圣光回归 - 第十九章
2005 年首次由Green Willow Publications of Candler, NC 28715, USA出版
作者 埃洛拉· 加百列
在许多书中,简介都只是被大家简单的浏览一下或完全跳过。 然而,我们希望您能花时间阅读这几页。 否则,当您继续阅读文本本身时,您会发现自己有许多疑惑。 另外,请注意本书末尾有一个术语表,如果您遇到不熟悉的术语,这将会有所帮助。
本书由四人编写:Elora Gabriel、Karen Kirschbaum、Shakura Rei 和 Marjorie Bair。 Karen是一个水晶般纯净无暇的管道,她传递了这些页面中记录的所有信息。 正是她作为管道的卓越能力使这项工作成为可能。 我通常(尽管并非总是)是提出问题的人。 我还写了一个简短的叙述来介绍每一章; 在某些地方,我的评论被插入到章节正文中。 Shakura提出了许多问题并帮助出版了这本书。 Marjorie担任这本书的顾问编辑,经常提出自己富有洞察力的问题,并慷慨地分享她在出版领域的专业知识。
第十九章:近况更新 2 - 2005 年 3 月 - 4 月
Chapter NINETEEN: Update 2 - March - April 2005
第 1 部分 – 最初造物主 - 作者:埃洛拉·加百列
Section 1 - PRIME CREATOR - by Elora Gabriel
In The Return of Light, I stated that up until the time that Karen first channeled Prime Creator, I had never encountered any Being whom I could call "God" despite my wide travels on the Inner Realms. Many people claim to know God, and religions are full of dogmas that supposedly express the will of Creator. But who or what is God, beyond our ideas and preconceptions? In the last couple of months, I have begun to re-discover the One who created this Creation, and in a much more personal way than I ever could have dreamed. I will generally refer to Creator as "He" in this writing, but wish to emphasize that Creator is above gender and manifests as both male and female.
在《薄伽梵歌》中,克里希纳(以最初造物主的意识发言)说道:“用我自己的碎片渗透到宇宙中,我仍然存在。” 我相信克里希纳传达了这样一个事实:一方面,上帝/最初造物主是一种渗透到所有造物中的能量或意识;另一方面,他本身就是一种能量或意识。另一方面是存在于造物本身之上的存有。最初造物主作为一个存有,在过去的五亿年里一直被排除在堕落的扇区之外。现在宇宙中的大部分帷幕已经倒塌,最初造物主也已经亲自进入了堕落的扇区 由于较低维度中仍然存在极端稠密的能量和扭曲,最初造物主目前影响我们星球上事物的能力非常有限。然而,他在更高维度的力量却在呈指数级增长。我们几乎每天都看到这些国度上所发生着的真正的奇迹。诚然每每看到地球上的事情一如既往地糟糕,甚至情况还在继续恶化,都令人感到非常痛苦和沮丧。然而,赫鲁确实已经提前警告了我们,2005 年将是困难的一年 - 尽管他和最初造物主现在都表示,今年某个时候我们将看到明显的好转。我们相信,突破的发生只是时间问题,让奇迹开始在我们所在的三维物理层面上发生。最初造物主表达了完全疗愈堕落扇区的强烈愿望和决心,他将留在这里直到实现这一目标为止。
In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna (speaking from the consciousness of Creator) states: "Permeating the Cosmos with a fragment of Myself, I remain." I believe that Krishna was communicating the fact that God is, on the one hand, an energy or consciousness which permeates all of Creation; and on the other hand is a Being who exists above and beyond Creation itself. Creator, in his aspect as a Being, has been shut out of the Fallen Sector for the past 500 million years. Now that large parts of the Frequency Fences have come down, Creator has personally entered the Fallen Sector. Due to the extreme density and distortions still present in the Lower Dimensions, Creator has only a very limited ability to affect matters on our Planet. However, his power in the Higher Dimensions is growing exponentially. We have seen literal miracles occur on those Realms, almost on a daily basis. It is painful and frustrating to see things being as bad as ever, even continuing to worsen on Earth. However, Heru did warn us that 2005 would be a difficult year -although both he and Creator now state that we will see definite changes for the better sometime this year. We believe that it is only a matter of time until a breakthrough occurs which will allow miracles begin to occur on the physical. Creator has expressed an intense desire and determination to entirely heal the Fallen Sector, and he will remain here until that is accomplished.
All of us who are involved in this work can now say, beyond a doubt, that Creator is a Being in every sense of the word, with emotions, thoughts, feelings, and agendas that he wishes to accomplish. The scope of the Being whom we call Creator is beyond our imagination, yet our connection with him has become undeniably personal.
In terms of our personal lives and the inner work we do, those of us involved with the material already given in The Return of Light have now found that when we need help or intercession on the inner, the most effective route is to go directly to Creator. This was not always the case. Back in January, Creator told me that he was beginning to be able to reach into the Fallen Sector, but it was like trying to do work with blindfolds over his eyes and oven mitts on his hands, so to speak. Despite these limitations, his eagerness to reach us, and our desire to reach him once again, fueled our work together. We began to call for changes and assistance on the inner, and our requests began to be answered with power and effectiveness.
For example, on February 15, 2005, after a period of relative quiet, the Dark launched a sudden "sneak attack" on the other side of our Universe which resulted in a very damaging battle. The Light was taken by surprise and there were some heavy losses. This battle escalated into a rash of attacks all over the Universe.
当时凯伦通灵了最初造物主,我们询问他我们可以做些什么。最初造物主建议我们和他一起召集77名第七波光战士的队长、144名康特乌斯和2000名哨兵。 然后,康特乌斯将招募数百万额外的光战士,因为他们有这种能力。所有这些光战士都已被最初造物主创造出来了,但总的来说,他们还没有到达堕落的扇区。
Karen channeled Creator, and we asked what could be done. Creator suggested that we work with him to call in 77 Seventh Wave Light Warrior Captains, 144 Konteus, and 2000 Sentinels. The Konteus would then pull in millions of additional Light Warriors, as they have this capacity. All of these Beings are created and in existence, but in general they had not reached the Fallen Sector yet.
We worked with Shakura and asked Creator to send us all the above Beings. With his help, we were able to pull all the above Beings into our Universe and deploy them as needed. The battles rapidly turned in favor of the Light. But this was only the first of many miracles to come. Since then, Creator has restored almost a thousand Higher Dimensional Beings who had been melted down, who had literally ceased to exist as Beings. Their memories have been restored and they are complete, sentient, and ensouled Beings once more. He has also restored Beings who had been disintegrated or blown apart. He has healed great numbers of the Archangels, for many have been damaged in the conflicts that have occurred in this Dark Sector over the eons. In all of these cases, Creator required a Third Dimensional "ground" in order to do this work - in other words, a Third Dimensional Human was needed to hold the energy.
On February 24, we asked Archangel X: What is enabling Creator to do these incredible things? Is it our power combined with his that somehow enables this to occur?
大天使X:是的。现在宇宙帷幕中的裂隙已经足够大了,所以你们现在可以直接与最初造物主进行这种过去被帷幕封锁的工作。人类,这种第三维度的存有,从一开始就是被设计为为了与上帝/最初造物主共同进行创造而生的存在,而你们正在做的这项工作就是一个例子。未来你们将会看到更多这样的事情。这也是光明势力几十年来的梦想。 我相信你们应该非常熟悉“有意识的共同创造”这个词。尽管许多人都梦想过这一点并提出了这个概念,但实际上到目前为止地球上几乎还没有发生人类与最初造物主有意识的共同创造。所以这是一个正在发生的新现象,而且基本上是从今年开始的。你们对康特乌斯和其他存有的召唤便是另一个例子。
Archangel X: Yes. There are enough gaps in the Frequency Fences that you are now able to do this kind of work directly with Prime Creator which was blocked in the past. Humans, Third Dimensional Beings, have been designed to be co-creators with God, and this work you are doing is an example of that. And you will be seeing much more of this. This has been dreamed about for decades. I'm sure you are familiar with the term "conscious co-creation". Although many of dreamed about it and have put forth the concept, in actuality almost no conscious co-creation has been happening up until this point. So this is a new phenomenon that is happening, basically beginning with this year. The calling forth of the Konteus and the other Beings are another example of this.
Elora: Does the passion of the request play a role here, the intensity and the sense of command and power behind it?
Archangel X: Of course. You are familiar with the concept that thought creates, and really thought does not create a whole lot except when you go into the higher realms of thought. But what Humans think of thought, what happens in their mind, is not what creates. What really creates realities is emotion. And as you connect more and more with Prime Creator, you will find that working with Creator your emotions will play a very important role in your co-creations.
3 月 1 日,我们询问最初造物主:
On March 1st, we asked Prime Creator:
Elora: What do you most need from us to make co-creation work?
Prime Creator: First the willingness to align your Being with me. Then calling me in to inhabit you, your space, your body. Third, the faith that what you are doing is real and not just imaginary. And fourth, to develop the confidence in the truth of the fact that what you are expressing is really of us, and that takes practice. It takes practice applying these steps to gain the confidence that it really is a very potent and wonderful tool. It also takes essentially the remembrance that this is what you were designed to do, so it is quite simple to bring this forward provided you do not conflict yourself with so many doubts that you would throw obstacles in the way.
埃洛拉:“真正的我们”是什么意思? 我们正在做的是代表着真理、以及圣光的?
Elora: What do you mean by "really of us"? That what we are doing is of Truth, of Light?
原初造物主:是的。 而且这不仅仅是一个想象的幻想。
Prime Creator: Yes. And that this is not just an imagined fantasy.
埃洛拉:你对与三维人类有意识地共同创造的开始有何感想? 我知道你被堕落的扇区拒之门外非常久了,你对此一定感到非常沮丧。
Elora: How do you feel about this beginning of conscious co-creation with Third Dimensional Humans? I know you have been shut out from the Fallen Sector for so long and must have felt great frustration.
Prime Creator: I have felt great frustration, and I feel great joy in being able to finally touch what has been out of reach for me for so long. There is a great deal of pent up Love and longing to touch, longing to express fully, my Love for each particle of my Creation. And I want to express that this is truly my time to take back my Creation. Every, time an opening is made for me to come more fully in, I can't express the joy, it is greater than words can express.
Elora: We will continue to call upon you frequently.
Prime Creator: Please do, not just for me, and not just for you. Every time this opening is made bigger it is made stronger, and more people will be able to access that connection.
[Elora:] On March 15th, we discovered a new phenomenon on the Inner Realms - the God Stones. I first saw a God Stone on an occasion when I had traveled to a Sixth Dimensional Realm which I often frequent. There I found something which had not been there before - a large stone standing in the middle of a meadow. It looked something like one of the "standing stones" common in the British Isles, except that it had a somewhat glassy, translucent appearance. I learned that this was called a "God Stone" and that it was a place wherein one could do work with Creator in a very direct way. If you can imagine one of the old mainframe computers, God Stones are like terminals into that central computer. Since I was in an energy body, it was easy to step into the God Stone. Inside the God Stone, it was very quiet and spacious, and Creator was directly accessible. Karen, Shakura, and I all began to do our work with Creator inside the God Stones. They have appeared in many places both near Earth and elsewhere. The more work that is done in a God Stone, the bigger and more powerful it becomes. I cannot overemphasize the importance of the God Stones for those who wish to work directly with Creator.
On March 16th, we asked Archangel X: Can you tell us more about the God Stones, and how they can be used for manifestation, for help and healing?
Archangel X: They are wonderful, wonderful. I don't want to call them devices because they are much more organic than a device. They are something Prime Creator created some time ago, but it was limited, I believe, to only one universe. Now that the Frequency Fences have fallen, it was decided that they would be a wonderful asset. They are programmed to amplify communication with Prime Creator - between Prime Creator and whoever is in there - and amplify whatever the work is that is done in there, perhaps in a way similar to a pyramid. But it is almost as if these Stones are living stones, in a way that a plant would be alive. I myself have not worked extensively with them so they are new to me as well. All of the gifts that this brings to us are not yet known.
埃洛拉:上周日,我进入上帝之石做了一些工作。最初造物主说他要给我一些东西。我想他说他正在让我成为他意志的体现,或者类似的东西。他说完这句话后,我发现自己变得无比巨大,而且似乎也变得更加强大。然后我发现,当我们将大天使引入上帝之石中进行疗愈时,最初造物主可以对进入上帝之石的大天使的多个不同维度上的不同化身同时进行疗愈 - 在一些情况下,他曾同时对受到创伤的大天使灵魂阶梯在所有维度上的所有 200-300 个灵魂化身进行了疗愈。你能解释一下最初造物主对我做了什么吗?
Elora: Last Sunday, I went into the God Stone to do some work. Creator said that He was going to give me something. I think He said that he was making me an embodiment of His will, or some such thing. After He said this, I found myself become absolutely huge and, it seemed, more powerful. I then found that when we brought Archangels into the God Stone to be worked on, Creator could work on a number of them all at once - in a couple cases He worked on all 200-300 aspects of a damaged Archangel at the same time. Can you explain what Creator did to me?
Archangel X: You are correct, He said that you are becoming the embodiment of his Will. "Will" is not quite the right the word, that's the way you would take it, but it's more the manifestation of Prime Creator's wishes somehow that has a less heavy feel to it. And at that point when you were getting big you are expanding so that you may hold the totality of a particular wish of Prime Creator. And then you are able, while in the God Stone, to manifest that wish.
[埃洛拉:] 在上帝之石中工作,尤其是在自我全面扩展的状态下,确实是一次令人难以置信的体验。当最初造物主在上帝之石中以里面特有的方式与第三维度的人类联手时,他在更高维度上的力量似乎变得无所不能了。我们一次又一次地了解到,在宇宙历史的这个时期,确实需要一个第三维度的存有来使上帝的这些伟大行为得以发生。但在光之宇宙中情况并非如此,在那,最初造物主在每个维度都拥有无限的力量。在这里,维度被分离和分层,因此最初造物主需要一个第三维度的存有来将这些他的愿望穿过所有的维度沉降显化出来。
[Elora:] Working within the God Stones, particularly when in an expanded status, is truly an incredible experience. There seems to be almost no limit to Creator's power on the Higher Dimensions when He joins forces with a Third Dimensional Human in that place and that manner. Again and again, we have learned that at this time in the history of our Universe, it does require a Third Dimensional Being to enable these great acts of God to occur. Such would not be the case in a Light Universe, where Creator has unlimited power in every Dimension. Here, where the Dimensions are separated and stratified, it takes a Third Dimensional Being to pull these manifestations down through all the Dimensions.
If you want to work in one of the God Stones, you may simply ask to be taken to the nearest God Stone, or the one most appropriate for you. You can bring with you any Masters, Angels, or Guides whom you might wish to be there with you. You may also ask Creator to grant you Expanded Status. If He chooses to do so, your power will be amplified a hundred fold. From such a place, I have seen Creator bring back as many as five "lost" Aspects of an Archangel all at once (Aspects which had been melted down), as well as other miraculous feats too numerous to recount. Working from an Expanded Status in the God Stone also feels very different than our earlier collaborations with Creator. Instead of reeling under avalanches of power, one simply holds the energy with Creator, and the work unfolds. Those of us who work in the God Stones with Creator usually have a sense of looking directly into His eyes, and holding His hands while we create with Him. An even more powerful step is to energetically merge with Him and to create a pillar of connection which goes all the way down into the center of the Earth and all the way up to the Twelfth Dimension. I see His eyes as dark and penetrating, and His hands feel slender and strong. However, He may appear differently to different people. Creator normally appears intense, serious, and concentrated - which would be appropriate for the task He is currently immersed in.
As a final word on the God Stones, some of them have been made to contain Portals back to the Light Universes. A number of Beings have already left and have made the journey home. As new Beings come in from the Unfallen Universes and take over the responsibilities held by Light Beings here, more and more of us will be free to return home. One of the first to return was Archangel Uriel. Most of the Archangels will be here for a while at least, but Uriel had been on the front lines for a long time and was granted a special dispensation to return. If you call on Uriel now, you still may be able to reach him, as he can project his consciousness back into this Sector. However, he is no longer here in personal presence. Another Archangel will be taking over the "Office" that Uriel has held, and those who call upon him may also reach this Being.
虽然最初造物主的力量正在不断增强,但他影响第三维度的能力仍然极其有限。然而,我们发现,在许多情况下,他能够清除我们体内的病原体。我们只需进入上帝之石,将我们的能量与最初造物主融合,并下令将某种病原体统统从我们的物理和微妙身体、我们气场的所有层面和所有维度中移除,并移除其能量模板。我们也可以要求最初造物主将这个病原体从我们从第一次感染这种病原体以来的所有过去,现在和将来的时间线中彻底移除。 人们必须针对不同类型的病原体分别进行此操作,例如致病细菌、厌氧细菌、病毒、支原体以及致病真菌、酵母和霉菌。还需要对病原体的基因和化学突变和变体进行单独清除。 我们发现这比调用微型光战士来对抗病原体更有效。
Creator's power continues to grow, yet His ability to affect the Third Dimension is still extremely limited. We have found, however, that He is able to remove pathogens from our bodies in many cases. We simply go into the God Stone, merge our energy with Creator, and command that all of a certain pathogen be removed from our physical and subtle bodies, all layers of our auric field, and all the Dimensions, and that its energetic template be removed as well. It is also possible to ask Creator to go back on the time line and do this for all time since we first contracted this type of pathogen. One would have to do this separately for various types of pathogens, such as pathogenic bacteria, anaerobic bacteria, viruses, mycoplasms, and for pathogenic fungus, yeast, and mold. It is also necessary to do separate clearings for the genetically and chemically mutated and altered forms of a pathogen. We find this more effective than calling the Micro Warriors to work on pathogens.
We asked Archangel X:
Elora: You said that you thought Creator should already have been able to impact the physical. What is stopping Him?
Archangel X: It's sort of a combination of denseness and scrambledness. It's not just that the Third Dimension is dense. I believe this is also why Heru was unable to manifest a body when you requested it. There is a distortion in all of the matter in the Third Dimension that would make it almost impossible for things to come from the Higher Dimensions into this Dimension.
[埃洛拉:] 在结束本节时,我想邀请所有那些感受到召唤的人,通过作为最初造物主的第三维度的“平台”来协助修正我们的世界和宇宙。此时,正是通过某些第三维度人类与最初造物主保持联系的能力,我们这个宇宙中最大的变化正在发生。或许人们很难理解这一点的重要性,但在堕落扇区的维度之间的分层被打破之前,这就是现实。夏库拉写道:
[Elora:] In closing this section, I would like to invite all of those who feel called to assist in the reclamation of our World and Universe by acting as Third Dimensional "grounds" for Creator. At this time, it is through the capacity of certain Third Dimensional Humans to hold a connection with Creator that the greatest changes are occurring. It is difficult to understand the importance of this, yet this is a reality until the stratification between the Dimensions in the Fallen Sector has been broken down. Shakura writes:
"All Humans have Seven Levels within them, which correspond to the Seven Chakras, which also correspond to the Seven Levels within this Universe. The Seven Levels are also referred to as the 'Twelve Dimensions' by some traditions. In a Light Universe those levels are fairly homogenous in that a Human can easily travel from one to another, and a person is not stuck in one level such as we are here. In a Light Universe all Seven Levels are 'open' within the Human body, so that the Human is whole no matter what level she/he may reside in.
在我们这个黑暗的扇区中,各个层次之间有更大的分离和边界,因此我们必须处于最后一个层次(第三维度 - 也对应于宇宙中能量最密集的,也是最后的一个层次),以便我们可以将来自最初造物主的能量拉入其完整的形态。换句话说,最初造物主的能量必须一路通过所有维度,并经由我们的物质身体将其锚定到物质中,然后这股能量才能恢复其完整的状态。
In our Dark Sector there is a greater separation and delineation between the levels, and we must be in this last level (Third Dimension - which also corresponds to the densest and last level within the Universe) so that we can pull the energies into its completed form. In other words, the energies must come all the way through and be anchored into the physical before they can be complete.
In terms of making tremendous changes by co-creating with Creator, it takes a physical person who is anchored in the Third Dimension to allow the creation to manifest completely, pulling the energies all the way to this level. In the case of healing an Archangel or pulling its Aspects back, [for example], we know that Archangels do not reside in the physical; in fact, we're told they reside in the Sixth Dimension and above. Still, the force generated by Creator to accomplish the healing must still go through all levels for it to be complete. Therefore He needs us to request it, lend our energies, and pull those energies to this level.
对于那些正在阅读本文的人来说,你也可以进入上帝之石并与最初造物主一起工作。特别是在这段时间,我们是他的眼睛、他的手臂和手。 正是通过我们,通过我们深入物质世界并同时还可以进入更高维度的能力,他才能够突破帷幕的束缚并逐渐在第三维度获得更大的力量,并产生更有效的影响。这是一个与众不同的时代,正确的知识和能力,加上正直和意愿,将使第三维度人类拥有足以在第三维度创造神迹的巨大的影响力。
For those who are reading this, you too can go into the God Stones and work with Creator. During this time in particular, we are His eyes, His arms and hands. It is through us, through our ability to ground into the Physical level and reach into the Higher Dimensions at the same time, that He is able to break through into progressively greater power and effectiveness. This is a time like no other, when the correct knowledge and abilities, combined with integrity and willingness, will enable Third Dimensional Humans to have monumental leverage in terms of what can be accomplished.
如果你擅长承接能量,首先与最初造物主连接。 接下来,让自己深入地球的核心与其连接,并尽可能地与尽可能高的维度进行连接——最好是与第十二维度相连接。如果你能在第十二维度连接到你的单子,这将会很有帮助,他或她可能会帮助你承接最初造物主的能量。与最初造物主沟通就像与任何其他高维存有沟通一样容易。你可能有自己的议程,或者他可能会告诉你他需要你做什么。你可能会被要求为自己、大天使或其他更高维度的存有的疗愈而努力。当他展现令人难以置信的恩典和能量壮举时,你可能会被要求去承接这股能量,例如创建净化神殿,关于这一点稍后在 2005 年 5 月的近况更新中会有描述。现在是时候你可以将你的手放在上帝/最初造物主的手中了,并协助他完成在这些宇宙中已经开始的巨量的工作。
If you are skilled at holding energy, first connect with Creator. Next, ground yourself down into the core of the Earth, and also connect up as far as you can - ideally with the Twelfth Dimension. If you can reach your Monad on the Twelfth, this will be helpful, and he or she may assist you in holding the energy. Communicating with Creator is just as easy as communicating with any other high level Being. You may have your own agenda, or he may tell you what he needs you to do. You may be called to work on your own healing, or that of Archangels or other Higher Dimensional Beings. You may be asked to hold energy while he carries out incredible feats of grace and power, such as creating the Temples of Purification later described in the Channeled Updates for May 2005. Now is the time when you can place your hand in the hand of God and assist Him in carrying out the vast work that has been begun in these Universes.
And one final thought: for those who choose to co-create with Creator during these dramatic times, you will find that He works in the following way. Once He is able to do or to create something, He will then increase and replicate and magnify it. For example, He created a few God Warriors. Then (with the help of Third Dimensional Humans holding energy) He began to create them in the hundreds, then the thousands, the millions, trillions, and on into uncountable numbers. Therefore, whatever He achieves, you can join with Him to command that it be tripled or quadrupled or increased to a factor of ten. He will tell you how much He can magnify His previous creations in any case.
第 2 部分 - 进一步的近况更新
Section 2 - Further Channeled Updates
[埃洛拉:] 我现在有一个更新,其中包含赫鲁在过去几个月中发表的最激动人心、最重要的声明。简而言之,我们的宇宙之战,事实上,解放整个堕落扇区的战斗,正在以令人难以置信的速度进行,并取得了巨大的成功。2005 年 4 月 18 日,我们跨过了一个临界点,光明势力控制了我们宇宙的 50% 以上。到4月底,这一数字已达到92%。不幸的是,我们的地球是最后被解放的地方之一,但那个解放的时间已经非常接近了。
[Elora:] I now have an Update which contains the most stirring and important statement made by Heru in the last couple of months. In a nutshell, the Battle for our Universe and, in fact, the Battle to free the entire Fallen Sector, is moving at an incredible speed and with tremendous success. On April 18th, 2005, we passed a critical point where the Light Forces controlled over 50% of our Universe. By late April, that figure had reached 92%. Unfortunately our Earth is one of the last places to be freed, but that time is drawing very close.
埃洛拉:2005 年 4 月 18 日 –赫鲁,我们正在准备近况信息的更新。对于我们读者的关切,你有什么想说的吗?
Elora: 18th April 2005 – Heru, we are preparing an Update. Is there anything you would like to state for the benefit of our Readers?
赫鲁:请在更新中写下下面这些内容:我亲爱的地球上的朋友们,我非常高兴地向你们宣布,光明势力即将取得对这个宇宙的控制权争夺的最终胜利。局势确实已经逆转,光明势力现在控制着这个宇宙超过 50% 的地区。几周之内,主要的战斗就会结束。那时我们将讨论黑暗势力用来控制地表统治者的控制器的能量结构,这个控制器主要位于第六和第八维度。你们可能已经知道地表的实际统治者是光明会。在很短的时间内,你们将开始看到控制你们世界的金融、战争机器和政治的根深蒂固的权力结构,像巴别塔一样摇晃和崩溃。我知道这在给你们带来喜悦同时,也会令你们感到恐惧,因为像这样的彻底改变往往令人恐惧。但请你们牢记即将发生的事情将会是奇迹。如果你还记得我认为所谓的天鹅绒革命,即铁幕的倒塌是在非暴力的情况下实现的,你就会看到这样的起义。人们将会在街上游行,举起手来要求结束。黑暗将被终结——这是关键——精神控制将会结束,这种控制使许多人受到奴役,要么在电视机前睡着,要么只是绝望地疲惫不堪并陷入生存问题。人们将开始迅速觉醒,这将在今年发生。
Heru: Write this: My dear beloved friends on Earth, it is with great pleasure that I am able to announce to you the imminent victory of the Forces of Light for control of this Universe. The tide has indeed turned, and the Forces of Light now control more than 50% of this Universe. And within a few weeks the major battles shall be over with. At that point we will be addressing the energetic structures, primarily on the Sixth and Eighth Dimensions, that are controlling the Controllers of Earth. You would probably know them as the Illuminati. Within a very short period of time you will begin to see the entrenched power structure that controls the finances, the war machines, and the politics of your world, shake and collapse like a tower of Babel. I know this will give you both joy and fear, for radical change like this is often fearful. Know that what is to come will be miraculous. If you will remember what I believe were called the Velvet Revolutions, the fall of the Iron Curtain which was achieved with no violence, you will see uprisings like that. There will be people marching in the streets, raising their hands and demanding an end. And there will be an end - this is the key - there will be an end to the mind control that has kept many populations enslaved, either asleep in front of the television sets or just hopelessly fatigued and bound to survival issues. People will begin to wake up rapidly, and it will happen this year.
[Elora: Below, in order of the dates we received them, are a number of Channeled Updates with a great deal more information. In some cases I have summarized an exchange for the sake of brevity.]
赫鲁:2007 年 2 月 7 日 - 一些新的存有们进入了我们的宇宙
HERU: 7 February 2007 - Some of the new Beings entering our Universe
On this date, Heru gave us details on some of the new Beings who are entering our Universe in order. One group is called the Guardians of Worlds, sometimes called the Sentinels. Heru said that these Beings have excellent vision and elaborated:
"Let me first say that all of these Beings come in a sense more with potential than with actuated talents. They will come in almost as archetypes, and then life will bring out of them what they are really meant to do. So what I will be giving you is more their potential than their actualization at this time. These Beings were created to be Eternal Guardians so that nothing like what has happened will ever happen again. Therefore, any time there is any assault on any place where these Sentinels are, they will immediately alert the proper channels of Light Warriors and so on to take care of any attacks.
But there is more to them. They are also able to be, in a sense, houses of communication. And I know that you and Shakura have been looking for ways of rapid communication. When these are all in place, they can rapidly transmit information between themselves. So if you are at one end of the Universe and you need to get a message to the other end of the Universe you can do it rapidly through these Sentinels. And it will take some time for them to become wired in, so to speak, to all of the Beings that will be using them. I'm sure there is more, I'm sure they will be used for other things as well, and it is not entirely seen what else they can do."
Heru then discussed some Beings called the Guardians of Purity. Their objective is to return matter to its pristine state, and they are not here in large numbers yet. The Guardians of Purity have a quality of innocence, and appear almost childlike.
去年年底,赫鲁谈到了一个他称之为“爱之战士”的团体。 这些存有也在前往我们这个宇宙的路上,赫鲁这样描述他们:
Late last year, Heru had spoken of a group that he called the "Love Warriors". These Beings are also on their way, and he described them thus:
"They will look angelic, much softer than the Light Warriors. They will be characterized by pinks and reds and greens, as you can imagine someone dispensing love would be. They will have talents not only in relationships, but in other fields as well. And they are not going to act as therapists, rather they are going to act more with energetics, with magnetism, with harmonizing polarities. Therefore their work will be much more fundamental than that of a psychotherapist would be. Their scope of work is not just with Human relationships, but also with harmonizing the Yin and Yang in all of Nature through the Mineral, Plant, and Animal Kingdoms as well. So they could be called upon to harmonize an area, everything within the area. For example you could call upon one of these Beings to harmonize all of the Yin and Yang within the property that you are moving to. I would like a better name than Love Warriors; perhaps we could call them the Harmonizers."
后来,我遇到了一些被称为净化者的存有,他们似乎正在清除我们房子周围的空气污染。 我问赫鲁他们是否是在纯洁守护者到达之后到达的,前来更进一步清理地球黑暗的存有,赫鲁说:
Lastly, I encountered some Beings called the Purifiers, who appeared to be working the clear air pollution from around our house. I asked if they were the next step after the Guardians of Purity, and Heru stated:
"They are different in function. The Guardians of Purity will maintain the purity of the original intent of the Being or environment. And the Purifiers would actively be cleaning up things, so they have a somewhat different function."
I do feel that the Purifiers have an effect in terms of being able to affect pollution of air and water, and they are helping in removing chemtrails from the air. They are not here in large numbers, but can be called in by those who would like their help. You can ask them to stay in a certain area and keep working on it.
最初造物主:2005 年 2 月 19 日 – 光明势力目前正在采取哪些措施来保护我们在物理世界的安全。 (相关问题由夏库拉提交)
PRIME CREATOR: 19 February 2005 - What is being done to protect us on The Phsycal Plane. Questions submitted by Shakura
Shakura: Are there any Beings coming who can stop the wars or dismantle the nuclear devices?
Prime Creator: Yes, there are. They will be here within two years, perhaps a year and a half. Some of them have already been here and prevented much that you have not seen.
Shakura: Enough to prevent any nuclear attacks at this time?
Prime Creator: Yes.
Shakura: So we should see no nuclear exchanges or nuclear terrorist attacks?
Prime Creator: There is a difference in effect between a true nuclear weapon and a dirty bomb which is the dispersement of radiated matter. There may be some dirty bombs but there will be no nuclear explosions. And much is being done to prevent even the dirty bombs from being used.
Shakura: How can we be protected from nuclear, biological, or chemical attacks?
Prime Creator: Build these shelters that you have been constructing and work at reinforcing them. I will give you material that is as strong as the fabric from Xantheos but much more tightly woven. Just ask for that and that will keep out the rest of the chemtrails and any radiation pollution or biological agents from your home. Now this will not cover you while you are away from home but at least your home will be safe.
Shakura: Are there any entities coming who can protect us physically?
Prime Creator: Yes, but I shall not talk about them at this time. But I also want to say that the deeper you go into these great mysteries that are unfolding to you, the less you will be the victim of random happenstance accidents and so on. You will find yourself much safer just by virtue of the vibration you are dwelling in. And the power of the Archangels that you have pulled into your spheres is not negligible. As you keep them with you more and more, you will also be more and more protected by them.
Shakura: Are there any Beings coming who can ecologically restore Earth to perfection on the physical, and when?
Prime Creator: Yes, the ET's that are yet to come or yet to unveil themselves will have with them technologies that people have begun to dream of on this Planet. They are at this point perhaps more dreams than reality, but the reality of this kind of technology exists and is coming. Let me look at time frames. It is a bit difficult to project far out, but I believe in about three to five years you will begin to actually see evidence of this technology. You may not see the Beings but all of a sudden you will see an explosion of new technology that will be able to solve problems, and it will no longer be able to be repressed. There are rumors of this technology now, and when you look at them they seem to disappear like a mirage and not be true. But they are the forerunner vibration of what is to come and soon they will no longer melt away. They will be looked at and they will be solid. Right now the thought patterns of the possibility of this kind of technology are being seeded in those who are open to it, and a couple of years from now it will begin to manifest. I don't know when those Beings will be seen but the technology will begin pouring forth into the Third Dimension. It may appear to be the invention of certain people but it will be a definite download from these beings i.e. the ET's.
Shakura: Will the Light Warriors ever materialize physically?
Prime Creator: As Humans become more Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Dimensional, the Light Warriors will begin to appear to them. So if two people were side by side, and one person was very dense and merged with his dense programming, he would not see the Light Warriors. But the person next to him who is open and more multi dimensional would see that Light Warrior and perceive it as a Physical Being. And within a year, that will begin to happen.
Shakura: Will there be a way to restore the Human body back to perfection?
Prime Creator: Yes, there is and always has been a way. If you look at your scriptures of bodily resurrections and miraculous healing, that way has always been there but for only for a scattered few. It will become more prevalent, and in two to three years you will see a definite rise in that kind of event.
Shakura: Are you referring to Ascension or what?
Prime Creator: It is all of it. It is the opening of the gates for the restoration of the divine blueprint, it is the opening of the gates for instantaneous healing, of very major kinds of healing, what people today call miraculous. There will be downloads. There have been small forays into this with some Healers, but there will be more and more downloads of the technology needed for these kinds of miraculous healings, remissions, and transformations. This will come. It is coming. It has already begun in a small way. But you will see it more and more. Again it is being seeded into the fabric of the mind and the souls of many people who have been waiting for their powers to unfold. And they will unfold.
Shakura: Can the Guardians of Purity affect the physical?
Prime Creator: Perhaps not yet or only in a few, but as they are put to use they will change the physical. The more they are used, and the more all of these Bbeings are used, the stronger they become. Even your First Wave Light Warriors have not fully manifested their strength.
Shakura: Once the Dark is cleared and all is restored, what will these Beings do? What will their purpose be?
Prime Creator: There will always remain a certain number of them to be forever vigilant. With the others it is actually not known. They will be free to create worlds, colonize, and become a part of the fabric of this Creation. And how they will affect this Creation is truly not known at this time. It will be an interfacing, in a sense, of two Creations. These Beings were created outside of this Creation, and they will remain here or go to their Home Creation as they wish, or travel back and forth. What you don't understand is the complexity of this new Creation. Look at the older Universes. That level of complexity is the level of this new Creation that I have created. And so there is much you have not seen of this new Creation. It does exist side by side interpenetrating all of this Creation and it will continue to grow just as this Creation has grown, and it will continue to interpenetrate this Creation. I do not know what the future will bring. I know it will be glorious, but the shape that this will take will be in large measure up to all of the Beings in this Creation and that Creation. It will be a dance of interpenetration, and I see that it will be a glorious future.
[Elora:] Given how fast things are now moving on the Higher Dimensions, it is my hope and belief that powerful and positive technology for cleaning up the environment will occur sooner than three to five years.]
赫鲁:2005 年 3 月 20 日 - 通往光明宇宙的门户
[埃洛拉:] 本次更新的标题为“最初造物主”的部分讨论了一种称为上帝之石的存在于更高维度的事物。本质上,上帝之石是最初造物主的存在感很强的地方,也是人们可以去与最初造物主打交道的地方。3 月 19 日晚上,最初造物主改变了一些上帝之石,使它们包含了返回光之宇宙的门户。而这个门户是双向的,因此它们也允许来自光之宇宙的存有进入我们的堕落宇宙。许多在堕落扇区服务了很长时间的存有都已非常疲倦了,有些已经开始返回光之宇宙。3 月 19 日,我看到大天使乌列尔穿过了这个门户。为了确认这一点,我们询问了赫鲁:
[Elora:] The section of this Uupdate which is entitled "Prime Creator" discusses a Higher Dimensional phenomenon called God Stones. Essentially, these are places where Creator's presence is very strong, and where one can go to do with Creator. On the night of March 19th, Creator altered some of the God Stones so that they would contain Portals back to the Light Universes. The Portals are two-way, and therefore they also allow Beings from the Light Universes to enter our Fallen Universe. Many of the Beings who have been serving for a long time in the Fallen Sector are very weary, and some are already making the transition back to the Realms of Light. I saw Archangel Uriel pass through the Portal on March 19th. For confirmation, we asked Heru:
Elora: Heru, is it correct that Uriel went back through one of the Portals with all of his Aspects?
Heru: Yes, he did.
Elora: Have many more Beings left?
Heru: Yes, there is a great migration underway.
Elora: What are your feelings when you see this?
Heru: There is great joy that they are returning to the Light Sector and returning to healing. There is some sorrow that at the parting, although of course it will be a very short time before full commerce and communication and travel will be reestablished. But the partings are not so much between myself and them, but between these Beings and the people they are attached to, who don't have the same sense of time that I would have; so there is some grieving there.
Elora: Is Archangel Gabriel to go back?
Heru: Yes, perhaps within a matter of months.
Elora: He would find some way to keep contact with those he is connected to?
赫鲁:我相信大天使或类似的强大存有现在有可能可以将自己的意识投射回黑暗的扇区。 因此,即使加百列和他灵魂阶梯上的所有灵魂化身都返回了光之宇宙,他也仍然能够与那些希望与他连接的人保持沟通和联系。
Heru: I believe that it is possible now for an Archangel or a similarly powerful Being to project himself back into the Dark Sector. Therefore Gabriel could go with all of his Aspects and yet still maintain communication and contact with those who desire that.
Elora: How about yourself and Sekhmet?
Heru: We haven't really decided when. We'll leave it at that for right now.
Elora: Is it also correct that Creator has decided to speed up the instant return of Karma on Earth?
Heru: It appears so; I don't really know the details on that. It is in process and how it manifests will be very much on an individual basis. But I would say that pretty much at the present time it is beginning.
萨南达:2005 年 4 月 17 日 - 谣言背后的真相
SANANDA: 17 April 2005 - The Truth behind the Rumors
埃洛拉:萨南达,我想问你关于新时代世界中持续流传的两个主要谣言。 其中之一与名为“欧米茄”的金融投资计划有关。 欧米茄 (Omega) 由一位名叫克莱德·胡德 (Clyde Hood) 的人创立。他的得力助手是迈克·科多斯基。最初的投资很小,但据传该基金已经滚动多次,最终达到了数十亿美元,并将向所有会员支付数百万美元。 甚至银行界的成员也显然证实了这笔巨额资金的存在。 有人说圣哲曼在幕后推动着这个项目,事实上许多光工也加入了这个项目。最终,该项目的负责人被捕,迈克·科多斯基去世。尽管如此,许多人仍坚信欧米茄计划仍会将资金支付给他们。欧米茄计划到底是真的还是从一开始就是一个骗局?
Elora: Sananda, I would like to ask you about two major rumors which continue to circulate in the New Age world. One has to do with the financial investment program known as Omega. Omega was started by a man named Clyde Hood. His right hand man was Mike Kodoski. The initial investment was small, but the fund was rumored to have been rolled over so many times that it ended up in the billions and would pay millions to all Members. Even Members of the Banking Community apparently corroborated the presence of this huge fund of money. Some say that St. Germain was behind this project, and in fact many Light Workers joined. Eventually, the Principals of this Project were arrested, and Mike Kodoski died. Still, many people hold onto the belief that Omega is going to pay. Was Omega ever real or was it a scam from the beginning?
Sananda: It was not a scam from the beginning but it was taken over by the Dark. St. Germain was behind it but was unable to protect it and keep it from being taken over by the Dark. Those funds have been channeled back into the channels of established wealth and will not payout.
埃洛拉:我们要解决的下一个谣言是关于一项名为 NESARA 的立法 - 国家经济稳定和复苏法案的缩写。 据我所知,这项法案还没有提交国会。传闻说它已经被秘密通过,当权者正在等待正确的时间来将其宣布出来。这些谣言已经流传了很多年,但一直没有发生。这件事的真相是什么?
Elora: The next rumor we'd like to address is about a piece of legislation called NESARA - short for National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act. This act is a proposal which, as far as I know, hasn't even made it to Congress yet. The rumor is that it has been secretly passed, and the Powers That Be are waiting for the correct time to announce it. These rumors have circulated for years yet nothing has happened. What is the truth about this?
Sananda: It has not been passed. All of the Legislators have seen it, and of course many or the majority of them are corrupt and would never want this to be implemented. There are a few that given the opportunity would definitely bring it forward.
Elora: Do you feel that with the big changes coming this year, it will be passed?
Sananda: I don't see it this year but something akin to that may happen next year.
最初造物主: 2005 年 4 月 15 日 – 上帝战士
PRIME CREATOR: 15 April 2005 - The God Warriors
Elora: Creator, now that you are personally here in the Dark Sector, it seems that you are appalled beyond description at what the Dark is doing and has done - and that you want this War over as quickly as possible.
最初造物主:是的。 我告诉凯伦,如你所知,我渴望像以光战士那样的身体显化在这个宇宙。届时我将以我的全意识,经由光战士那样的身体结构而显化出来。现在我已经创造出了构成光之战士的全新物质,它将让我以不可战胜的姿态,自由的显化在这个黑暗扇区的任何地方。
Prime Creator: I do. And I told Karen, as you know, my desire to manifest bodies much like the Light Warriors. It will be me with my full consciousness, but made out of the structure of the Light Warriors. Now that I have created this substance that the Light Warriors are made of, it will allow me to manifest everywhere in this Dark Sector in an undefeatable position.
Elora: How many of these bodies will you manifest?
最初创造者:我会显化无数这样的身体。 这里有一些必须明白的事情。我知道我们已经在过去讨论过了,即在我创造用于打造光战士的新物质之前,能够让这个扇区或者这整个造物宇宙拜托黑暗的唯一方法就是将这个造物宇宙中的每一个原子都武装起来。而这也将是一种截然不同的方式,因为它就像让我穿上了一套盔甲一般,而这套盔甲并不会改变我或者这个造物宇宙的根本本质。
Prime Creator: Countless. And there is something that you must understand here. I know that we had discussed that prior to my creating the substance of the Light Warriors, the only way to get rid of the Dark in this Sector or in this whole Creation would have been to weaponize every atom of this Creation. This is a much different approach because it is like me donning a suit of armor. It does not change what I am or what the Creation is.
Elora: What will you do when you are in these bodies?
Prime Creator: I will wage war and I will defeat the Dark and drive it out. I will be the great Captain around which the Light Warriors will rally. And nothing will stop me.
Elora: What Dimension will these bodies be on?
Prime Creator: They will start out on the Fifth, and will radiate in both directions.
Elora: Will these God Warriors be able to affect the Third Dimension here on Earth?
Prime Creator: Not at first, but I believe within a couple to three months.
Elora: How are the Dark Forces which control Earth going to be targeted?
Prime Creator: We will surround and disarm the off-planetary Beings first, which will take away the power structure that is holding together the Beings on this Planet. They will become very unstable and will fall apart rather rapidly. And then we will surround and disarm them as well.
Elora: How will you do this, since they are on the physical?
最初造物主:我正在制定对应的对策。 这是一项渐进的工作,但我知道它最终将会被完成。
Prime Creator: I will have to see. This is a work in progress, but I know it will be done.
Elora: How soon will this take effect, here on the physical? How soon might we see these Beings going down, so to speak?
Prime Creator: You will begin to see it this year.
Elora: Will this be able to stop the strong and rapid movement towards global control that is happening right now, with the so-called Free Trade Agreements and the Codex? Votes on some of this legislation could happen within a month.
Prime Creator: We will interfere with their plans.
Elora: I would also like to ask something about the transformation of Third Dimensional Earth. It seems that, other than the Dark and Fallen Beings, our biggest stumbling block is the incredible density of the Third Dimension. Every time we try to affect something on the physical, or ask you to do so, it's the density that gets in the way. What is it going to take to penetrate and lighten that density, and correct the atomic distortions, both here on Earth and elsewhere in this Universe?
Prime Creator: That is an excellent question and I am working on it. I do not know yet, but I know it will be done. So please ask me again soon.
埃洛拉:这是一位读者提出的问题。 他问道:“我相信光战士不会被黑暗势力击败,因为他们是由来自我们宇宙所在的这个造物宇宙之外的全新造物的材料制成的。可是黑暗势力不是也起源于这个造物宇宙之外吗?” 难道他们就不会离开这个造物宇宙去寻找对抗光之战士的方法吗?什么可以阻止这种情况发生?
Elora: Here is a question from a reader. He asks: “I believe the expectation is that the Light Warriors won't be defeated by the Dark Forces because they were made of material from an entirely new Creation, outside this Creation that our Universe is in. Did not the Dark Forces also originate from outside this Creation, and might they not leave this Creation to find a way to counter the Light Warriors? What would prevent that?”
Prime Creator: We have stationed Light Warriors all around the perimeters of this Creation as part of our first line of offense, and so the Dark will be contained. Also do remember that once the battle is complete here, we will send forces to the originating point of the Dark and defeat it as well.
Elora: Can you say any more about what it is like for you to be here in the Fallen Sector, seeing all that has happened here?
Prime Creator: If I were to take the time to grieve, my tears would be never ending. There is within me an urgency to triage, repair, heal, and restore in a way that takes me out of my Emotional body. So right now for me it is a fierce amount of activity. At this point I don't really have the time to integrate, feel and grieve the losses that have happened. And it is my hope that by the time I have the space to do that, much healing will have taken place. I would say this is a rather frenetic time for me right now.
Elora: It was said by Sekhmet recently that the rest of the War would appear very fast and very ruthless.
Prime Creator: Yes.
Elora: What does it mean that it will be very ruthless? In what way would that be different than it has been before?
Prime Creator: Many delays have happened in advent of this War, in an effort to give every Being possible the choice to choose Light or Dark. Those who have continued to choose the Dark will be rounded up and imprisoned. And those who willingly give up the Dark will have a much easier time in their recapitulation. It will be a healing process, and it will be allowed to be spread out in a manner that I'm sure will be uncomfortable, but they will live through it. For those Beings who have not renounced the Darkness, it will be more of a trial by fire. And this will not be imposed on them, but many of them will end up choosing to be melted down rather than go through this [i.e. the restoration process]. It will be a much more painful process.
Elora: Those who make this choice will be melted down and then brought back?
Prime Creator: We shall see.
Elora: Thank you for this information, Creator. We are all dedicated to doing everything we can in order to restore this Creation.
Prime Creator: And I thank you as well. There are many in whom I am very pleased. And I will be manifesting to them more and more as time goes by.
[埃洛拉:]我们将本次通灵中讨论的由最初造物主将自己的全意识,结合光战士型的身体而显化出的存有称为上帝战士,他们确实是宏伟的——甚至比光战士还要强大,并且拥有令人难以置信的敏锐感知。对我来说,他们是上帝/最初造物主之怒的化身/愤身。他们在铲除黑暗方面毫不留情,不择手段。当他们被最初造物主成功创造出来后,最初造物主就开始以天文数字不断制造他们。随后,上帝战士席卷了我们宇宙,以及我们所在的整个堕落的扇区。他们的力量实在是太强大了,根本就没有什么能够抵挡他们。因为他们的感知是如此敏锐,他们已经能够定位并摧毁黑暗势力的藏身之处,以及他们的隐形武器等等。 我相信,一旦堕落扇区的主要战斗结束,上帝战士们就会成为那些需要他们的人的私人守护者。希望人们对上帝战士的守护需求不会存在太久。【译注:从这里我们终于知道了,我们在前面章节中看到的光战士队长们其实就是这里所说的上帝战士,他们是最初造物主的愤身。】
[Elora:] We call the manifestations of Creator which are discussed in this channeling the God Warriors, and they truly are magnificent - far more powerful even than the Light Warriors, and blessed with incredibly keen vision. To me, they are the personification of the Wrath of God. They are ruthless in eradicating the Darkness, stopping at nothing. Once they were released, Creator began making them in astronomical numbers. The God Warriors then swept through our Universe and the whole of the Fallen Sector. Their power is so awesome that absolutely nothing can withstand them. Because their sight is so keen, they have been able to locate and destroy the hiding places of the Dark, as well as their cloaked weapons and so on. I believe that once the major battles in the Fallen Sector are over, the God Warriors will be available to act as Personal Guardians for those who need them. Hopefully that need will not exist much longer.
赫鲁:2005 年 4 月 18 日 – 局势逆转
HERU: 18 April 20005 - The Tide Turns
埃洛拉:你好,赫鲁。 昨天,我们的宇宙中发生了激烈的战斗,也许是在一两天前开始的。 我感觉这段时间发生的事情非常重要。你能告诉我们你对所发生的事情的看法吗?
Elora: Good day Heru. There were battles raging in our Universe yesterday, perhaps starting a day or two ago. I sense that what happened was extremely important. Would you please give us your perspective on what occurred?
赫鲁:是的。 随着上帝战士的出现,黑暗势力正疯狂地拿出一切他们可动用的东西,为避免失败而做出最后的挣扎。
Heru: Yes. With the advent of the God Warriors, the Dark is frantically pulling out everything it has in a last ditch effort to stave off certain defeat.
Elora: So in other words, they launched a massive offense all over the Universe.
Heru: Yes, and this is basically for this Universe only. The other Universes are in varying states.
Elora: My feeling was that, once the Dark saw the God Warriors coming forward, they decided to launch a surprise attack and throw into it everything they had, most or all of the forces and weapons that they had been holding in reserve. Is this correct?
Heru: That is correct.
Elora: Do you feel that they will ever be able to pull together such a mass offensive again, in this Universe?
Heru: The only way they could do so is if they were able to come in from the other Universes.
Elora: The surounding Universes which are less cleared-out?
Heru: Some of them are.
Elora: Do you think that can happen?
Heru: It is extremely unlikely because there is an effort made at guarding the borders. And of course as time goes on things in those Universes will speed up as well.
Elora: What kind of progress is being made in the other Fallen Universes? Are the battles also turning there in favor of the Light?
Heru: In some them it is, in some of them it hasn't gotten that far yet. With some of them you would look at them and say they are five years behind where things are here now. But that doesn't mean it will take them five years to progress this far.
Elora: So going back to yesterday, what was the outcome of this mass offensive by the Dark?
Heru: They are failing, and being captured in great numbers.
埃洛拉:我知道最初造物主一直在创造大量的上帝战士。 这些对整个光明与黑暗之战的影响大吗?
Elora: I know that Creator has been making vast amounts of the God Warriors. Are these having a great impact on the overall War against Darkness?
Heru: They are.
Elora: Do you feel that, with the advent of countless numbers of God Warriors, the War in our Universe will be over very soon, except for small skirmishes and areas of resistance like Earth?
Heru: I do.
埃洛拉:那么这一切会在多久后发生? 是还需要几周、或者几个月的时间吗?
Elora: How soon? Are we talking weeks, months?
Heru: I believe weeks, maybe six weeks.
Elora: Would you please speak for a few moments on how you view the overall state of our Universe, including what percentage of it now is under the control of the Light.
赫鲁:截至目前,这个宇宙的大约 63% 都在光之力的控制之下。而且这个数字还会增加。 这场战斗之前,这个数字还不到50%,所以事实上,这个宇宙的局势已经发生了根本性的逆转了。
Heru: As of this moment, about 63% of this Universe is in control of the Forces of Light. And that will increase. Before this battle it was just below 50%, so this really is in essence the turning of the tide.
埃洛拉:所以在我们第一次和你开始相关的讨论时,我们的宇宙的75% 本质上是在黑暗势力的控制之下。
Elora: So when we started these discussions, our universe was 75% in the control of the Dark, essentially.
Heru: Yes.
埃洛拉:当这个宇宙的 95% 都在光明势力的控制之下时,这场战争就基本上结束了?
Elora: And the War would essentially be over when maybe 95% is under the control of the Light?
赫鲁:我想说应该即便光明势力只控制了这个宇宙 80%左右的区域,也已经足够基本结束这场战争了。我认为在 6 周之内,这个宇宙80% 的部分将被光明势力所控制,届时黑暗势力只能盘踞在剩余的一小部分区域内。
Heru: I'd say basically even by 80%. I think within 6 weeks it will be 80% in the control of the Light and so there will be just small pockets remaining.
Elora: How about the totally Dark Universes? What is the status for them, and have any been collapsed yet?
Heru: They have not been collapsed yet. They are being surrounded so as to be contained, and I believe they will be moved away somehow from the other Universes to a sort of empty space to be collapsed. I can't really say when this will occur.
埃洛拉:马杰伦最近怎么样? [马杰伦是凯伦双生火焰的灵魂阶梯在第六维度的灵魂化身。他的进步很有趣,因为他是第一批被光明势力回收并回归光明的黑暗的人类之一。这件事发生在去年夏天,但在他那个维度中,时间才过去了几个月。]
Elora: How is Majaron is doing? [Majaron is the Sixth Dimensional Aspect of Karen's Twin Flame. His progress is of interest, because he was one of the first Dark Humans to be reclaimed and to turn back to the Light. This event occurred last summer, but in his time only a few months have passed.]
Heru: He is in deep seclusion, and he is obsessively poring over every event in his life. He is in something like an Akashic Record room, where he can access all of this, everything that he did.
Elora: And is he making progress?
Heru: Yes. But this will take some time.
Elora: This brings up a question I've been pondering about. You have said that when the Darkness infects a Being, it subverts their will and they perform actions which they have not really chosen through Free Will. How does it make sense that Beings must suffer and bear the responsibility of what they did when their will was taken over by the Dark?
Heru: There have been great debates on this. I believe there is a dividing line, and that is between those who willingly renounce the Dark, like Majaron, and those who are unwilling to renounce the Dark. Now Majaron is suffering, and he will want to make reparations to those whom he has wronged. But he will not be called upon to live out the Karmic retribution or the Karmic restitution for what he has done. And so that is what is different. I want to say it will be enough for him to really look at and absorb everything he has done, and that in itself will be very painful. And he will have some work to do around this. But what we're talking about is the difference between perhaps months of therapy and recapitulation, versus hundreds or thousands of lifetimes of suffering and being chained to the Karmic wheel.
Elora: So this is more a matter of consciousness, for those who willingly renounce the Dark?
Heru: Yes.
Elora: And for those who don't willingly renounce the Dark, they would have to go through these thousands of lifetimes of suffering?
Heru: Yes, and many will choose to be melted down instead.
Elora: I would also think that when the new Beings come in, they will help these people who are returning to the Light.
Heru: Yes, they will.
2005 年 4 月 30 日——黑暗宇宙的崩溃和奇迹的时代
30 April 2005 - Collapsing The Dark Universes and a Time of Miracles
[埃洛拉:] 在上面近况更新发布后不久,发生了一系列令人震惊的事件,为了简洁起见,我将对其进行总结。
[Elora:] Shortly after the Update posted above a stunning series of events occurred, which I will summarize for the sake of brevity.
As previously discussed, the Fallen Sector contain both Dark and Fallen Universes. Fallen Universes, like our own, were originally created in the Light and were later taken down by the Dark. However, certain Universes were created totally Dark by the Fallen Creator Gods and were thus entirely Dark in nature. Heru has previously stated that these Universes would have to be collapsed as they were not redeemable. Once the God Warriors began to clear out the Fallen Universes with incredible power and speed, the need to deal with the Dark Universes became stronger, as they posed an ongoing threat to the rest of the Fallen Sector. By late April, all Light Beings who had gone to these Universes on various missions had been rescued, and Creator was ready to act.
On April 24, 2005, Creator assembled a group of the highest level of Creator Gods, including Heru and Sekhmet. While the Creator Gods - and a contingent of Third Dimensional Humans throughout the Fallen Sector - held the energy for this event to occur, Creator sent an Army of God Warriors to surround each of the Dark Universes. The Dark Universes were then moved out of the space-time continuum. Next, a small contingent of God Warriors was then dispatched to the Central Sun of each Dark Universe. Each Central Sun was collapsed, upon which the Dark Universes themselves collapsed. Because this left "spaces" in the structure of Creation, the other Universes were then rearranged. The Dark Universes had numbered in the hundreds, and never before in the history of Creation had so many lives been snuffed out at once. These were lives which were distorted, twisted, and filled with suffering - nevertheless they were living Beings. The collapsing of the Dark Universes, though it was necessary and was a great relief to all, sent shock waves throughout Creation.
When we asked Heru what this would mean for the rest of the Fallen Sector, he replied:
"It will mean that the healing will be able to begin and that the end of the battles will happen much more rapidly, for they [the Dark Universes] were a source of mechanical armies."
Due to the fact that they were so entirely corrupted, the Dark Universes and all Beings in them were not only collapsed but entirely obliterated - taken all the way back to the Void. Tragically, this included three of the greatest of the Creator Gods - those who, like Heru and Sekhmet, are able to create Universes. These three Creator Gods were those who had created the Fallen Universes, and two of them had originally been part of the Godinj Collective who created our own Universe.
赫鲁解释道: “当一个存有被分解时,他们的原子、它们的灵魂结构和它们的意识就会回归到一切万有的虚空之中。尽管那个存有将不再作为一个完整的个体而存在,但他们所有的意识都被造物主吸收了。这就是为什么我们能够再生那些存有。而当存有被带入造物虚空中,进入那无尽的深不可测的虚空时,我们并不真正了解它们在那里究竟会发生什么。这还是一个巨大的谜团。”
Heru explained:"When a Being is melted down, their atoms and their structures and their consciousness is returned to the All That Is. Even though that Being no longer exists as an integral individual, all of that consciousness is absorbed by Creator. And that is why we are able to reconstruct those Beings. When Beings are taken into the Void, the deep, deep Void, it is not really known what happens to what they were. It is a great mystery."
Heru and others grieved deeply for the loss of so many Universes, but in particular for the loss of the three great Creator Gods. (I believe that these three were the only Beings still left in the Dark Universes, at the time of their collapse, who had originally been Light Beings.) As previously explained, there are only a few thousand Creator Gods in all of Creation, and of that number only a relative few have the power to create Universes. These Beings had been beloved friends and colleagues to Heru and the other Creator Gods, and since they had been obliterated rather than melted down, no way was seen to bring them back. In all the time I have worked with and known Heru, I had never seen him grief stricken to the extent that he was following this event.
A few days later, Creator re-assembled all those Beings who had held the energy for the Dark Universes to be collapsed. In a stupendous act of power, he actually re-created the three lost Creator Gods directly from the Void. He then animated them, and finally in a blaze of incandescent passion he called upon the Great Void Itself to return the original Spirits of these Beings to the forms he had re-created. For when Creator set out to do this work, it was not known whether he could only duplicate these Beings, or actually restore their Souls. By some miracle that is beyond comprehension, their integral Spirits were brought back from the Void. We asked Heru:
Elora: I would like to ask if you feel that the three Creator Gods who were re-created the other night are, in fact, the original Beings whom you knew.
Heru: I do. There was an instant recognition between us. They were very confused but they did recognize me.
[Elora:] Just as we Humans have had to find unknown reserves of strength and determination within ourselves in order to survive in the Dark Sector, I believe that Creator Himself is tapping into powers and abilities that He did not know He possessed. Even out of the horrific and tragic events of the Fall, some good has come. In fact, now that some of the Healers and Helpers have begun to enter our Universe from the Light Universes, several of us have received feedback that these Beings see qualities in us which are unknown in the Light Worlds, and which are seen as precious and valuable.
I will complete this Update with more good news. On April 29, 2005, Heru told us that Creator had brought forth yet another marvel. These are structures called Temples of Purification. They exist on the Sixth Dimension and higher, and will eventually appear all the way down to the Third Dimension. Heru was absolutely glowing from having been in one of these Temples himself, and couldn't say enough about what a breakthrough they represent. He described the Temples of Purification as follows:
“这些神殿中包含着某种东西,它同时看起来像一根光柱和一个发光的蛋,光柱从中倾泻而出。其中包含的是最初造物主的一些原始的未分化的万能电浆/等离子。当一个存有踏入那根光柱/蛋时 ,它们将被洗去所有杂质并恢复到它们被创造时的原始纯净状态。”
"These temples contain something which simultaneously looks like a shaft of light and a luminescent egg through which the shaft of light is pouring. What is contained therein is some of Prime Creator's original undifferentiated Plasma. When a Being steps into that Pillar of Light/Egg, they are washed of all impurities and restored to the original state of purity with which they were created."
When we asked him why they are so important, he replied:
"When I look at the damage that has been done to all of the Beings - the Light Beings and Fallen Beings - were we to use the healing technologies that we had in this Fallen Sector, it would take an impossibly long time to restore all of these Beings. And this new process is the nearest thing to instantaneous restoration that we can get."
The Temples of Purification are to be used by anyone and everyone in these restoring Universes who are in need of healing. They are not for use by Fallen Beings however, nor for those Beings in the process of reclamation who are still integrating and coming to terms with their actions. My understanding is that they are for those who are fully aligned with Light and ready to be healed and returned to their original state of perfection. Heru told us that we could enter these Temples in our Energy bodies and that this would be good for our Higher bodies, though it wouldn't heal our Physical bodies.
On that same night, Heru showed me a vast fleet of Space-ships anchored near to Earth. He explained:
"This is the Fleet that will begin to dismantle the Upper Dimensional Aspects of the Illuminati who are controlling the Earth. They will be launched in the one to three weeks, something like that. The Illuminati exist on many planes, and so we are going after the Sixth and Eighth Dimensional Beings."
为了给这个美妙的夜晚画上一个完美的句号,我被赫鲁引导去眺望地球附近的宇宙区域,那里充满了美丽的光芒,在缓慢而优雅地移动着。赫鲁告诉我们,这些是“来自未堕落扇区的存有们,他们来启动对这个宇宙的修正进程的。” 这也许是迄今为止我收到的最美妙的消息:来自光之宇宙的存有们现在能够在我们的宇宙中自由安全地移动,这一事实意味着我们这个宇宙中的战争基本上已经结束。赫鲁告诉我们,我们的宇宙现在有 92% 的部分是光明的——这再次超出了我们的预期——而黑暗仍然存在的区域现在也已被隔离起来了。可悲的是,这些区域的其中之一就是地球。我将直接引用那天我们谈话的最后部分。
To complete a wonderful night, I was then directed to look out across the nearby portion of our Universe, which was filled with beautiful glowing lights, slowly and gracefully moving along. Heru told us that these are "the Beings from the Unfallen Sector who have come to begin the reclamation process." And this is perhaps the most wonderful news yet: the fact that the Beings from the Light Worlds are now able to move freely and safely throughout our Universe means that the battles are essentially over. Heru told us that our Universe is now 92% Light - once again, outstripping expectations - and that the areas where Darkness still exists have been quarantined. Sadly, one of these is Earth. I will quote directly from the last part of our conversation from that day.
[赫鲁:] 很抱歉,你们心爱的地球将成为最后获救的地方之一。如你们所知,地球是十二颗关键行星之一,他们[黑暗势力]已经用尽了最后一点力量试图紧紧抓住它。但很快这种情况就会改变。
[Heru:] I am sorry that your beloved Earth is going to be one of the last places to be rescued. As you know this is one of the Twelve Critical Planets, and they [the Dark] have hung onto it with every last bit of power that they have. But shortly that will change.
The other thing is that we need to go in very carefully so that we can take out the power structures doing as little damage as possible. We are endeavoring to make this as gentle as possible, so that there won't be mass riots of a violent nature and all the apocalyptic Earth Changes that have been predicted. We are trying to prevent most of that from happening, and I believe we will be successful.
Elora: Recently there was a sighting of the Ivory Billed Woodpecker, which was thought to be extinct. Is there any significance to this?
Heru: Yes, there is a wonderful significance to it. And that is that the triumph of the living species, the triumph of the biodiversity on this Planet. This event will serve as a Beacon of Hope to many people. It is almost a resurrection and is a magical happening for many people who study and love Nature, to find that something of great beauty that was thought to be lost has been found. And it will spark a lot of effort in maintaining and nourishing wilderness areas, so there will be an increase in donations to land preservation.
Elora: Would you like to conclude this discussion with any further words for our readers?
Heru: For those of you who are so soul weary and sick and wounded, I would tell you that hope is real, that help is at this point perhaps weeks away. If you can but hang in there for that little bit of time, you will see things change rapidly. But also know that if you cannot, that when you drop your physical forms, help will be there ready to embrace you. And to fear not, for the Darkness is indeed quarantined. One of the last places to be freed is this precious Planet but it is soon to be liberated. We also want you to know that you will not be responsible for the restoration and reclamation; there will be many, many Helpers who are arriving as we speak. Your only job will be to willingly submit to the loving ministrations of the most accomplished healers in Creation.
Elora: Heru, you said that help is weeks away. You also said we would see changes by Fall. Are you changing your time estimate? What changes will we see in weeks?
Heru: Those who are sensitive will begin to see the change consciously in weeks, and to access the Helpers who arrive in the Upper Dimensions, the Fourth through to the Sixth. You will begin to have Psychics and Healers accessing that in a matter of weeks. It will take some months for this to penetrate throughout the Mass Consciousness. Fall may be too far distant an estimate, and it may happen in the Summer - but if you remember that this “Wall” was put up 500 million years ago, this is but a twinkling of an eye. And I really want to emphasize that at whatever a point people find themselves, in the Third Dimension or having dropped the physical body, it will not matter. For those who just cannot wait another day to leave their bodies it is fine for them to do this, for the help is there for them to make the transition.
Elora: So you're saying that within weeks we will see big changes on the Inner Realms, and it will be a matter of months to see changes begin on the outer, such as Earthly power structures changing and so on.
赫鲁:是的。 Heru: Yes.
[埃洛拉:] 以上就是我们在 2005 年 5 月之前的全部近况更新的内容了。现在上帝战士已经清理了我们宇宙的大部分区域和黑暗扇区的大部分区域,现在黑暗宇宙已经崩溃,最初造物主目前有几个重点的任务。当然,其中之一就是疗愈我们这些在堕落扇区生活了数百万年的人们。此外,拯救和夺回那些被黑暗势力占据的最后的据点也至关重要,不幸的是,地球就是其中之一。最后,为了完成对我们这个宇宙的修正,最初造物主必须能够进入并影响物理世界,并改变和纠正低维度的极端能量密度和原子扭曲。我们这些有幸观察到每天在更高维度上发生的奇迹的人几乎迫不及待地尖叫着看到这些事情开始在我们的世界和第三维度上发生。我们目前正在与最初造物主合作,将他的能量引入我们的身体、我们的家庭、我们的宠物等等。我们希望他一旦在第三维度的空间中真正站稳脚跟,就能迅速扩大自己的影响力范围。无论事情如何发展,我们相信未来几个月将是重要的。正如塞赫迈特最近对我说的那样,“为快速变化做好准备。”
[Elora:] This completes our Updates for the time period leading up to May 2005. Now that the God Warriors have cleared most of our Universe and most of the Dark Sector and now that the Dark Universes have been collapsed, Creator's focus is on several things. One, of course, is healing for those of us who have suffered from living in the Fallen Sector for millions of years. In addition, it is crucial to rescue and reclaim the last strongholds of the Dark, of which Earth unfortunately is one. And lastly, for the reclamation to be complete, it is necessary for Creator to enter and be able to affect the Physical Plane, and for the extreme density and atomic distortions in the Lower Dimensions to be changed and corrected. Those of us who have had the privilege of observing the daily miracles occurring on the Higher Dimensions are almost screaming with impatience to see these things begin to happen in our world and on the Third Dimension. We are currently working with Creator to pull His energy into our physical bodies, our homes, our pets, and so on. It is our hope that once he gains a true foothold in the Third Dimension, He can rapidly expand His sphere of influence. However these things unfold, we believe that the coming months will be momentous. As Sekhmet said to me recently, "Prepare for rapid change."
第 4 部分:大天使
作者:埃洛拉·加百列 (Elora Gabriel)
Section 4: The Archangels by Elora Gabriel
Shakura and I have commented recently that we hardly have a single belief system intact, when we compare our present maps of reality to those we had eighteen months ago when the Omniversal Energy entered our Planet. In general, our understandings of reality have been replaced with knowledge that can be unsettling, but is always deeper, richer, and broader in scope. Nowhere has this been truer than in our views and experiences of the Archangels. Much of the information in this section was received and gathered by Shakura.
Who are the Archangels?
像大多数光之工作者一样,我们曾与某些大天使一起工作并召唤了他们多年。像许多人一样,我们请求大天使迈克尔提供保护,请求大天使拉斐尔提供疗愈,等等。 但是,正如我们正在发现最初造物主作为一个存有的现实一样,我们的探索使我们不禁要问:大天使们到底是谁?他们来自哪里?他们到底是怎么样的一种存在,是像一个人或者一个个体一般么?几年前,我收到的信息是,他们和光之工作者一样,并非起源于这个宇宙,而是来自光之宇宙。我们过去就已经知道了这一点,但当时的我们对他们的了解也就大体如此了,并没有更进一步的信息。
Like most Light Workers, we had worked with certain Archangels and called upon them for years. Like so many, we had called upon Michael for protection, Raphael for healing, and so on. But, just as we are discovering the reality of who Creator is as a Being, our explorations have led us to ask: who in truth are the Archangels? Where did they come from? What are they really like, as personal, individuated Beings? Some years back, I had received information that they, like the Light Workers, did not originate from this Universe but came from the Light Realms. This we knew, but not a great deal more.
2005 年 2 月初,夏库拉和我开始与一些大天使更密切地合作。反过来,他们也觉得时机成熟,并且足够信任我们,于是向我们展示了真实的自己。从那时起,我们学到了许多关于这一伟大的种族的知识。
In early February of 2005, Shakura and I began to work more closely with some of the Archangels. They, in turn, felt the time was right and trusted us enough that they showed us their real selves. We have learned a great deal about that magnificent Race since then.
Let us start with some general information about Archangels. Archangels, much more than Humans, are pure energy Beings. They exist on the Sixth Dimension and higher. In appearance, they are tall, majestic Beings, with great wings which are not just ornamental, for they are accomplished fliers. Their wings and even their skin tones come in all colors of the rainbow, from rich gold to iridescent blue or black, to pale rose and pure white.
每个大天使的灵魂阶梯上都有数百个不同的灵魂化身,每个灵魂化身又都是一个拥有完整独立个性的存有,而同时这些灵魂化身们又共享着一种共同的集体意识。不过大天使灵魂阶梯上的灵魂化身并不像人类灵魂阶梯上的灵魂化身那样,是垂直排列在灵魂阶梯上的,而是可以说它们像轮子上的辐条一样,从单子开始向外辐射。所有大天使都是雌雄同体,所以祂们可以表现为男性或女性。由于父权文化的意识投射,我们通常认为祂们是男性。 然而,迈克尔、加百列和其他所有众所周知的大天使们都可以同样轻松地以女性身体显化自身。祂们的真身普遍身材高大,肌肉发达,而且非常漂亮。
Each Archangel has several hundred Aspects, each of which is itself a fully individuated Being, while sharing in a sort of common group mind at the same time. Archangel Aspects are not arranged vertically, so to speak, on a "ladder" as Human Aspects are, rather they could be said to radiate out like spokes on a wheel. All of the Archangels are androgynous, and may appear as male or female. We usually think of them as male due to the projections of our patriarchal culture. However Michael, Gabriel, and all the well known Archangels can manifest just as easily in a female body. Their true bodies are generally tall, muscular, and very beautiful.
Humans and Archangels could almost be considered twin races, for our two races were meant to work closely together. We are told that in the past, before most Humans fell into a veiled and amnesiac state, this is exactly what occurred. We worked together, shoulder to shoulder, with the Archangels. As we fell into density, we forgot who we are and forgot our great love for and our companionship with the Angels. We began to see them as Gods, far removed from our abject and pathetic condition. We set them upon pedestals. This forgetting has harmed them as much as it has harmed us.
Shakura received the following information from the Creator Goddess Sekhrnet:
Shakura: Sekhmet, can you describe the relationship Archangels have with Humans in general?
Sekhmet: Archangels preceded Humans in creation, and so they are a foreshadowing of Humans. You can consider Humans as being a different, and somewhat higher developed version of an Archangel. Not that they are better, but they contain certain attributes that are not so highly developed in the Angels.
Shakura: Did Humans stem from Angels?
Sekhmet: No, but the Archangel blueprint was used in the creation of Humans. The blueprint was built upon, you might say. So there is a sort of connection between the two and that is why the Human is endowed with the Archangel signature. In the simplest terms, that is my answer to your question. Does this answer it?
Shakura: I think so, but is there not more detail you can give me?
Sekhmet: Only that within the Archangel and Human lineage, though "lineage" is not the correct word, there is a strong connection - a sort of recognition of species. And in that connection is the longing to understand each other and share themselves with each other. More than that simple explanation would go into metaphysical discussions that I am not ready to explain at this point.
Shakura: As a species, are the Archangels different or similar to regular Angels?
Sekhmet: They are similar in that they are based on similar qualities, yet they are also different in that they are a more highly evolved group of Beings. Again, you might say that a simple Angel would not be the forerunner of Humans, but an Archangel is.
Shakura: In a sentence, how would you describe an Archangel?
Sekhmet: I would say they are a very high expression of God and God's Love, embodied in a powerful energy body, expressing the love of God in one of its purest forms. They are the administrators of God and also could be described as the voice of God.
夏库拉,如你所知,人类本不应该堕落、盲目和失忆。 他们本应是,形式与天使略有不同的,上帝的化身。他们本应是与天使平行的种族,以自己独特的方式表达上帝的存在。大天使和人类之间不存在优劣之分。他们两者本都是上帝在他创造的世界中嬉戏玩耍的神圣表达。当人类能够认识到这一点,并开始看到大天使们的真实样子,并开始将自己视为与大天使平等的种族时,那么这个世界就会重获幸福。那时上帝将可以再次开始体验自己,并通过天使的特殊能力以及人类的特殊能力来表达自己在所有维度的存在。
Shakura, Humans were not meant to be fallen, blind, and amnesiac, as you know. They were meant to be manifestations of God in a slightly different form from the Angels. They were meant to be a parallel species to the Angels, expressing God in their own unique way. And there was to be no separation in terms of better or less, between the Archangels and Humans. They were both meant to be Divine expressions of God playing in his Worlds. When Humans can realize that, and begin to see the Archangels for who they are, and begin to see themselves as equals, then there will be bliss returned to the worlds. That's when God can begin experiencing Himself again, and expressing Himself through the particular abilities of Angels, and also through the particular abilities of Humans.
Shakura: Thank you. I think I know what the differences between Humans and Angels are, in terms of abilities, but could you tell me please?
塞赫迈特:是的,天使拥有力量。 他们可以将造物之源(万能电浆)塑造成他们想要的任何东西。他们可以与造物主神并肩作战,并拥有表达最初造物主意志的强大能量。人类有能力以独特的方式思考和分析。他们能够以不同的形式进行创造并通过不同的方式进行制造。就好像大天使是以更精细和精致的方式进行创造,而人类则以更能量密度更高、更物质化的方式进行创造。但无论如何,两者都是通过对上帝本身的表达来完成创造的。
Sekhmet: Yes, Angels wield power. They can take the Source of Creation and form it into whatever they wish. They can work alongside the Creator Gods and have powerful energy that expresses the Will of Creator. Humans have the ability to think and analyze in a fashion that is unique to them. They are able to create in different forms and manufacture via different means. It's as if the Archangel creates in a more fine and refined manner, and Humans create in a denser, more material manner. Both create via the expression of God, however.
关于大天使与人类的重新连接,大天使 X 的声明如下:
Archangel X stated the following, regarding the reconnection of Archangels and Humans:
What is so important here is that there has been a great opening. Think of it as a barrier, a Dark Barrier that has separated us from you. Another way to think of it is that as this barrier dissolves, we two species can once again come together. And as we do we form a dynamic explosion of Light and Creative Energy that permeates the worlds. It is important that this Energy, this explosion of Light, come all the way down to the Physical Plane - and this is where you are unique. The Barrier could not come down until it reached the Physical.
[埃洛拉:] 甚至只是想到我们应该将大天使视为和我们的平等的种族,也已经是对我们意识的一个很大的扩展延伸了。然而,正如我之前所说,将这些存有们只是当做被我们放在基座上的雕塑,对他们和对我们来说都是不利的。我们了解到,由于人类的意识投射,大天使们也开始向我们投射一个符合这些意识所期望的他们的形象。在人们投射的意识中对大天使们的印象更多的只停留在二维画像的层面,而且人们将大天使描绘成了崇高的存有,没有情感或渴望,也没有恐惧、痛苦、怀疑或疲倦。而当大天使们开始向我们展现真实的自己时,我们再次发现他们也是人。而这或许也可以成为我们对高维存有的所有抽象概念的通用表达。因为他们也是人。并不是说他们是人类,而是说,在事实上,他们也有个性、好恶、情感、需求和缺陷。我们灵魂阶梯在更高纬度的灵魂化身们也是人。单子也是人。 大天使也是人。甚至上帝/最初造物主本身,当其以自身个体化的形式显化时,也是一个人。此外,大天使与这个造物宇宙中的其他意识高度进化,并具有个性化的种族(例如人类和造物主神)一样,是最高和最神圣意义上的有性存有。
[Elora:] It was a great stretch to even think of relating to the Archangels as our equals. However, as I said before, putting these Beings on a pedestal doesn't serve them any better than it serves us. We learned that, due to the expectations of Humans, the Archangels began to project to us an image which would be in line with those expectations. The projected images are rather two-dimensional, and portray the Archangels as lofty Beings without emotions or longings, and without fear, pain, doubt, or weariness. When the Archangels began to show themselves to us as they truly are, we found out once again that they are people. All of the abstract concepts we have had about Higher Dimensional Beings perhaps boils down to this one sentence. They are people. Not that they are Humans, but in the fact that they have individual personalities, likes and dislikes, emotions, needs, and imperfections. Higher Aspects are also people. The Monads are people. The Archangels are people. And even God Himself/Herself, in His individuated form, is a person. In addition the Archangels, like other highly sentient and individuated races in this Creation such as Humans and Creator Gods, are sexual Beings in the highest and most sacred sense of the word.
与大天使面对面,看到他们真实的样子,而不是他们为了迎合我们的意识而投射的角色时会是一种什么感觉?此前赫鲁曾说过:“你们世世代代都在呼唤同一个天使和高维大师,而在这个过程中,感到疲惫不堪的不仅仅只有你们。” 即使我们提前听到了赫鲁给予我们的这个消息,但这也并没有让我们做好了面对现实的准备。
What is it like to meet an Archangel face to face, in reality and beyond their projected personas? Previously Heru has stated: "You have called on the same Angels and Masters for generations and generations, and it is not only you who are tired." Even hearing that didn't prepare us for the reality.
For example, in early February I contacted Archangel Gabriel. Gabriel appeared in a magnificent blaze of light. He looked like a splendidly handsome young man in his twenties, with sculptured features, long black hair, blue eyes, and pure white wings. I requested that he show me his true appearance. After some confusion of images, he reappeared to me looking about forty, his face drawn with fatigue. While some of his Aspects have white wings, many are sort of an iridescent mother-of-pearl. Gabriel's body is tall, strong, and muscular. His face is handsome and sculptured, but at times his eyes can be dark with pain, although he has undergone tremendous healing in the past couple of months. This is the real Gabriel. He told me that his job, which is of course high profile and brings him into much contact with Humans, has been extremely wearing on him. He also said a sentence that chilled me: "The projections are killing me." Gabriel, one of the foremost Angels in both Islam and Christianity, is supposed to be the pure white lily, without a doubt, a fear, or a stain. In truth, all of the Archangels in the Fallen Sector have experienced deep anguish as they have striven to uphold their Missions, as well as fear and doubt at times. Most of them have Aspects who have been damaged or even lost. Even so, the Archangels are profoundly service oriented, and often continue to serve when they are nearly dropping with weariness. Think for one moment of Archangel Michael. None of the Beings who were created in Light, including the Archangels, were meant to be warriors. Michael told me that he (in the form of one or more of his Aspects) has been on the forefront of every single major battle that has occurred in this Universe for the past 500 million years. Can you imagine what this would do to a pure, loving, and sensitive Being? We all owe him a debt that is beyond counting.
而现在,对于大天使们来说,或者说至少对于大部分大天使来说,解放的时刻即将到来。 最初造物主已经从大天使的灵魂阶梯中,恢复了近千个曾经已经消失的他们的灵魂化身,而大天使灵魂阶梯上的其他更多的灵魂化身们,也已经得到了最初造物主的疗愈。正如我在另一次更新中提到的,一些上帝之石中现在包含了返回光之宇宙的门户,并且包括乌列尔在内的许多大天使也已经离开了这个宇宙。其他人,比如加百列,很可能也会光荣地完成他们的任务,并将他们的使命传递给其他人,这样他们便也可以返回光之宇宙了。因为上帝之石中的门户是双向门户,因此它使得新的存有可以从未堕落的宇宙来到这里。这包括许多新的、不知疲倦的大天使,他们渴望为人类服务和/或尽其所能来帮助疗愈这个宇宙。
The Time of Liberation is at hand for the Archangels however, at least for many. Creator has restored almost a thousand Aspects from the Archangels which had been lost, and healed many more. As I mentioned in another Update, some of the God Stones now contain Portals back to the Light Universes and a number of Archangels, including Uriel, have already left. Others, like Gabriel, will most likely complete their tasks with honor and pass on their responsibilities to others, so that they too may return. For the Portals in the God Stones are two-way Portals, allowing new Beings to travel here from the Unfallen Universes. This includes a number of new, unwearied Archangels who are eager to serve Humanity and/or to do whatever they can to help the Healing of this Universe.
This essay is not meant to discourage you from contacting your well known and loved Archangel friends, but when you do, you might consider asking them to introduce you to some of the new Archangels who have entered our Universe. The new Archangels are willing and able to carry out many of the tasks and missions which you might request.
Archangel Godparents
随着我们对人类与大天使关系的探索的不断深入,我们开始感觉到我们每个人都与某个大天使有着特殊的关系。对于我们中的一些人来说,这些大天使是我们所认识的存有; 在其他情况下,他们在地球上依旧是人们所未知的状态。我一直觉得与大天使加百列有着特别密切的联系,事实上,我在二十岁出头的时候就以加百列这个名字作为了自己的姓氏。很多年前我就被告知我属于加百列的血脉,但我觉得这一定是错误的,因为我知道赫鲁和塞赫迈特既是我的宇宙父母又是我的宇宙先祖。
As our exploration of our relationship with the Archangels deepened, we came to feel that each of us had a special relationship with a certain Archangel. For some of us, these were Beings that we knew; in other cases they were unknown on Earth. I had always felt a particularly close connection to Archangel Gabriel, and in fact took the name Gabriel as a surname in my early twenties. I had been told many years ago that I was of Gabriel's Lineage, but felt this must have been in error since I know that Heru and Sekhmet served both as my Cosmic Parents and Cosmic Progenitors.
后来凯伦通灵了加百列,加百列向我们解释说,所有人类灵魂都有所谓的“大天使教父/大天使教母”。 大天使教父/大天使教母与造物主神(以及宇宙父母,如果他们也参与了的话)一起创造个体的灵魂(单子)。加百列表示:“我被邀请来表达灵魂(单子)诞生那一刻的狂喜,并负责促进这些造物主神们的联合以创造灵魂(单子)”。换句话说,大天使教父/大天使教母是凌驾于造物主神们的联合之上的,大天使的一些能量特征渗透到这个联合中,因此成为了被创造出来的新灵魂永久的组成部分。就我而言,加百列是我的大天使教父/大天使教母,我们将永远保持密切的联系。
Karen channeled Gabriel, and he explained to us that all Human Souls have what could be called an "Archangel Godparent." The Archangel Godparent works together with the Creator Gods (and Cosmic Parents, if they are involved) in the creation of individual Souls (Monads). Gabriel stated: "I am brought in to express the ecstasy of that moment and facilitate in the union that creates a Soul". In other words, the Archangel Godparent overlights the union of the Creator Gods and some of that Archangel's energy signature permeates this union, therefore becoming a permanent part of the new Soul(s) which are created. In my case, Gabriel is my Archangel Godparent, and we will always have a close connection.
A single Archangel can be the Godparent to many Monads and therefore to many Souls. The Human Monads will have some of the core qualities of the Archangel. Also, a man can have an Archangel Godparent who is considered a male Angel - but remember that the Archangels are all androgynous.
随着我们星球上的高频能量的增强,我们的扬升过程正在大大加速。那些被告知他们可能在五年内扬升的人们发现,这个过程已经开始在他们灵魂阶梯处于更高维度的灵魂身上发生了,并且可能会几个月内发生发生在他们身上。如果你与大天使教父/大天使教母密切合作并与他或她建立个人关系,你的大天使教父/大天使教母 - 或任何大天使 - 可以在你的扬升过程中提供很大的帮助。但请务必小心,因为一些大天使是黑暗或部分黑暗的。明智的做法是谨慎行事和/或让值得信赖的向导检查你想与之合作的任何大天使。
As the Higher Energies intensify on our Planet, the Ascension process is being greatly speeded up. People who were told that they might Ascend in five years time are finding that the process is already beginning to happen with their Higher Dimensional Aspects, and will probably occur within a matter of months for them. Your Archangel Godparent - or any of the Archangels for that matter - can be of great assistance in helping you with your Ascension process, if you work closely with that Archangel and form a personal relationship with him or with her. Please do exercise caution however, as a few of the Archangels are Dark or partially Dark. It would be wise to exercise discretion and/or to have a trusted Guide check out any Archangel that you would like to work with.
Anatomy of a Multi-Dimensional Illness
作者:凯伦·柯诗鮑姆 和 夏库拉·蕾
By Karen Kirschbaum and Shakura Rei
[Karen:] I am recovering from a six-week illness of bronchitis and sinusitis. For those of you with chronic illness this may sound like a walk in the park, but it certainly seemed interminable and has given me an appreciation of what life could be like when one is constantly ill. I don't see how, without Shakura's help, I would ever have gotten out from under this illness.
I believe there is almost always a "mind-body" connection to any illness, but what I never considered was that an illness could have a multidimensional component. Specifically, I had a dramatic and very intense eruption of a past life trauma thrust into my face immediately before I became ill. Without going into all the gory details, it involved my Fourth and Sixth Dimensional Aspects, and those of my Twin Soul.
I was beside myself with rage and grief, and I needed several sessions with a good Shamanic Healer to integrate all the emotional components involved in this particular trauma. Shortly afterwards I became ill with a sinus infection. Shakura cleared me a few times, but it kept coming back. She said that I was loaded with pathogenic and anaerobic bacteria, viruses and mycoplasms. Each time she cleared me I seemed to have a different mix of all these pathogens, and then it went into my lungs. After Shakura would clear me, I would feel better for a few hours or a half-day, then BAM! I would begin to get ill all over again. I looked around my environment to see what on Earth could be re-infecting me. I was using the neti pot (an Ayurvedic nasal irrigator), and I wondered if the very tap water had this horrible bacteria in it.
Meanwhile by now I was into my fifth week of illness, and pretty darn sick of being sick. I had never been so sick for so long, so I went to the doctor and asked for antibiotics for the first time in about five years. They didn't touch the infection. I have a generally robust constitution and I am not on any prescription medications, so I just could not understand how my immune system had collapsed overnight.
At one point Shakura and I were having a channeled session together. It was during this channeling we discovered that not only was I ill, but my Fourth and Sixth Dimensional Aspects were ill as well, and that the Light Filaments between all the Aspects were also infected with pathogens. This was on a Friday. Shakura said she would work on me. I went up and down for the next couple of days, but by Monday I was clearly on the mend, and my mucus was clear for the first time in six weeks. I don't know all the details of what she saw and did, but I know it was a heroic effort on her part. Again let me say that without her help, I don't know how I ever would have gotten over this illness.
I would now like Shakura to tell what she saw and how she worked on this. I am hoping this can illustrate how an illness can come from the Upper Dimensions, and how there may be no healing until this is addressed.
[夏库拉:] 正如凯伦前面所提到的那样,她患有肺部和鼻窦充血。我曾检查并发现她感染了各种病原体,当我清除一种病原体时,她的身体内又会出现另一种病原体。起初我以为她没有好转,是因为她因为同时受到如此多的病原体——病毒、支原体和各种形式的细菌——的攻击而让她变得非常虚弱的原因。但最令我困惑的是,当我将细菌从她的呼吸系统中完全清除后,没过两天,这些细菌又再次出现。似乎是有什么东西把这些细菌给拉了回来,我当时真的完全无法理解这其中的缘由。我们之前就发现了病原体植入物的存在,但我们检查过,凯伦在生病的那段时间里身上没有任何的病原体植入物。
[Shakura:] As Karen wrote, she was suffering from lung and sinus congestion. I would check and find that she was infected with various pathogens, and when I'd clear one she would present with another. At first I thought she wasn't improving because she was so weak from being overtaken by so many pathogens at once - viruses, mycoplasms, and various forms of bacteria. What was most bewildering to me is that I would remove bacteria completely out of her system and within two days it was back. Something was pulling it back and I couldn't understand what that could be. We have previously discovered the existence of pathogen-pulling implants, but we checked and Karen didn't have any during this time.
This went on for weeks before we discovered that the two Aspects directly above her were also infected with pathogens, and so were the Filaments all the way down to Karen. It took me a few sessions, but I finally got the Filaments, Aspects, and Karen completely clear - the worst offenders being the various forms of pathogenic bacteria. Immediately thereafter Karen went on the mend and in short order her lung and sinus infection was healed. However, not long after she came down with cystitis - a bladder infection. The usual culprit for cystitis is a bacterium, but I knew she and her Aspects were clear of bacteria - so where was this coming from? Karen suggested that perhaps the bladder had become irritated from her prolonged bacterial infection, and that candida had now entered and inflamed it. I checked her bladder for candida, and indeed that was the culprit; but also her two Higher Aspects and her Filaments were infected as well. As Karen had suffered most of her life with various forms of fungus and yeast in her system, this was a good time to put an end to it. I cleared her, her two infected Aspects and her Filaments of all candida, and her bladder subsequently healed.
In closing, if you are prone to chronic infections, the first course of action I suggest is to have yourself cleared of all attachments and implants, as we find pathogen-pulling implants to be very common. The next process would be to look at your Aspects. Karen's Aspects are of the Light so they are cooperative and easy to work with. If you have a Dark Aspect that is also infected and infecting you, then consider having that Aspect worked with so that it is returned to its true Light state. Afterwards it can be healed of pathogens.