圣光回归 - 第十二章
2005 年首次由Green Willow Publications of Candler, NC 28715, USA出版
作者 埃洛拉· 加百列
在许多书中,简介都只是被大家简单的浏览一下或完全跳过。 然而,我们希望您能花时间阅读这几页。 否则,当您继续阅读文本本身时,您会发现自己有许多疑惑。 另外,请注意本书末尾有一个术语表,如果您遇到不熟悉的术语,这将会有所帮助。
本书由四人编写:Elora Gabriel、Karen Kirschbaum、Shakura Rei 和 Marjorie Bair。 Karen是一个水晶般纯净无暇的管道,她传递了这些页面中记录的所有信息。 正是她作为管道的卓越能力使这项工作成为可能。 我通常(尽管并非总是)是提出问题的人。 我还写了一个简短的叙述来介绍每一章; 在某些地方,我的评论被插入到章节正文中。 Shakura提出了许多问题并帮助出版了这本书。 Marjorie担任这本书的顾问编辑,经常提出自己富有洞察力的问题,并慷慨地分享她在出版领域的专业知识。
Elora: Heru, we would like to ask you to look at a situation that occurred in this Universe during what is called the Lucifer Rebellion. It would appear that a large number of Twin Flames were conscripted to work in some aspect of that rebellion, and their creative powers were being put to use, or more accurately were misused in the service of the Darkness. Is this correct?
Heru: That is the most accurate description I have heard from anyone on this Planet. There is a tremendous amount of energy that is created between Twin Souls, the likes of which really don't exist anywhere else in this Universe: a real furnace, a real fulcrum for creative energy. And the misuse of this power has been the source for much of the anguish in this Universe. It has been used not just to the detriment of the Souls who have been separated from their Twins, but for many others who are just experiencing relationship problems. It has sullied the waters for healthy relationships throughout the Universe.
Elora: It would also appear that something happened to this group of Twin Flames - perhaps what is called a time-space rift.
赫鲁:是的,裂痕是一个很好的术语。 [埃洛拉:在我看来双生火焰被撕裂的方式给它们造成了严重的伤害。] 是的。 [这种伤害发生在了很多人身上?] 受影响的人数已经超过了这个宇宙所能承受的极限。虽然大多数人并未直接受到这种类型的伤害,但正如我之前所说的,这种双生火焰的撕裂对是如此的具有破坏性和腐蚀性,它甚至腐蚀了这些双生结合所需的顶层架构,也就是说不仅是这些双生的个体灵魂被撕裂了,而且连带着位于它们灵魂阶梯最顶层的源自于单子的能量原型也被撕碎了。【译注:这里的意思是这种撕裂最终甚至影响到了第11维度,也就是距离单子只有一步之遥】因此,许多没有直接被最初的双生灵魂撕裂事件波及的存有们也一样受到了污染并迷失了方向,无法与他人形成健康的两性关系。这无疑是这个宇宙中最严重的一种疾病。【译注:因为造物具有如其在上,如其在下的复制属性,第11维度的灵魂能量原型被影响的结果就是再其之下的同一灵魂阶梯之上的所有维度的灵魂都会被影响。】
Heru: Yes, rift is a good term for it. [Elora: It seems that the Twin Flames were torn apart in such a way that it severely damaged them.] Yes. [And this happened to many?] Enough, more than enough. Not a majority by any means but as I said, this has so disrupted and corrupted and put a corrosive tinge to the basic formulation of relationship coupling, that it's almost as if not only were these individuals torn asunder but the archetype itself has been shredded. Therefore many Beings who were not directly involved with the initial rending are contaminated and lose their way, and are unable to form healthy relationships. It is truly the greatest sickness in this Universe.
Elora: We understand that this event caused something known as the Twin Flame Rift. Please state exactly what the Twin Flame Rift is, how it occurred, and what it means to this Universe.
赫鲁:双生火焰裂痕已经有很长的一段历史了。在黑暗势力用频率帷幕将这个宇宙同它的双生宇宙分隔开后,双生火焰裂痕就出现了。这种分离的痛苦深深的烙印在了这个宇宙中的每一个原子上。那巨大的不幸、悲伤、和创伤影响了这个宇宙中的一切。 因此,即使是没有双生灵魂的存有不可避免的受到了这个裂痕的影响。在堕落的造物被治愈后,完美的神圣双生灵魂能量原型将再次回归到这个宇宙中的所有存有。当我说双生灵魂能量原型回归到这里的所有存有时,并是说所有的存有都是双生灵魂系统的一部分,而是说这个宇宙本身就是一个双生灵魂,其中的一切的造物都会受到这个原则的影响。 因此,即使是来自其他造物宇宙的存有在某种程度上也会受到这个宇宙双生灵魂能量原型的影响,因为这就是这个宇宙的基本形式和构成方式。
Heru: It is ancient. It occurred after the Frequency Fence was erected around this Sector of Universes, and the Twin Universe to this Universe was separated from it. The agony of that separation was imprinted on every atom in this Universe. And that sorrow, that grief, that trauma, affects everything. Therefore even Beings who do not have a Twin are affected by this rift. With the healing of the Fallen part of Creation, the perfect Divine Twin Soul archetype will once again be returned to all Beings in this Universe. When I say the return of the archetype to all Beings, it does not necessarily imply that all Beings are part of that system of Twin Souls, but that this Universe itself is a Twin and everything in it is based upon that principle. Therefore even Beings who have come here from a different Creation are to some degree subject to the Twin Soul archetype, because that is the format and the structure of this Universe.
Elora: Did the Twin of this Universe fall?
赫鲁:没有。因为那个宇宙处在你们这个宇宙的帷幕之外。 [埃洛拉:当这个宇宙与它双生宇宙相遇时,会发生什么?这种相遇什么时候会发生?] 目前我们尚不清楚当你们这个宇宙与其双生宇宙重新合一时会发生什么。因为这种宇宙级的分离和重聚在以前从未发生过,我们只能想象那会是一个充满了难以言表的喜悦的时刻。在这一切发生之前,还有许多疗愈工作需要完成,因此我预计它不会在你们的有生之年发生。也许它会发生在几百年或几千年后。但在那之前将会发生很多疗愈以及令人开心的事。
Heru: No. The Twin of this Universe is on the other side of the Great Wall. [Elora: What will occur when this Universe meets its Twin, and when?] It is not fully known what will happen when there is the reunification of this Universe with its Twin. For there has never been a reunification after a separation like this, and we can only imagine that it will be joyous beyond words. There will be much healing needed before that can happen, and so it is not foreseen to take place within your lifetimes. It is perhaps some hundreds or a few thousand years away. But much joy, much healing will take place before then.
Elora: What needs to happen before that?
Heru: There is so much that needs to be done, I hesitate to even start the list. But if you look at the 60% or so of Human Souls who have Twins, there is damage between each one of them that needs to be healed. Also, many Stars are created as Twins, and it would be the same there. If you multiply this Planet by planet, Galaxy by galaxy, and so on throughout this Universe, you can see the magnitude of this project. If you also look at the microcosm, where even on the atomic or subatomic level there is damage and resulting disease, there is quite a lot of work to do. It is the largest job that is to be done in the healing of this Universe.
Elora: In terms of our lifetime, how can we contribute to this healing? Is that part of our task?
Heru: Much of what Humanity has labeled tests and lessons from God or from higher levels, are in fact not something that was created by Prime Creator but are the result of living in a Fallen Universe. Many of the trials and tribulations in each person's history have nothing to do with evolution, and have only to do with being imprisoned in this gloomy place. For even though you yourself do not have shackles around your ankles and you do not live in a prison with walls, this whole Planet has been imprisoned and this Universe has been imprisoned.
Therefore I would have you redefine your evolution and your self-worth in that manner. I would also have you rejoice in the fact that the one and only test, if you would call it that, has been your commitment and adherence to the principles of Light. It is miraculous in each and every Being that has held to the Light; it is a miracle to rejoice at. As far as jobs go, that really was the only job that mattered. Each of you came to this Universe with a task in mind to do, but could not complete that task due to the nature of the Dark. Therefore, remaining in your soul is that longing to do service. That was what brought you here, and that is what has been frustrated in not being fulfilled. But the greatest work that you did was to hold enough Light so that this Planet could be saved, and to hold enough so that this Universe can be saved.
Now that the Light Warriors have been released, by and large that work is complete. Therefore I would have you protect yourself, remain in a safe place, and await with joy the coming influx of the multitude of Beings from the other Universes who have awaited all these eons to be able to help in healing. They will be here within your lifetime. And they will bring you to the better part of a whole place, so that when you drop your body and your Twin Soul drops his body and you are reunited, it will be a union of Harmony and Light.
Elora: This is true for all the Light Beings on Earth?
赫鲁:是的。 Heru: Yes
Elora: Can you say more about the need to redefine ourselves?
Heru: As we have said, there is an assumption of duality on this Planet, perhaps epitomized by the concept of original sin and karma. What you must realize is that in an Unfallen Universe karma does not exist. If you were to imagine yourself as a Being in the Third Dimension, living your life in an Unfallen Universe, who would you be? Who would you be without the duality, without karma? And that is, in a word, magnificence. That is who you are. Therefore as the Frequency Fences, all of them - planetary, galactic, and so on-are brought down, many of your connections and memories with an identity that has nothing to do with the Darkness will return to you. If there is any effort to be made, it is in the willingness to accept this falling away and this revelation of Light, and all the joy that that brings.
[埃洛拉:]我们将以萨南达提供的关于双生火焰裂痕的最新近况来结束这一章。这部分更新发表于 2004 年 10 月。
[Elora:] We will close this Chapter with an Update from Sananda on the Twin Flame Rift. This statement was made in October of 2004.
Elora: Sananda, can you please give us an update on the Twin Soul Rift? Has any real progress been accomplished with it?
萨南达:显然还没有,但一切工作目前都围绕着最终修复这裂痕而展开着。这就好比一个巨大的拉链,而拉链的两侧被卡住了,彼此不对齐,从而阻止了拉链的前进。这个宇宙时空中的这个拉链,也就是这个双生灵魂裂缝,目前就是这个情况。因此,我们必须对拉链的每个链齿进行重新校准,以免再被卡住。而这就是目前我们正在进行的工作。从表面上看似什么都没有发生,但实际上已经发生了很多事情。 一旦重新校准完成,拉链就会开始移动,并且会移动的非常快。 [埃洛拉:你能给我们一个时间表吗?]我相信来年(2005年)将会发生很大的变化。
Sananda: Overtly not, but everything is lining up around it for things to change. It is almost as if there is a giant zipper and the sides of the zipper have been jammed up, out of alignment in a way that would prevent it from proceeding. This zipper in space and time, this Rift, is open and stuck open, and unable to be zipped closed. Therefore at every tooth of the zipper realignments have to be made for it not to jam. These are being done. It appears nothing is happening, but really a great deal is happening. Once that realignment is completed the zippering will begin and it will proceed rapidly. [Elora: Can you give us a time frame?] I believe the coming year [2005] will bring evidence of much change.