圣光回归 - 第十八章
2005 年首次由Green Willow Publications of Candler, NC 28715, USA出版
作者 埃洛拉· 加百列
在许多书中,简介都只是被大家简单的浏览一下或完全跳过。 然而,我们希望您能花时间阅读这几页。 否则,当您继续阅读文本本身时,您会发现自己有许多疑惑。 另外,请注意本书末尾有一个术语表,如果您遇到不熟悉的术语,这将会有所帮助。
本书由四人编写:Elora Gabriel、Karen Kirschbaum、Shakura Rei 和 Marjorie Bair。 Karen是一个水晶般纯净无暇的管道,她传递了这些页面中记录的所有信息。 正是她作为管道的卓越能力使这项工作成为可能。 我通常(尽管并非总是)是提出问题的人。 我还写了一个简短的叙述来介绍每一章; 在某些地方,我的评论被插入到章节正文中。 Shakura提出了许多问题并帮助出版了这本书。 Marjorie担任这本书的顾问编辑,经常提出自己富有洞察力的问题,并慷慨地分享她在出版领域的专业知识。
第十八章:近况更新 1 - 2005 年 1 月
Chapter EIGHTEEN: Update 1 - January 2005
更新日期:2005 年 1 月 20 日
UPDATE: 20 January 2005
埃洛拉:你好,赫鲁。 我们希望开始收集一些近况更新的材料。 让我们先从各个维度的黑暗网格的状态开始。第十一维度的黑暗网格还剩下多少?
Elora: Good day Heru. We would like to begin gathering some material for an Update. Let's start with the status of the various Dark Grids. How much remains of the Eleventh Dimensional Dark Grid?
赫鲁:40%。 [埃洛拉:那第六维度的黑暗网格呢?] 大约还剩下 30%。 [埃洛拉:那么围绕地球本身的第四维度的黑暗网格呢?] 它仍然有70%是完好无损的,但单单就这个网格被破坏这一点本身就是一个大新闻。 [埃洛拉:那么围绕堕落的扇区周围的帷幕长城现在怎么样:目前它还剩下多少?] 60%。
Heru: 40%. [Elora: The Sixth Dimensional Grid?] About 30% remains. [Elora: And the Fourth Dimensional Grid around Earth itself?] It is still about 70% intact, but the fact that it is even breached at all is big news. [Elora: What about the Great Wall around the Fallen Sector: how much of it remains at this time?] 60%.
Elora: Please speak about the “Heart of Darkness” and its relation to the earthquake in the Far East, which caused such damage due to the tsunami.
Heru: The “Heart of Darkness” was an implant that was a very unpleasant thing. If I may describe it - and pardon for even bringing it into words - it was something between a mechanical device and a Reptilian living thing together. It sought to reach the heart of Gaia, the heart of the living Being that animates this Planet. And had it done so, this Planet would have died. It was seen that there was going to be a large movement of the Earth's plates and that this would be a prime opportunity to remove that implant. Therefore it was removed at that time. It did not cause the earthquake, it was more that this opening gave the Light Warriors the opportunity to go and in and remove that thing. I would ask any readers to really connect with the heart of Earth and feel the difference since then. I think many of you who are somewhat sensitive will be able to sense the greater Light that is there.
Elora: Are there more Earth Changes coming up?
赫鲁:我不想在这个时候做出预测,因为我不想为在地表人类中弥漫的恐惧能量再注入任何能量。有些人正在关注地球上目前正在发生的各种变化,而这也将他们的振动降低到了沮丧和恐慌的状态。 我们只能说,今年剩余时间和明年的情况将是不稳定的。而有越多的人能走进自己的内心,真正过着平和的、甚至是深度平和的,与最初造物同在般的生活,那么地球上的各种事态就越不会变得极端。
Heru: I would rather not make predictions at this time because I do not want to give energy to the fearfulness that is permeating people. Some people are looking at the Earth Changes and dropping their vibration into a depressed and panicked state. Let us just say that things will be unsettled and unstable for the remainder of this year and into the next. And that the more people that go into their heart and really live the peace, the deep peace and the presence of God, the less extreme these events will be.
埃洛拉:我想问一下第七波到达的光战士们的队长之一阿塔帕的情况。他已经到达了我们这个宇宙并且被任命负责协助地球的解放了对吗? [埃洛拉 注:我们已经召唤了一些第七波光战士的队长进入我们这个宇宙,以加快这里的解放进程。这些队长的体型巨大,是地球的一百多倍,他们的力量也因此非常的巨大。]
Elora: I would like to ask about the Seventh Wave Light Warrior Captain Atarpa. Is it correct that he is here and has been assigned to Earth? [Note: We have called a number of Seventh Wave Light Warrior Captains into this Universe to speed up the process here. These Captains are enormous - over one hundred times the size of Earth - and their power is correspondingly great.]
赫鲁:是的。 [埃洛拉:他的到来产生了什么影响?] 到目前为止,他已经转移了从第四维度到第七维度的负面外星人的一些重大攻击。因此你们目前还不会以直观的方式感受到他的存在,但他已经摧毁了黑暗势力的一些非常巨大的船只和武器等等。
Heru: That is correct. [Elora: What impact is he having?] He has, up until this point, deflected some major attacks from the Fourth through to the Seventh dimensional ET's. Therefore you would not feel it in a positive way yet, but he has deflected some very large ships and weapons and so on.
Elora: Are the battles still very much raging?
赫鲁:是的,确实如此。 [埃洛拉:光之战士的行动总体上来说是非常成功的吗?] 是的。 阿塔帕正在召集一支真正庞大的第三波到达的光战士军团,其数量将是压倒性的。我感觉这真的会成为这场战斗的转折点。他们应该在 4 到 6 周后抵达这里 [即 2005 年 2 月底到 3 月初],到那时我相信它会变成黑暗势力的一场溃败。
Heru: Yes, they are. [Elora: And are the Light Warriors overall very successful?] Yes. Atarpa is in the process of calling in a really gigantic Legion of Third Wave Light Warriors, overwhelming numbers of them. It is felt that this will really be the turning point in this battle. They should be arriving here 4 to 6 weeks from now [i.e. late February to early March 2005], and at that point I believe it will become a rout.
埃洛拉:这引出了一个问题。在我们之前的交流中,你说现在光战士们已经到达了我们这里,因此我们可以在某种程度上“袖手旁观”,并保持低调,等待这个宇宙被清理到位。然而我发现我似乎做不到这一点。 我一直在从事各种光之工作,比如召唤第七波光战士队长等等。这些都是不必要的个人英雄主义行为吗?
Elora: This brings up a question. A couple of places in the channelings, you state that now the Light Warriors are here, we could sort of sit back, keep a low profile, and just wait for the Universe to be cleared. However, I find that I can't seem to do that. I've been working on various projects, like calling in Seventh Wave Light Warrior Captains and such. Are these unnecessary heroics?
赫鲁:这个宇宙被清理完成更多的只是时间问题,或者什么时候发生的问题,而不是是否发生的问题。而且,亲爱的,我想说你所做的那些英雄事迹是因为你本人确实是一位英雄,而这就是你的工作方式。做其他任何事都是违背你的本性的。因此,对你来说,放松并什么都不做可能比想出更多想法来更快地给这个世界带来光更困难。你的工作有效吗? 当然。你的工作是地球所需要的吗?既是也不是。对于一个人被监禁的人而言,监狱中度过的每一刻对于他们来说都像是一生那么漫长。就像你的星际朋友M的女儿一样,她最终能获救吗?是的。这会可能发生在六个月或一年后吗?是的,而她已经在被囚禁了很长的时间了。对此,一方面,你们可能会说,和她已经被囚禁的一百万年相比,再多等三个月又有何不可?而另一方面,你们也可能会说,多等的每一刻对她其实都是一种折磨。因此,事实是,黑暗无法被很快被消除;而每一个被囚禁的存有也不可能立刻获救。[埃洛拉:这就是我的感受。] 是的,我明白你的这一感受。
Heru: It is more a matter of time, of when more than if. And, my dear, I would state that you do heroic things because you are indeed a hero, and that is the way you work. It would be against your nature to do anything else. So it is perhaps harder for you to relax and do nothing than to come up with more ideas to bring the Light faster. Does it work? Of course. Is it needed? It is a yes and a no. Every moment that goes by that someone is imprisoned is a lifetime to them. As in the case with M's daughter, would she have been rescued eventually? Yes. Might it have been six months or a year from now? Yes, and she had been there for a very long time. On the one hand you may say, in a million years what's another three months? And on the other hand you may say that every moment is a torture. So the Darkness cannot be removed soon enough; each Being that is imprisoned cannot be rescued soon enough. [Elora: That's how I feel.] Yes, I know it is.
埃洛拉:请给我们介绍一下双生火焰裂痕的最新情况。 有什么进展吗?
Elora: Please give us an update on the Twin Flame Rift. Has any progress been made?
Heru: It is as if much preparation is taking place but no action has yet been launched. I believe it will be launched soon, in the next month or so. There is really nothing to report because it is mostly planning, staging, that kind of thing at this point.
仅在阿什维尔,仅在地球上 - 作者:Karen Kirschbaum/凯伦·柯诗鮑姆
Only in Asheville, only on Earth - By Karen Kirschbaum
那是2005年1月24日。我刚刚坐下来开始冥想没多久就召唤来了我的守护者光战士们。 他们兴奋得发出了嗡嗡的声音。他们说:“我们希望你做一些真正伟大的事情!做一些英勇的事。”
It was January 24, 20005. I had just settled down to meditate and had called in my Light Warriors. They were buzzing with excitement. “We want you to do something really big! Do something heroic.”
“但我不是英雄。我不会勉强自己去做一些不切实际和愚蠢的事情。”我回答道。 “事实上你可以召唤第七波光战士来清理阿什维尔。”【译注:阿什维尔位于美国北卡罗来纳州,市区约17.8万(1980)。州西部商业交通中心。主要工业有电器设备、纺织(棉、人造丝)、家具、皮革、造纸等。西邻大烟雾山国家公园入口处。】
"But I'm not a hero. I won't overextend my self into something farfetched and foolish," I replied. "Well, you could call in a Seventh Wave Light Warrior to clean up Asheville."
Who are these Light Warriors? They were created by Prime Creator for the sole purpose of eradicating the Darkness that has caused this World and Universe to fall. They were created outside this Creation of a wholly new substance, and the very fabric of their atomic bonds is far stronger than anything in this Creation. This makes them completely impervious to what we term "Darkness" - a non-souled, non-living substance which is antithetical in structure to the basic life inherent in every atom of Creation. The Light Warriors are in the process of cleansing the Darkness not only from Earth but from our entire Universe.
光之战士通过嵌入来自上帝宇宙的称为万能能量的圣光中到达了我们的宇宙。这波圣光波于 2003 年 9 月 5 日首次到达地球。光战士于 2004 年 8 月 12 日开始揭开自己的面纱。目前一共有七波光战士到达了我们这个宇宙,其中的前三波现在正在我们的银河系进行规模巨大的战斗。他们数量众多,没有任何人能击败他们。他们还需要大约 12 到 18 个月的时间才能赢得地球之战,不过在那之后,人类和我们的星球要想完全恢复还需要一些时间。
The Light Warriors arrived in our Universe, imbedded in a wave of Light from the Godverse called the Omniversal Energy. This wave of Light first touched Earth on September 5, 2003. The Light Warriors began to uncloak themselves on August 12, 2004. There are seven waves of them, the first three of which are here now, and they are fighting the giant Galactic battles. They are countless in number and they cannot be defeated. It will take about another 12 to 18 months for them to win the battle for Earth, though the complete restoration of Humanity and our Planet will take some time beyond that.
I have called in a couple of hundred of these Light Warriors from the first three waves to guard and protect me as I have drawn a lot of psychic attacks in the last year or two. They have two pairs of wings and look somewhat like Angels, but they feel different. They appear to be made of a pale golden metal with a brilliant diamond at their center. Most of them are on the male side of androgyny and some travel in pairs.
我们一直在与赫鲁(Heru)合作,他是一位造物主神,因其在古埃及的化身荷鲁斯而闻名。 我向他咨询了光战士们要求我召唤第七波光战士一事,他说这是个好主意。所以我就这么做了。我召唤了第七波光战士来清理阿什维尔。作为对我我的召唤的回应,一名巨大的女性光战士出现了!她的名字是RonYAH/罗恩·雅,是一位令人敬畏的存有,她有点像北欧神话中的女武神。她身高 500 英尺【译注:154.2米】,拥有银色翅膀。
We have been working with Heru, a Creator God best known for his incarnation as Horus in ancient Egypt. I asked him about the Light Warriors' request and he said that this was a good idea. So I did it. I called in a Seventh Wave Light Warrior to clean up Asheville. In response to my call, a huge female Light Warrior appeared! RonYAH is an awesome being who is something like a Valkyrie Warrior Goddess from Norse mythology. She is 500 feet tall with silver wings.
她的洪亮的声音响起:“我宣布从米切尔山到皮斯加山的这片空间是上帝/最初造物主的圣地!” 米切尔山位于阿什维尔所在县的东北角,皮斯加山位于该县西南角稍远的地方。它们是该地区的主要山脉。【译注:米切尔山是北美阿巴拉契亚山脉的最高峰】
Her voice boomed out, "I claim this space from Mt. Mitchell to Mt. Pisgah as a Sacred Place for God!" Mt. Mitchell touches the Northeast corner of the County where Asheville is located, and Mt. Pisgah is a little beyond the Southwest corner of the County. They are the dominant mountains of this area.
Ron Y AH then began to call in legions of Light Warriors to work on this area. First she called in 500,000 of the First Wave Light Warriors to clear the Astral Realms. Heru told me that this would not change a person's heart, but if a person had hatred in their heart, they would no longer be driven and used by Astral Beings.
Next she called in 750,000 of the Second Wave Light Warriors. These are to clean out all the many Portals in this mountainous region. Heru explained that when these old rounded mountains were as high as the Himalayas, a great Galactic battle was waged in this area and there is a great deal of trauma imbedded in the stones of this area. He showed me that I had been slain here in one of those battles.
Then lastly she called in one million of the Third Wave Light Warriors to go after the many Dark Beings that have been attacking this area. This area has been fought over with great intensity for a very long time due to the thousands of Portals here. Although Asheville is renowned for its light, there is also a lot of dark energy here as well.
After all were assembled, RonYAH formed all of them around her in a star tetrahedron that was half above ground and half below. She then began to rotate this star tetrahedron - churning and digging out the junk we have lived with for eons. After a short time she released the Light Warriors from this form to continue their work on an individual level.
She drew herself up to her full height and began to swing a cord around her head like a biblical sling-shot - whomp, whomp, whomp. At the end of this cord was a mass of the undifferentiated Plasma that God churns out endlessly. This Plasma is used to make up all the stuff of Creation ... Souls, Universes, all matter and so on. The Plasma hurler that RonYAH was using is called a God Bomb. It is being used here to restructure matter on the atomic level to return it to its original purity. She launched many of these and they landed with an explosion of Light.
The next morning dawned with the most crystalline energy, the clearest Light, the deepest energizing peace imaginable. I could still feel her working. I can feel her working now, although it is now much more subtle.
最后,我有两个问题想要问各位读者。第一个问题,你能感觉到光战士们的存在吗?其次你会和我一起召唤尽可能多的这些存有来清除这个地球上的所有黑暗能量吗?如果你的内心回答“是”,那么你所需要做的就是召唤光战士来守护和保护你自己以及你的朋友和家人。你也可以以任何对你来说最自然的方式与最初造物主联系,并召唤更多的第七波到达的女性光战士(这些女性光战士有个共同的称呼:Konteus/孔忒乌丝)在你指定的区域进行清理。大约在明年 12 月的第七波光战士到达我们的宇宙之前,Konteus/孔忒乌丝不会集体到达这个宇宙,但由于最初造物主的干预,我们有可能可以在那之前就召唤一定数量的这些存有前来帮忙。
In closing, I have two questions for you. First, can you feel this? Secondly will you join with me in calling forth as many of these Beings as it takes to clean this Earth of all Dark energies? If your heart answers "Yes", then simply call forth Light Warriors to guard and protect yourself and your friends and family. You may also connect with Prime Creator, in whatever manner is most natural to you, and call for more of the Seventh Wave female Light Warriors (who are known collectively as the Konteus) to work with your particular area. The Konteus will not arrive en masse until the Seventh Wave reaches our Universe approximately next December, but due to divine intervention it is possible to call a certain number of these Beings forth prior to that time.
These are the days of hope and glory. For those of us who wish to be heroes, this is the time when focused energy and intention, even from one person, can make a huge difference.
大天使 X:2005 年 1 月 26 日
Archangel X: 26 January 2005
This material is from an Archangel who is not currently known on Earth, and prefers to remain anonymous for the present.
Elora: Recently, Karen and Shakura have made contact with some very powerful female Seventh Wave Light Warriors. Can you tell us something about these Beings?
大天使X:首先我想说它们是如此的伟大,而且它们对我来说也是全新的存有。我们也无法提前得知光战士们的所有种类,所以这对我来说是也一个巨大的惊喜,我很高兴能见证他们进入这个世界。对于他们的到来,我能说些什么呢?到目前为止,光之战士要么是雌雄同体,要么有些更偏向于男性。正如你在与塞赫迈特和其他一些造物主神和女神一起工作时可能观察到的那样,女性光战士通常是行动派和实干派。我不知道为什么男性光战士会比女性光战士到来的更早。但我确信,从第三波浪潮开始,光战士们往往更多的会具有性别的分别,而前两次浪潮中的光战士们似乎更多的是雌雄同体。我确信,在某个时候,即使是在第三波光战士中,你也会开始看到一些女性光战士团队。如果你看看RonYAH/罗恩·雅和 Xantheos/克桑西奥斯(出于保护目的而驻扎在地球附近的第七波光战士的队长之一)之间的区别,你会发现Xantheos/克桑西奥斯几乎就像一座雕像。他确实很少会移动自己。当你将他与充满活力的RonYAH/罗恩·雅进行对比时,你会看到阴阳的基本原理在其中起到的作用。 [埃洛拉:这些光战士是是来自第七波浪潮吗?] 是的,没错。
Archangel X: First, I want to say how magnificent they are, and that they are new to me as well. Not all of the Beings that are coming from that Creation are really known to us ahead of time, so that was a wonderful surprise to me and I was delighted to be a witness to both of them entering in this world. And what can I say about them? So far, the Light Warriors have either been androgynous or somewhat male. And as you may have observed in working with Sekhmet and some of the other Creator Gods and Goddesses, the female principle is oftentimes the actor and the doer. I do not know why the male principle came in first. But I do believe that from the Third Wave on out, they tend to be more separated into gender, whereas the first two Waves seemed to be more androgynous. I do believe at some point even with the Third Wave Light Warriors you will start to see some female brigades. And if you look at the difference between RonYAH and Xantheos [a Seventh Wave Captain who is stationed near Earth for purposes of protection], you will noticed that Xantheos is almost like a statue. He really doesn't move that much. When you compare how absolutely dynamic RonYAH is, you would see the fundamental principles of Yin and Yang in action. [Elora: Are these Beings from the Seventh Wave?] Yes, they are.
Elora: What are their special powers and abilities?
Archangel X: I would say that they embody a much more emotional energy. It's almost as if the male or androgynous Light Warriors are working and operating out of principle and thought form, and the females are working out of emotion. And the emotion is very powerful, it makes them much more highly charged. In that they are perhaps better able to effect even more change.
埃洛拉:他们的视力的水平如何? 例如,如果你的视力水平是 10,那么他们的视力水平会是几呢?
Elora: How well do they see? If your vision is a 10, for example, where would theirs be?
大天使 X:我想说,大概是 8 左右。 请记住,光战士在某种意义上是全新的存有,因此当他们习惯了有形的模式并以开始以有形的方式行事时,他们所有的能力都应该会得到进一步的提高。
Archangel X: I would say it is up there at about an 8, perhaps. Remember that these are in a sense brand new Beings, and so as they get used to having form and acting in form, all of their abilities should improve.
埃洛拉:引进更多光战士是个好主意吗? 显然这样做对我们来说并不是非常困难。
Elora: Would it be a good idea to bring in more of these Light Warriors? Apparently it wasn't that difficult.
大天使X:是的,我相信引进大量的光战士会是一个很好的决定。[埃洛拉:她们是第七波光战士的队长还是只是第七波光战士中的女性光战士?] 他们完全不同类型的光战士。光之战士们的家乡还有许多不同类型的光战士,而她们就是其中之一。她们们被称为Konteus/孔忒乌丝。
Archangel X: Yes, I believe it would be very good to bring a lot of them in. [Elora: Are they Seventh Wave Light Warrior Captains or just female Seventh Wave Light Warriors?] They are something else altogether. The Creation that the Light Warriors come from is home to a number of races, and this is one of those races. They are called the Konteus.
Elora: When is the Seventh Wave scheduled to actually arrive in our Universe?
大天使X:好吧,让我们从第三波开始吧。 第三波光战士们现在正在揭开他们的神秘面纱,目前地球上的时间已经快到一月底了。到3月时,第四波浪潮即将到来。五月底或六月将迎来第五波,九月将带来第六波,到十二月我们应该会看到第七波。所以这一切都将在今年内发生。 [我请求干预,让这些不同的浪潮更快地到来,我认为它已经被批准了。 但显然这并没有发生?] 我认为目前的进度已经很快了。我认为你的个人干预所取得的成果是,在任何特定时间,他们中的任何一个个体都可以被你引入地球。
Archangel X: Well, let us progress from the Third Wave. The Third is in process of uncloaking now and we are almost at the end of January. In March, the Fourth Wave will arrive. The end of May or June will bring the Fifth, September the Sixth, and by December we should be seeing the Seventh Wave. So it will all happen within this year. [I asked for intervention to have these different Waves come in more quickly, and I thought it had been granted. However apparently that didn't happen?] This is still very quick. I think what your intervention has accomplished is that at any given time, any of them can be pulled in.
赫鲁 – 2005 年 1 月 26 日
HERU – 26 January 2005
Elora: Heru, from your perspective, would you speak about the overall progress that the Light Warriors have made in cleaning up our Universe, and the current state of things in our Universe? How do things look to you?
Heru: I would say as far as the big battles go, it is perhaps between two-thirds to three-quarters complete. There are pockets, fairly large pockets of strong resistance, but they are under siege and either circling the wagons or in retreat. With those large areas where it is felt that there will not be a resurgence of the Darkness or new attacks, we are beginning to have the reclamation crew come in, but we are being somewhat cautious about this as we do not want anyone injured.
至于其他方面,我们认为,大约一年后,这个宇宙中的主要战争将会结束,负隅顽抗的黑暗势力将被俘虏并剥夺力量,并被带到一个地方进行修正。接下来我们还有巨量的工作需要完成,我相信你也知道这一点。今后的工作将是相当漫长而艰巨的。这个宇宙有大片区域几乎已经支离破碎,看起来与被海啸摧毁的地区没有什么不同。虽然这种区域在这个宇宙整体中的占比并不大。但依然有非常大面积的区域已经完全被摧毁。我们需要在许多层面上进行大量工作才能恢复其原有的结构,以及其原有的完整性、纯粹性和美丽。不管怎样,好消息是我们确实还可以将这些区域恢复原状。 [埃洛拉:修正人员会完成这项工作吗?] 是的,不过这不是你的任务。 [或者甚至这也不是你的任务?] 我在这方面更多地扮演着顾问的角色。
What else can I report to you? It is felt that in about a year's time the major battles will be complete, and that the resistance will have been captured and neutralized and taken to a place of reclamation. And what is left to be done is huge, as I'm sure you are aware. The work to come will be fairly long and arduous. Large swaths of this Universe pretty much lie in tatters, and would look not unlike the areas devastated by the Tsunami. Now that is not everywhere, and that is not even maybe the majority. But there are very large areas that have been pretty completely decimated. It will take a great deal of work on many levels to reclaim its original structure and integrity, purity and beauty. However it is doable, that is the good news. [Elora: And the reclamation crew will be doing this work?] Yes, this is not your job. [Or even yours?] I am in more of an advisory role for that.
Elora: What percent Dark is our Universe now?
Heru: Things are just so different than they were, I can't say actually. If an area has had the Dark Beings removed, and yet still looks like the remains of a cyclone, is that area Light or Dark? There are no longer Dark Beings there but it is still devastated, so it is still living with the effect of Darkness. Really, things are changing so rapidly that I can't quantify it at this time any more.
Elora: You said that in a years' time the major battles will be complete. Is Earth considered to be a major battle?
赫鲁:是的。Heru: Yes.
埃洛拉:地球之战取得了哪些进展?我们知道光之战士大约在去年12 月 1 日开始了在地球上的战斗,实际上我们发现自那时开始,地球的情况反而变得更糟了,特别是在精神攻击等方面。
Elora: What progress has been made in the Battle for Earth? We know the Light Warriors started here about December 1, and actually we have found things to be worse since that started, in terms of psychic attack and so on.
赫鲁:黑暗势力集结了大量的负面存有、武器和增援部队等等,正在为维持对这个星球的控制做出最后的努力——但他们肯定正在节节败退。就好像他们正在将自己的身体用作盾墙,因为行星周围的第四维度的帷幕已经被瓦解了。因此,他们只是将尽可能多的尸体塞进这些帷幕的缺口中,以试图阻止来自宇宙的影响。然而,正如你所看到的,因为有像罗恩·雅这样的光战士的存在,他们的这些行动并不算成功。更多来自全宇宙能量正在通过帷幕,目前已有足够多的光通过了帷幕,现在你们可以尽可能多的护持光战士的能量。 [埃洛拉:我们应该护持光战士的能量还是应该吸引像孔忒乌丝这样的光战士?] 两者都需要。护持光战士的能量并将他们引入我们的世界。
Heru: The Ddark has marshaled a very large contingency of Beings and weaponry and reinforcements and so on, in a last ditch effort to maintain control over this Planet - but they are definitely losing ground. It is almost as if they are using themselves as a shield wall where the Fourth Dimensional Frequency Fence around the Planet has disintegrated. So they have just stuffed as many bodies into those breaches as they can to try to keep outside influences from getting through. However as you have seen with Beings like RonYAH, that is not successful. More of the Light from the Omniversal Energy is getting through, enough is getting through that you may pull forward as many and as much of the Light Warrior energy as you are able to hold and sustain. [Elora: The Light Warrior energy or pulling in Beings such as the Konteus?] Both. The energy of the Light Warriors and also bringing them into our world.
如果你能够调谐到内在维度,那么黑暗看起来似乎仍然覆盖着地球的表面。但但是这些黑暗更多的只是纸老虎罢了,目前它们只是故意表现的看起来很强大而已。因此,在任何特定的地方,人们都可以召集尽可能多的第七波的女性光战士来守护这些地方,就像凯伦在阿什维尔所做的那样。也许,一个大都市地区需要三四个这样的存有才能完成像罗恩·雅在阿什维尔达到的那种清理效果。这是非常令人兴奋的。 我认为,如果这个世界上有些你希望能够尽快被清理的地方,那么你就可以在对那些地方召集光战士们。我目前最能想到的一个地方是你们国家的国会大厦 在我看来,要做到这一点可能需要五个女性光战士战士以及数以百万计的第一波、第二波和第三波的光战士。所以你可能需要通过一次集体冥想来召集这个数量的光战士到那去。
If you were to be able to tune in to the Inner Realms, it would look as though the Darkness is still covering the face of the Earth. But a lot of it is smoke and mirrors, and not anywhere near as strong as they would project themselves to be. And so in any given place one may call in as many of these Seventh Wave female Light Warriors to take on an area such as Karen did with Asheville. A large metropolitan area, perhaps, would take three or four of these Beings to accomplish what was done by one here. It is very exciting. I think if there are places in this world where you are wanting this to happen sooner rather than later, you may initiate some of these. I am picturing in particular your Nation's Capitol. It feels to me that to do that area would take perhaps five of these Warriors and millions and millions of First, Second, and Third Wave Light Warriors. So you might actually want to that as a group meditation, to pull them in.
Elora: Is it correct that a Seventh Wave Captain has been assigned to each of the Twelve Critical Planets?
赫鲁:是的。Heru: Yes.
Elora: Please give us an update on our Solar Logos.
Heru: Steady progress is being made. He is now about 75% Light, maybe even 75, 80%.
埃洛拉:真正的黑暗宇宙发生了什么? 目前有针对它们采取什么措施吗?
Elora: What is happening with the truly Dark Universes? Is anything being done about them yet?
赫鲁:在处理它们之前,必须先解救其中所有被俘虏的存有们。我知道你最近协助了一次营救任务,在这些黑暗宇宙里有很多这样的监狱。在它们倒塌之前,我们必须把每个人都从里面救出来,这需要一些时间。[埃洛拉:这些黑暗宇宙被看守着吗?] 是的,不过我相信这些黑暗宇宙在很大程度上已经被光明势力控制了,并且光明势力正在为争夺里面这些监狱的控制权同黑暗势力开战。
Heru: Before they are dealt with, any of the Beings that have been captured must be rescued. I know you effected a rescue recently, and there are many such prisons in these Dark Universes. Everyone must be rescued out of them before they can be collapsed and that will take a little time. [Elora: Are these Dark Universes being guarded?] Yes, I believe in large part they have been contained and battles are being fought there to maintain control over that containment.
埃洛拉:这是一个荣耀的时刻。Elora: It is a glorious time.
赫鲁:是的,确实如此。然而,对于我来说,我该怎么说呢? 这可能有点像盟军进入并解放了奥斯维辛集中营。看到里面造物那触目惊心的被破坏和退化的程度,让我感到非常痛苦。 [埃洛拉:但对于那些奥斯维辛集中营中的人来说,这仍然是一种解放。] 是的,毫无疑问。
Heru: Yes, it is. However, for me to look at this, how would I say it? It's maybe somewhat like the Allied forces walking in and liberating Auswitch. There is a lot of pain there for me to see the extent of devastation and degradation. [Elora: But for those who were in Auswitch, it's still a liberation.] Yes, very much so.
埃洛拉:玛乔丽希望你能详细阐述书中的一句话:“当我们问为什么要花那么长时间时,他回答说人类需要时间来改变。” 他指的是哪些个人的、个体的变化? 人们(像我一样)会想知道他们能做什么!
Elora: Marjorie would like you to expand on the sentence from the Book: "When we asked why it would take that long, he replied that it takes time for Humans to change." What kinds of personal, individual changes is he referring to? People (like me) will want to know what they can DO!
赫鲁:我们正在研究很多不同的人群。 对于像玛乔丽这样的人来说,她的内心已经发生了变化,她个人的生活将继续以积极的方式展开。 就这个星球的统治结构而言,当权者并不会轻易放弃他们手中的权利。要让他们要从权力的位置上下来,我们就要改变权力结构,而这需要相当大的能量。我发现目前我无法随意透露我是如何看待这种情况会何时发生,但毫无疑问它会发生。[埃洛拉:统治结构和机构会垮台吗?] 是的。[那将是美好的一天。] 是的。那将是一个非常欢乐的时刻。
Heru: We're looking at very many different groups of people. For someone like Marjorie, the change in her heart has taken place, and her life personally will continue to unfold in a positive manner. As far as the ruling structures of this Planet, the hearts of those who are in power are very hardened. It will take quite a bit of energy for them to fall from power and the power structure to be changed. I am finding at this time I am not at liberty to divulge how it is seen that that will happen, but make no mistake that it will happen. [Elora: The ruling structure and bodies will fall?] Yes. [That will be a great day.] Yes. There will be much rejoicing.