的存有,从某种意义上说,你们可能会一起度过一段灵魂孵化的时期。 [埃洛拉:然后还有你所说的“古老的朋友”这一类存有。他们都是我们在很多不同的场景下合认识过,并且爱过的人?] 是的。
Heru: They are the same. However "Soul Mate" is different. To define that term, let us take an example in your case. Your Soul Mates would be more like your brothers and sisters, those who were created by Durga/Sekhmet and myself at roughly the same time period. Therefore they would be very close Beings to you, and in a sense you would have perhaps spent some incubation time together. [Elora: Then there is also the category that you call "ancient friends". Those are people we have known and loved on many occasions.] Yes.
埃洛拉:所以我们有双生火焰,也称为双生灵魂,同时我们也有灵魂伴侣。那是我们是否还同其它存有存在着不同层面不同水平的关系? 我见过一些相当复杂的灵魂关系示意图,列出了灵魂之间各个级别的不同关系。
Elora: So we have Twin Flames which are also known as Twin Souls, and we have Soul Mates. Are there other levels of relatedness? I have seen some quite complicated schematics listing various levels.
赫鲁:我要在此补充的另一个层面的灵魂关系叫做灵魂家族——他们是在不同时间段创造的你们的表兄弟姐妹,他们中的一些人灵魂的孵化时间是和你们错开的。 [埃洛拉:我们经常与灵魂家族和灵魂伴侣建立亲密的关系吗?] 是的,这一点千真万确。
Heru: The other level I would add to this would be Soul Family - cousins and siblings who are created at a different time period, and where there is no sense of that incubation together. [Elora: Are close relationships often formed with Soul Family and Soul Mates?] Very much so, yes.
Elora: For a Human who is in Third Dimensional incarnation, what is the importance of knowing and being connected to the Twin Flame?
赫鲁:这是一件足以改变一个人一生的重大事件。 一般来说,双生灵魂会在转世投生前决定是否要在这一世进行接触。 一旦双方进行了有意识的接触,无论是在内在层面还是三维物理层面上,这是开弓没有回头箭的一个过程。 因为同自己的双生火焰的接触将是令一个人永生难忘的。
Heru: It is a life changing occurrence, a very deeply life changing occurrence. Generally Twin Souls will decide prior to a life whether to have contact or not. Once conscious contact is made, either on the Inner or the Third Dimensional Plane, there really is no going back. For there is nothing that will create an amnesia which will allow a person to forget the feeling of contact with their Twin.
Elora: Such contact is an enhancer to one's evolutionary process? It spurs on the individual's evolution?
赫鲁:是的,非常正确。 Heru: Yes, very much so.
Elora: What about the sense of emptiness or loss?
Heru: Prior to that contact, the amnesia will be there, and the feeling of the loss of one's Ttwin would perhaps only be the vaguest of senses. After contact, there is no forgetting it.
Elora: The longing in a lifetime for a true partner, is that built into the Human wiring or is it a remembering?
Heru: It is both. For those who do not have Twin Souls, there is also a longing for union which gets expressed as desire for a partner. And that is also hardwired, but for them the ultimate reunion will be with Prime Creator.
Elora: How is the Twin Flame important for the evolution of the Higher Dimensional Aspects of a Human? Is it more or less the same?
Heru: Yes. On those Dimensions, the separation is not generally as painful even in this Fallen Universe, so usually there are less problems in the Higher Dimensions.
Elora: Is this Universe based on the principle of polarity, and how does that relate to the existence of Twin Flames?
Heru: Yes. This Universe was created much in the same manner as Human Souls. It was created as a Twin, and this is the feminine half of the Twin Universe System. Let us take the metaphor of Creation being like a giant flower, with the series of Universes being the flower petals around the Prime Creator. You would find that many of these petals, instead of being created as a single lobe, would be created as a double lobe. Many Universes are created as Twins.
Elora: Is Creation itself based on the principle of polarity?
赫鲁:是的,这是造物的基本原则之一。 如果你观察道家的阴阳符号,就会发现这种极性是造物变得充满生机与活力的基础。如果你观察原子的结构,你就会发现正是基于极性的原理,电子才能紧紧围绕着原子核旋转。
Heru: That is one of the fundamental principles, yes. If you look at the yin and yang symbol, this polarity is a primary building block upon which the Creation becomes dynamic. If you look at the atomic structure and what holds the electrons and binds them to an atom, it's all a mechanism of polarity.
Elora: There is much talk in metaphysical circles of duality, and how life in these lower Planes, at least, is based on duality. Is duality a distortion of polarity, and a result of the Fallen state of the Universes?
Heru: Yes. There is no duality in an Unfallen Universe.