圣光回归 - 第二十章
2005 年首次由Green Willow Publications of Candler, NC 28715, USA出版
作者 埃洛拉· 加百列
在许多书中,简介都只是被大家简单的浏览一下或完全跳过。 然而,我们希望您能花时间阅读这几页。 否则,当您继续阅读文本本身时,您会发现自己有许多疑惑。 另外,请注意本书末尾有一个术语表,如果您遇到不熟悉的术语,这将会有所帮助。
本书由四人编写:Elora Gabriel、Karen Kirschbaum、Shakura Rei 和 Marjorie Bair。 Karen是一个水晶般纯净无暇的管道,她传递了这些页面中记录的所有信息。 正是她作为管道的卓越能力使这项工作成为可能。 我通常(尽管并非总是)是提出问题的人。 我还写了一个简短的叙述来介绍每一章; 在某些地方,我的评论被插入到章节正文中。 Shakura提出了许多问题并帮助出版了这本书。 Marjorie担任这本书的顾问编辑,经常提出自己富有洞察力的问题,并慷慨地分享她在出版领域的专业知识。
第二十章:近况更新 3 - 2005 年 6 月 - 9 月
Chapter TWENTY: Update 3: June – September 2005
第 1 部分 – 我们星球原子的修正和更新
Part 1: The Atomic Correction and Updates for our Planet
截至 2005 年 6 月和 7 月,我们的宇宙的近况如下。光明会(地球的负面秘密控制者)已在从第四到第十一的维度上被击败了,而对于我们的宇宙来说,我们被告知,在第六维度及以上的维度上,光明势力基本上已经获胜。在更高的层面上,相对的和平已经成为绝对的主流,而疗愈和重建工作也已经开始。第五维度、第四维度和第三维度仍然被黑暗力量大量渗透,至少在地球周围是这样,而第三维度的情况最严重。赫鲁告诉我们,虽然上帝战士和光战士能够在第四维度和第五维度进行一定程度的运作,但由于这些层面较高的能量密度和严重的原子扭曲,他们的能力收到了限制。所以,最初造物主此时的主要任务就是想办法纠正原子扭曲,以及继续对低维度进行清理。这两个任务是相互关联的,因为纠正原子扭曲将最终净化和恢复较低的维度。
As of June and July of 2005, the state of our Universe was as follows. The Illuminati (the negative Secret Controllers of Earth) had been taken down on Dimensions from Four through to Eleven, and for our Universe in general we were told that the battles had largely been won on Dimensions Six and up. On the higher levels, relative peace prevailed and healing and reconstruction had begun. Dimensions Five, Four, and Three were still very much infiltrated by the Forces of Darkness, at least in the environs of Earth, with the Third Dimension being worst. Heru told us that although the God Warriors and Light Warriors were able to operate to some extent in the Fourth and Fifth Dimensions, they had only a limited ability to do so due to the density and severe atomic distortions on those levels. Therefore, at this time, Creator's major push was to somehow find a way to correct the atomic distortions, as well as to continue the clean-up of the Lower Dimensions. These two projects were interrelated, as correcting the atomic distortions will allow the ultimate cleansing and restoration of the Lower Dimensions.
A 部分:地球现状的一般更新
Section A: General Updates on the Status of Planet Earth
2005 年 6 月 17 日,我们向赫鲁询问了我们星球的一些日常近况更新。
On June 17, 2005, we asked Heru for some general Updates on our Planet.
Elora: 1've been thinking about the assumption that is being made by Creator, yourself, and many other high level Beings, which is that since the Higher Dimension Members of the Illuminati have been brought down, the negative power structures on Earth will therefore crumble. I hope this is true but I feel this may be like expecting someone who has been chained in an underground dungeon for decades to step forth and start functioning when the chains are removed. In reality such people often can't even summon the will to walk out of the prison themselves. I feel that it may require Creator's active presence here for the changes to really happen. Would you comment on this please?
Heru: I think you may be right. And when you say a person may not be able to summon the will, they may not have the strength as well. I think that is a very valid point you have made.
Elora: Heru, we would like some updates on the status of Earth at this time. Please tell us something about the state of affairs after all the battle with the Illuminati.
赫鲁:第三维度以上的所有光明会都被消灭了。 然而正如你们所知的,光明会在这个地球第三维度上的权力结构仍然存在,这个团体的顶层是第三维度的黑魔法大师。所以虽然他们甚至在第四维度中都失去了任何支持,但是他们仍然能够在第四维度、第五维度、第六维度中活动,干出他们的卑鄙勾当。光明势力下一步的努力将是让自己真正能够进入第五、第四和第三维度。我们成功地进入了第五维度和第四维度来消灭光明会,但并没有真正能够在那里发挥足够的作用来阻止第三维度的黑魔法师在那里活动。每当他们看到我们的到来,他们就会撤退。但只要我们一眨眼,他们就会开始再次行动,并再次撤退。 [埃洛拉:那么对于最初造物主和更高的存有来说,从第三维度到第五维度都是难以进入的?] 是的。而且就连在里面走动都非常困难。
Heru: The Illuminati right through to the Upper Dimensions have been taken down. However as you are aware, the power structure of the Illuminati on this Earth is still in place, and the upper echelons of this group are Master Magicians. So although they have no support even in the Fourth, they are still able to operate in the Fourth Dimension and the Fifth and the Sixth, to do their dastardly deeds. The next push would be to really be able to get into the Fifth, Fourth, and Third Dimensions. We managed to get enough into the Fifth and Fourth Dimensions to take out the Illuminati, but not really to be able to function there well enough to prevent the Third Dimensional Magicians from operating there. They would see us coming and they would retreat. As soon as we would blink our eyes they would do their operation and retreat again. [Elora: So for Creator and the Higher Beings, all those dimensions are very hard to access?] Yes. And hard to move around in.
Elora: What is going to happen next here on Earth? Are the Light Warriors really going to start cleaning things up here? For example, there are millions of contaminated Portals, and Earth herself must be damaged etherically as well as afflicted with dark and traumatic energies in many regions. Also there are energetic residues of wars that happened just about everywhere. There are also uncountable numbers of Dark and Fallen Higher Dimensional entities who attack or attach to people, along with lots of discarnates and so on. Is a cleanup going to start for all these things, and if so when? I guess a lot of these things are on the Fourth and Fifth Dimensions.
Heru: Yes, and all this is going to be dependent on our making that breakthrough to the sub-atomic structure. Once we can break through we can do anything. We have the Forces, we have the numbers, we have the power to do it. And it will happen everywhere at once, once we can make this breakthrough. This is really the key.
埃洛拉:据我所知,最近光明势力在Haven/圣堂里举行了一次关于地球未来的大型会议。 我相信他们讨论了许多不同的话题,包括正面外星人的公开登陆。是这样吗?光明势力是否已经决定进行这样的登陆行动? [注:Haven/圣堂是一个靠近地球的高维领域,有一个大型的银河联盟行政中心。]
Elora: I understand that there was a big meeting at the Haven recently about the future of Earth. I believe that many different topics were discussed, including a public landing of the positive ET's. Is this correct and has there been a decision to have such a landing? [Note: the Haven is a Higher Dimensional Realm near Earth which has a large Administrative Center.]
Heru: Yes. And there have been increasing sightings happening lately, in India and China and Mexico.
Elora: Are we talking about an actual landing or more sightings?
Heru: Currently just more sightings, but there are plans to begin actual landings.
Elora: Has a time frame been selected?
赫鲁:看起来是暂定的,他们可能会在今年 11 月开始登陆。
Heru: It looks like tentatively as it might come in November of this year.
Elora: What is the purpose of these landings?
Heru: It would begin the process of communication with off-world Humans and the dissemination of knowledge for peaceful change.
Elora: Would you please speak on some of the other decisions that were made regarding Earth? For example, topics such as over-population, war, pollution, and overall assistance for the ecology?
Heru: Once this Planet has Open Portals, dialogue, and so on, those problems can be easily corrected. Populations can be moved to less populous areas off planet, and the technology does exist to clean everything that has been polluted and distorted. So it's really those first barriers that we are dealing with. Once those barriers come down, once the atomic structure has been corrected, once the doors are open, all of that can be accomplished with relative ease and speed.
B 部分:原子修正
Section B: The Atomic Correction
The Atomic Correction was seen as the last barrier which has prevented Creator from entering and affecting the Third Dimension, the final enigma which He had to solve. The Atomic distortions have affected all Matter in the Fallen Sector, and most particularly the Matter in the lowest Dimensions, including of course the Physical Realm that we dwell in. In the Light Universes all Matter, including that on the Third Dimensions, is not only pure and pristine but radiant and alive with the Energy and Light of Creator. Everything is intelligent, even stones and water, and no part of life or Nature ever harms another part, whether deliberately or accidentally.
Starting in June, Creator began working from many angles to begin correcting the atomic distortions. Some preliminary attempts were made in the first half of June, but as Heru stated, when queried if these attempts were working:
"My bottom line answer to that is that I will not consider it to be working from my perspective until you see it working from your perspective."
About June 20, the breakthrough we had been waiting for occurred. Creator "unlocked" the puzzle of the Atomic Distortions, and what we call the "Atomic Correction" began, although the effects were not yet felt on Earth. We were told by Creator that it would take several years for the Correction to become complete on the Third Dimension, and that we would experience the effects in a gradual manner. A few days later we all felt strange, and Creator explained that we were beginning to feel "a slight taste" of the Correction. He added, "It is as if the barometric pressure has changed significantly. And the forces that are holding your atoms in their normal alignment and arrangement are changing somewhat."
随着6月接近尾声,我们可以敏锐地观察到原子修正像一个巨大的冲击波或巨大飓风的前兆一般向我们移动。这场“风暴”于 2005 年 7 月 5 日抵达了我们的星球,预计将造成持续数月的能量混乱期。我相信我们的许多读者都会注意到,今年夏天是一个在能量层面极其紧张的艰难时期。7 月 9 日,我们与一位大天使进行了以下对话:
As June drew to a close, we could clairvoyantly observe the Atomic Correction moving towards us like a huge shock wave or the outrunners of an enormous hurricane. This "storm" reached our Planet on July 5, 2005, and was predicted to cause a period of energetic chaos lasting several months. I am sure that many of our readers will have noticed that this Summer has been an extremely intense and generally difficult time energetically. On July 9, we had the following conversation with one of the Archangels:
埃洛拉:关于原子修正,你有什么可以告诉我们的吗? 我们知道它对人们的微观身体结构、光丝等造成了很多紊乱的情况和损害。
Elora: Is there anything you can tell us about the Atomic Correction? We understand that it's causing a lot of chaos and damage to people's subtle bodies, filaments, and such.
Heru: Yes, it is, and it is pushing some people over the edge into leaving their bodies or into health crisis. It is very stormy and there is a lot of chaotic debris, so people are being hit with any number of psychic things. It's not so much that they are being attacked as that there is a lot of junk and it is flying around furiously.
Elora: Do you have any idea when things will settle down and when the effects will start to become positive?
Heru: In a sense they are never going to settle down, because what we are doing is raising the vibration of everything. What will settle down is that, as I said, the debris will be cleared and people will begin to adjust as their bodies accommodate to this increased vibration. They will become more comfortable with it. It is like when you stop into a hot bath and at first it burns, but after a short time you adjust to it. You get used to and it starts to feel good to you. So it will be more like that. You will be raising the temperature [i.e. the vibrational frequency] of your entire body, so your body and all your bodies will adjust to it. What is damaging right now is all the debris that is spinning around out there. Once this has settled down, then what will need to be looked at is that this raising of the vibration will expose in people damages in their different bodies - cracks, fissures, implants - all of these things will be much more apparent and “in your face”. At that point there will be many calls for healing, in whatever manner. If a person prays to Jesus they will go to Jesus for that healing, or to Krishna or whomever. Whatever framework they are working within, they will begin to request healing, and therefore much healing will come out of this. And as I stated, people will begin to adjust to all of their bodies being at an increased vibrational level. Up until now the increases in vibration have been fairly gradual. There have been a few sudden waves, but for the most part it has been like the rising of the tide. And this has been more like a tidal wave.
[埃洛拉:] 2005 年 7 月 11 日,我们与赫鲁谈论了“原子修正”。
[Elora:] On July 11, 2005, we spoke to Heru about the “Atomic Correction”.
Heru, we would like a little more information about the energy storm that we are experiencing as a result of the Atomic Correction. I know there is debris flying around, and I know there is a rise in vibratory rate. Beyond that, however, to my sight there appears to be something like a hurricane on the Inner Realms. What is that hurricane?
赫鲁:如果你去到飓风的中心,你会发现最终的静止点(每个人进入最终静止点的方式都不同)。 这将使你能够在没有经历内在层面的暴风骤雨的情况下整合这种振动频率的上升。否则,如果一个人没有处于静止点的深处,那么无论他们在静止点以外的任何地方,他们都会体验到这种能量的混乱,这就是振动增加的力量。
Heru: If you go to the center of that storm you will find the ultimate still point [which will be different for each person]. And that will allow you to integrate this rise in vibration without the storminess. Otherwise if a person is not in a deep still point, wherever they would find that, they will experience the chaos of this energy, which is the force of the increase in the vibration.
Elora: So the storm is that vibratory increase?
Heru: Yes. What is happening is that you've got a log jam of stuck energy, and it takes a lot of energy to break up that log jam. I guess you could say there is a difference in pressure, as with atmospheric pressure. There is a difference in pressure between the old and the new and that difference is what creates that amount of motion. Therefore just as wind is created by changing pressure, this would be a cosmic wind that is being generated by a change in pressure - and it is a very powerful wind because there is a very significant change in atmospheric pressure, so to speak.
Elora: How is this correction going to progress?
Heru: It looks like about three to six weeks until there would be an equalization of the pressure, so the sensation of being in a hurricane would stop at that time. But that is really only the beginning. From that point, well, I don't know that I can describe it because it hasn't happened yet. There will be a next stage. It will not be as rough as this one. It will be more a stage of integrating the changes and a lot of what you might call percolating, where this energy will percolate into deeply stuck places in a person and break them open. It will be a time of deep soul searching and a lot of internal upheaval for people who have not done a lot of deep work. It will be akin to a lot of past life eruption or early childhood eruption of things in their face to deal with, although it will be beyond that in scope.
埃洛拉:最初造物主说要 100% 的原子修正需要几年的时间。你同意吗?
Elora: Creator said it would be a matter of years to be 100% with the correction. Do you agree?
赫鲁:是的,我同意。 我认为这部分工作需要相当长的时间,但是新旧能量压力差导致的能量转移的汹涌浪潮应该会很快就会结束。而整合和深入内在进行清理带来的影响则会持续相当长的时间。
Heru: Yes, I do. I think that part will take quite a lot longer, but this rushing tidal wave of energy shift should be through fairly quickly. The integration and percolation effect will take quite some time.
Elora: Three to four years maybe? More?
Heru: I don't know because there is too much in flux to be able to really predict that. I think for different people, they will be living very much in different realities at the same time. So for one person it might only take a matter of weeks or months and for someone else it might take several years, even in the same household. And that will be difficult for people.
Elora: I’m thinking about matter. Rocks, trees, how long it would take for them?
赫鲁:这也会有所不同。我认为地球上更自然、不受干扰的区域已经更接近修正的状态。 我不知道这需要多长时间,但我知道对于一个自然区域来说,这个修正的过程会比曼哈顿市中心更快,因为那里的自然景观很少,而且有很多僵化的建筑和意识形态在支撑着旧结的原子结构。
Heru: That will vary as well. I think an area that is more natural and undisturbed is closer to the corrected state already. And I don't know how long it will take, but I know it will be quicker for a natural area than say in downtown Manhattan, where there is very little nature and there is much in the way of rigid architecture and thought forms holding the old structure in place.
Elora: How long do you think it will be before Creator and other Higher Dimensional Beings can start having an increased effect in the Third Dimension?
Heru: I believe months in some places.
[埃洛拉:] 到了 2005 年 7 月 15 日,我们观察到原子修正确实开始在更高维度(七维及以上)起作用了,并且发生了一些奇迹事件,例如自发愈合、部分黑暗的存有在没有外力接入的情况下自发的转向光明,等等。我们的消息来源证实了这一点。在观察这些更高的维度时,我们在许多地方都观察到了一种纯粹、原始的平静。而到了八月中旬,低维度的能量风暴已经平息下来。2005年8月23日,我们问赫鲁:
[Elora:] By July 15th, 2005, we observed that the Atomic Correction was really starting to work on the Higher Dimensions (Seven and upwards) and that there had been some miraculous events, such as spontaneous healings, Beings who were partially Dark turning to the Light with no intervention, and so on. This was confirmed by our sources. In viewing those higher levels, a pure, pristine calmness was observed in many areas. And by the middle of August, the energy storm on the Lower Dimensions had calmed down. On August 23, 2005, we asked Heru:
Elora: I believe the last time we talked about the Atomic Correction, which was in the middle of July, it was really starting to take hold on Dimensions Seven and up. Is that still the case on those Dimensions?
Heru: Yes, it has established itself there.
Elora: Has the Atomic Correction been at least partially blocked by the Dark from reaching the Lower Dimensions?
赫鲁:是的。 尽管——我想想这该如何表达——它产生了更多比你们已经意识到了的那些还要多的影响。
Heru: The Lower Dimensions, yes. Although -how shall I phrase it - it had more of an effect that you are aware of.
Elora: You used the past tense - why?
Heru: In the sense that it has changed each of you more than you have perceived, and will continue to do so. But the reason I'm using past tense is that it's almost reached a stasis point. It's not flooding in; it's here, it's arrived.
埃洛拉:我们被告知,在 9 月至 10 月的战斗之后,我们所在的第三维度层面会感受到更强烈的感觉。【地球周围第四维度的清理——更多信息请参见第二部分】。
Elora: We were told that it would be felt more strongly on our Plane after the Battle in September-October [i.e. the cleanup of the Fourth Dimension around Earth - see Part II for more information].
Heru: I believe so. It's hard to describe what is blocking your perception of it, but it has transformed all of you on the atomic level more than you can perceive. I believe that an increased perception of it will start to open up at that time. The Atomic Correction is here, it is doing its work, but to you at this time it is invisible.
Elora: But it will still take several years to be complete?
赫鲁:是的。 Heru: Yes.
Elora: You said that the Atomic Correction had affected all of us more than we know. We were told, back when it was just getting started, that the first thing we would really notice would be that our bodies would begin to correct. Do you still feel that this will be the first noticeable sign, and do you think it's not too far off?
Heru: Yes, and yes. It has raised your vibrations considerably, and yet it has not reached what you would call critical mass where all of that connects together with your body, and that will happen.
C 部分:Deca-Delta/德卡-三角洲中队
Section C: The Deca-Delta Squadrons
The above title probably sounds like something from a science fiction novel, and in fact the reality of what is going on in our Universe may not be too far distant from what we would call science fiction or fantasy. It's long been my belief that, when Human writers give free rein to their imaginations, they often come very close to the truth. It's almost as if they are channeling without knowing it. Such fantasy epics as Star Wars, The Lord of the Rings, and Star Trek reflect the nature of reality in this part of the Universe in many respects, in my opinion.
直到 2005 年 7 月中旬以前,堕落存有回归光明并非不可能,但通常非常缓慢且拖拉,特别是在这个存有深陷黑暗的情况下。7 月 16 日,凯伦看到了被称为德卡三角洲中队的天使中队。 每个天使都拿着一根魔杖。当一个堕落存在被捕获或束缚,并被上帝战士或光战士清除他们身上的黑暗附体和植入物时,德卡三角洲中队就会包围该存在,并用魔杖中的光对其进行轰炸。在大多数情况下,相关存有会经历某些强烈的痛苦,然后转变成光。 每个中队由十名天使组成。 7 月 17 日,我们向萨南达询问了这些问题:
Until the middle of July 2005, the conversion of Fallen Beings back to Light was not impossible, but was generally very slow and tedious, especially if a Being was deeply entrenched in Darkness. On July 16, Karen was shown squadrons of Angels called Deca-Delta squadrons. Each Angel held a wand. When a Fallen Being had been captured or restrained, and had been cleared of Dark attachments and implants by the God Warriors or Light Warriors, the Deca-Delta squadrons would then surround that Being and bombard it with the Light from their wands. In most cases, the Being in question would pass through some kind of crisis and then would become Light. Each Squadron is made up of ten Angels. On July 17, we asked Sananda about them:
Elora: Please say more about these Squadrons.
Sananda: They are called the Deca-Delta Squadrons. Each one would have their own name, and the one Karen knows is the Alpha Omega Squadron. Heru says several thousand have been released into this Universe. And that is their purpose - to return Beings to the Light. They will not work with the Filaments or damaged or lost individualized Aspects, but they are specifically for the Dark individualized Aspects or really any Dark Being whose Free Will has been subjugated by the Dark.
Elora: This is only for Higher Dimensional Beings right now though?
Sananda: Not necessarily.
埃洛拉:那我们该怎么办? 例如,只需呼请他们并要求他们处理我们个人灵魂阶梯上的黑暗灵魂?
Elora: So what do we do? Just call them and ask them to work on a person's Dark aspects, for example?
Sananda: There are ten of them in each group. They will surround a Being, such as a Dark Higher Dimensional individualized Aspect of a Human, and they have what looks to be a small wand with little knobs on it. They would aim this wand at that Being, and essentially zap it and restore that Being's Free Will.
Elora: If a Being's Free Will is restored, will he or she then become Light?
Sananda: Yes. Free Will is true free will/choice. It is automatically Light, it is part of the Creator.
Elora: What does this mean for the Beings who have been refusing to convert to Light? Beings who might have made the choice to be melted down because they wouldn't accept the Light?
Sananda: This may be the solution to that.
[Elora:] When a very powerful Being, such as a Creator God, has become Dark, the conversion back to Light is not so easy, even with the Deca-Delta squadrons. However, a vast number of these squadrons have now formed, and many Beings have been returned to their rightful estate.
Part 2: Triumphs and Tragedies
By late July of 2005, all of the Beings which Creator had made in order to carry on the War against Darkness had arrived, countless in number. These included all seven Waves of Light Warriors. Creator's Plan, at that point, was to deploy massive numbers of Light Warriors and God Warriors to clear the Fourth and Fifth Dimensions, once the Atomic Correction had made some headway in lessening the density for those areas. This was tentatively planned to begin in the middle of August.
与此同时,其他力量也在发挥作用。 早在六月,就有几个明显的光之存有被发现在从事可疑的活动。经过检查,发现它们部分灵魂已经堕落为黑色的了。于是有人建议,应该扫描光明势力中的所有的存有,以确定他们实际上是否还完全是光明的。扫描还会揭示存有们内在的扭曲,这意味着如果他们身上存在某种或其它类型的问题或不和谐,而且没有及时得到以处理的话,最终可能会导致该存有转向黑暗。为了推动这一扫描任务的顺利进行,光明势力内部有人建议请刚从光之宇宙抵达这里的大天使希尔斯提供帮助,因为他刚抵达不久,因此其灵魂是完全光明的这一点是毋庸置疑的。我们对这一提议引发的激烈辩论感到惊讶。后来的事件证明,许多反对对光明势力全体成员进行扫描的人都有充分的理由对此提出反对。7 月 1 日,我们采访了米歇洛,他是新的大天使集体的成员之一,他已经分担了我们敬爱的大天使迈克尔的一些使命。
Meanwhile, other forces were at work. Back in June, several apparently Light Beings had been discovered in questionable activities. Upon examination they were found to be partially Dark. It was proposed that all Beings in the Light Forces should be scanned to determine if they were, in fact, fully Light or not. Scanning would also reveal distortions within a Being, meaning issues or disharmonies of one type or another which, if not dealt with, could eventually result in that Being turning to the Dark. For scanning purposes, it was recommended to employ Archangel Seers who were newly arrived from the Light Universes and therefore whose integrity could not be suspect. We were surprised at the intensity of the debate ignited by this proposal. As events later proved, many of those who argued against the idea of universal scanning had very good reasons for doing so. On July 1, we spoke to Michello, one of the new Archangel collective which has come to take on some of the burdens of our beloved Archangel Michael.
Elora: Michello, what decisions, if any, have been made about scanning Light Beings for distortions?
Archangel Michello: It has been quite a lively debate - that would be to understate what has been going on. All will be scanned. There was a great deal of fear that people would be losing jobs and losing face. There is a Council to review the scans and review the severity and depth of any distortions, and the findings of that Council on an individual will remain private. The therapists that will be employed to correct any issues have what is similar in your world to client confidentiality in place, and the necessary steps to rectify any individual's problems will be addressed. The only time Beings would be deemed unfit for service would be if they were to refuse to be scanned or refused to undergo treatment. So this was satisfactory, that people would not have their distortions paraded around in front of each other for gossip and so on. Also, part of the way that the distortions and the Darkness work are to blame oneself for the distortions. I don't want to call it ego because ego has a more negative connotation than I want to convey, but throughout the Hierarchies there has been that sense of shame and wanting to hide these distortions. So this is a great breakthrough, to have addressed this issue and to have a Council formed to work with all of this.
[Elora:] I would like to comment here that, from my point of view, all Beings who have endured the Dark Sector have issues and distortions. It is only a matter of degree, and if we can accept this fact there will be no need for shame. In any case, the scannings began on the Higher Dimensions began in early July. Remember that time moves differently here, so I would guess that on the Higher Dimensions this process was still in its early stages when, in late July, a group of five Beings were scanned and found to be Dark. At first it was thought that they were only partially Dark, but a closer look found them to be almost entirely Dark. These five were unknown on Earth, but all held positions of great power and responsibility and were thought to be entirely above suspicion. Shock waves rolled through the Hierarchies of Light. The implications were extremely serious, because these Beings were privy to a great deal of very high level information and had been acting as spies for the Dark. But even at that time, the full extent of the “Fifth Column” which had existed within the Forces of Light was not suspected.
这里涉及的另一个因素是,在七月下旬,最初造物主突然决定比光明势力预期的时间更早地释放上帝呼吸,希望这能帮助我们宇宙各个需要大量疗愈的区域能够更快地完成这一过程。上帝呼吸,如同一道巨大的金色波动,纯粹的上帝之力从上帝宇宙之中倾泻而出。它于 2005 年 7 月 30 日(星期日)东部时间下午 2:20 到达我们的星球。夏库拉和我已经预见到了它的到来,并特意在它到来时通了电话。对我们来说,这就像经历了一次美好的疗愈能量和喜悦感的洗涤。不过对于高维的存有们来说,这种能量的效果要强得多。我们看到大天使、造物主神、扬升大师和造物主的各个面向立即陷入狂喜,然后陷入一种神圣的陶醉。上帝呼吸给每个人带来了一种幸福和安全的感觉,我们还惊喜地观察到一些黑暗存有被从他们的身体中炸飞了而彻底消失了,而其他许多只是部分黑暗的存有则被剥夺了继续做恶事的所有能力。到了周日晚上,光明势力基本上已经在幸福的状态中沉睡了。随着上帝呼吸的进入,光之胜利似乎已经到来了。然而,到了 8 月 1 日星期一早上,我们意识到战争再次开始肆虐,茫然且混乱的光明势力正拼命地试图重新集结。2005年8月23日,我们与赫鲁进行了如下对话:
Another factor which enters here is the fact that in late July, Creator made a sudden decision to release the Breath of God far sooner than had been anticipated, in hopes that the vast amounts of healing needed everywhere would be accomplished more quickly. The Breath of God appeared like a gigantic golden wave of pure Divine Energy which poured out of the Godverse. It reached our Planet at 2:20 PM Eastern time on Sunday, July 30, 2005. Shakura and I had seen it coming, and made a point to be on the phone when it hit. For us it was like a lovely wash of healing energy and euphoria. But for the Higher Dimensional Beings this Energy had a much stronger effect. We watched as the Archangels, Creator Gods, Ascended Masters, and Aspects of Creator were plunged into immediate rapture and then proceeded to fall into a kind of divine intoxication. The Breath of God brought to everyone a sense of well-being and safety, especially because some Dark Beings were observed being blown out of their bodies, while many others, only partially Dark, were robbed of all strength to do their evil deeds. By Sunday night the Forces of Light were essentially asleep in a state of bliss. With the entry of the Breath of God, the Victory of Light seemed complete. However, by Monday morning, August 1st, we became aware that war was raging again and that the Forces of Light, dazed and in disarray, were desperately trying to regroup. On August 23, 2005, we had the following conversation with Heru:
埃洛拉:赫鲁,我们正在准备近况更新,我们想要一些有关从 8 月 1 日开始、到现已结束的战争的信息。请告诉我们这是如何发生的。我们感到震惊的是,当我们声称超过 95% 的宇宙都在光明势力的控制之下,而黑暗只存在于被看守和隔离的孤立地区时,竟然还会发生如此激烈的战争。
Elora: Heru, we are preparing an Update, and we would like some information on the War which started on August 1 and is now winding down. Please tell us how this came about. We were shocked that such an intense war could occur when it had been stated that over 95% of our Universe was under the control of the Light Forces, and that the Darkness existed only in isolated pockets which were all guarded and quarantined.
赫鲁:这个星球是黑暗势力正在集结的最后防御重点之一,也是最后的据点之一。因此,尽管这个宇宙的大部分地区都在光明势力的控制之下,但对于你们来说,一切似乎都没有改变,因为这个星球仍然处于黑暗势力的控制之中。 因此,这场战斗最终将是为了控制这个星球。那些留在黑暗中的存有正在为自己的生命而战,直到他们的最后一人被捕获为止,他们都不会放弃。
Heru: This Planet is one of the focal points and one of the last hold - outs where the Dark is marshalling its last defenses. So even though vast areas of this Universe are in the control of the Forces of Light, for you it is as if nothing has changed, for this Planet is still in the grip of the Dark Forces. Therefore the battle being waged, ultimately, will be for the control of this Planet. Those Beings who have remained Dark are fighting for their lives and will not give up until the last one is captured.
Elora: Are you saying that this recent battle was basically around Earth, or the Twelve Critical Planets, and not affecting the whole Universe or whole Dark Sector?
Elora: And the difficulty that the Light Forces had in making headway was because it was waged on the lower dimensions?
Heru: Yes, it took a little longer than the other battles.
Elora: What part did the Breath of God play in all of this?
Heru: The Breath of God was launched, and it was seen that it had a destabilizing influence. Therefore it was backed off temporarily, and I believe it will be reinitialized after the cleanup of the Fourth Dimension is complete.
Elora: Please give a definition for the Breath of God.
赫鲁:上帝呼吸是由最初造物主发起的能量波,起源于所有造物的源头,全宇宙或神宇宙。 对于这个造物的每一个粒子来说,这股能量波都包含着最初意图、最初智慧的恢复力量。
Heru: The Breath of God is a wave of energy initiated by Prime Creator and originating in the source of all Creation, the Omniverse or Godverse. This wave of energy contains the restorative power of the original intent, the original intelligence, for every particle of this Creation.
Elora: When the Breath of God came in, it seemed to those of us watching that it threw some Dark Beings right out of their bodies, whereas with Beings who were less severely Dark, they lost all their strength. Also Creator had stated that the Breath of God would cause a restoration of true Divine Will to Beings, perhaps even those who adamantly refused to accept the Light. Were these things actually happening, or was that some sort of ploy on the part of the Dark?
Heru: No, they were happening, and they will happen. We just did not anticipate that it would intoxicate everyone so deeply as to leave them open to attack.
Elora: And that apparently did happen to just about everyone on the Light side?
Elora: So the Light Forces were taken off guard with a surprise attack?
Elora: Obviously, not all the Dark Beings were affected.
Heru: They were all affected but not all incapacitated. And some things [i.e. mechanisms set up by the Dark] are of a more mechanical nature and are on autopilot.
Elora: Is it correct that a large part of this War had to do with the fact that many "Light" Beings were not of the Light at all, but were covertly working for the Dark?
Heru: Yes. And that is something that is difficult for me to talk about.
Elora: Of the Beings who were initially believed to be Light, and who represented themselves as allied with the Forces of Light, what percent are actually turning out to be pretty much entirely Light?
Heru: I don't know that we have counted, it's just so emotionally difficult to deal with. People are still being scanned, people are still being sorted through, and many of those who were partially Dark are now going into the rehabilitation process. Very few are refusing that, and the majority are accepting it. The revelation of these Beings that were compromised was such a deep and heart wrenching shock that it threw everyone into a deep soul search. Andromon, in his many Aspects, has been working very closely with these Beings. He has been counseling them, encouraging them to go through this process, really cheering everyone on in something that would otherwise be tragic and dire. He has been just magnificent in encouraging people by holding up what Humans have been going through recently in this kind of work, holding up someone like Majaron [a Dark Sixth Dimensional Being who turned to the Light], showing people that there is something on the other side to be attained. He just has stepped into the midst of it. Karen is uploading to me the novel The Plague, and how the heroic doctor in the book was there relentlessly, tirelessly, working in the trenches and the hospitals as person after person was brought in. It's much like that.
[Elora: Andromon is the Aspect of Prime Creator who is in charge of the Reclamation of the entire Dark Sector. He has countless Aspects that are a part of him.]
Elora: Is it correct that the Fifth Dimension has now been cleaned up in the vicinity of Earth? Yes. And the battle to clean up the Fourth Dimension for our Planet, when will that occur?
赫鲁:2005 年 9 月中下旬左右,我相信是春分前后。如果黑暗势力发动大规模攻击,那清理行动可能会更早发生。黑暗势力可能会在 9/11 周年纪念日期间试图挑衅一些事情。 [埃洛拉:那场战斗应该在十月中旬左右结束?] 或者更快,希望如此。 [那么上帝呼吸可能会在十月的某个时候再次出现?] 是的。
Heru: Mid to late September, 2005, I believe around the Equinox. If the Forces of Dark provoke with a major attack it may be sooner. They may try to provoke something around the Anniversary of 9/11. [Elora: That battle should be over by mid October or so?] Or sooner, hopefully. [So the Breath of God would come in again probably sometime in October?] Yes.
Elora: It was a wonderful thing when it was here.
Heru: Indeed it was a wonderful thing, and there is still a small part of it coming in, a fraction.
Elora: Regarding the battle to clean up the Fourth Dimension, will this be local to Earth and the other Critical Planets?
Heru: Yes, and a few other spots in this Universe, but not much.
Elora: So for the Universe at large, are the Lower Dimensions pretty clear of Darkness, even including the Third?
Heru: It is very mixed. In places yes, in places no. There are some sort of tentacles and spider webbing around.
Elora: With the cleanup of the Fourth Dimension around Earth, do you expect this to be a conflict of the same intensity as the one that is wrapping up now?
Heru: More so. More so for you, for Humans, and it will manifest on the Third Dimension as an increase in mostly hostile rhetoric. I do not see a great increase in overt action, but there will be an escalation in rhetorical conflict with a feeling of the hair trigger, that war could break out at any moment and so on. But the actual events will not be quite as explosive as the rhetoric is. It may, in fact, look like the entire Planet is on the brink of nuclear war, but it will not happen. But the rhetoric towards that will be there, the spiraling thoughts will be there.
Elora: Given that the Higher Beings still have very little ability to affect the Third Dimension, how can you be certain that the Forces of Light can control events to this degree?
Heru: Nuclear weapons are something that transcend the Third Dimension. When a blast happens, it creates a hole through all the Dimensions right up into the Ninth or Tenth Dimension. Because of that, it is also possible for the Forces of Light to penetrate deeper into the Third Dimension and effect change. It's almost as if the explosion exists on all those Dimensions, and because it exists all those Dimensions it can be affected on the Third by Higher Dimensional Beings.
Elora: Even before the explosion were to happen?
Heru: Yes. And this has happened, where weapons were attempted to be launched and have failed. Had there not been any intervention, your Planet would be a highly radioactive planet at this time.
Elora: Do the positive ET's play a role here as well?
赫鲁:当然。 史蒂文·格里尔博士的工作已相当广泛地证明了这一点。 【译注:史蒂文·梅肯·格里尔(Steven Macon Greer,1955 年 6 月 28 日)是一位美国不明飞行物学家[1],也是一位退休医生,他创立了地外智慧研究中心 (CSETI) 和披露项目,该项目旨在披露所谓的机密 UFO 信息。】
Heru: Absolutely. This has been covered fairly extensively by the work of Dr. Steven Greer.
Elora: What is the state of things in our Universe at present, now that this phase of the War is winding down?
赫鲁:这个宇宙将经历一个漫长的疗愈过程。正如你们所知的,有许多存有已经前来对这个宇宙进行修正,并且修正的过程正在开始。但是当你们放眼整个宇宙时——我不知道你是否希望看到它现在的样子,因为现在的它并不漂亮——它的很多地方已经被严重破坏,还有有很多荒凉的区域,不过这些地方和区域现在已经被光明势力完全控制了。在目前我们已经可以正常出入的区域,我们将针对创伤最重的地区进行重点有针对性的疗愈。当然 当然,我们还不能直接对地球进行疗愈,但是在许多维度上已经为被从地球解放出来的人们建立了医院,也有动物医院。地球上的植物王国还没有得到相关的疗愈。但目前光明势力已经对我提到的这些领域里的造物竭尽全力的展开了针对性的疗愈。一旦情况稳定下来,光明势力就会开启恢复这个宇宙中众多星球上的生态系统、生命形式和环境的工作,使它们恢复到它们原来的水平。这需要一些时间。 [埃洛拉:上帝呼吸会有帮助,不是吗?] 是的,会有帮助。
Heru: It will be a lengthy process to heal. There are many Beings that, as you know, have come to restore and that Restoration is beginning. But when you look across the Universe - and I don't know if you wish a vision of it, it's not pretty - there has been a lot of destruction, there is a lot of wasteland out there that is now in control of the Light. And the primary triage is going to be where the greatest suffering is, in the areas that we can get to. Of course we cannot directly get to Earth yet but there are hospitals set up for the people on the many Dimensions who have been liberated, and there are also Animal Hospitals. The Plant Kingdoms have not been dealt with yet. But currently these areas I mentioned are where the greatest effort is going into triage. And once things are stabilized, then work will begin in the many worlds for the reclamation of ecosystems, life forms, and environments, to bring them back to their original quality. This will take some time. [Elora: And the Breath of God will help, won't it?] Yes, it will help.
Elora: We know that, as a safety precaution, the God Stones at the Haven were shut down and the Portals back to the Light Universes were closed. Have these been re-opened yet?
Heru: Not yet. They will be reopened after the September battle [i.e. the impending battle to clean up the Fourth Dimensions of Earth].
埃洛拉:一位大天使最近对我们说:“此时此刻,战斗的焦点瞄准了这颗星球。地球最终将成为所有活动和正在发生一切的支点,一切的转折点,这就是我们正在做的工作。” 你能否详细说明一下这一点,并解释一下这对地球上的我们和我们这个宇宙的大局来说意味着什么?
Elora: One of the Archangels recently stated to us: "The focus is, at this point, zeroing in on this Planet. Earth will end up being a fulcrum of all the activity and everything that is going on, the turning point of everything, of the work that we are doing." Would you please elaborate on this, and explain what it means both to us on Earth and to the larger picture?
赫鲁:黑暗势力的疯狂在于它们至今已然相信自己是无敌的,它们相信自己仍然可以获胜。所以黑暗势力正在以某种难以想象的方式战斗,如果他们能够在这个星球上取得胜利,那么他们就可以接管这整个宇宙和整个扇区。所以这就是它们的战斗视角。对他们来说,这就是可以导致它们末日的善恶大决战。对于我们光明势力来说,这场决战的大部分战斗都已经以光的胜利而告终了。虽然这个宇宙中最多样化、最珍贵、最关键的行星尚未被解放。但我们完全有信心,也深知它们终将被解放。对于你们人类来说,这个星球所承受的隔离带来了综合的焦虑,而事实上,对于黑暗势力来说,这是他们的最后一场战斗。 他们将其描述为世界末日,但事实并非如此。因为你们人类完全被黑暗势力隔离了,所以从你们当下的视角来看,这仿佛就是彻底的善恶末日大决战和这个世界的末日,这个世界生命的终结,万物的终结。但事实并非如此。而在人类的意识中创造这种恐惧有助于黑暗势力削弱人类的力量,并帮助他们进行战斗。他们扭曲了人类的认知,以进一步实现他们的痴心妄想。这就是他们的思维模式——因此显而易见,他们已经彻底疯了。我不想详细说明他们的想法,因为那些内容压根不值得被写出来。
Heru: It is the madness of the Dark that it believes in its own invincibility, that it believes it can still win. And so the Dark is fighting as if in some unimaginable way, if they could pull off a victory on this Planet, they then could take over this entire Universe and this entire Sector. So they are fighting from that perspective. For them, this is Armageddon. For us, the Light Forces, most of the battles have been won. The most diverse and precious and critical planets in this Universe have yet to be liberated. We know, with full confidence, that they will be. For you Humans, there is the combined angst of the isolation that this Planet has been under, and the fact that this, for the Dark, is their last battle. And they are portraying it as universal Armageddon when it is not. Because you Humans are completely isolated, it looks to you to be total Armageddon and the End of the World, the end of life, the end of everything. And it is not. But creating this fear helps the Dark to keep Humans disempowered and helps them in their battle. They have skewed the perspective to further their delusional dreams. And they think that - well, they are just insane. I don't want to detail what they think because it's not worth writing out.
Elora: So in other words, all their efforts are currently aimed at keeping control of the Twelve Critical Planets.
Elora: And by October sometime, this should be over on the Fourth Dimension, and then the battle will move to the Third.
Elora: But you still believe this will not develop into a World-wide battle, rather that it will just be a struggle here.
赫鲁:我想说,在 11 月和 12 月,即 2005 年 12 月初,地球上几乎所有热点地区(中东、朝鲜、台湾、尼日利亚和非洲其他地方、伊朗)所有这些地区的局势都会升温,并且 看起来他们中的任何一个随时都可能爆炸并失控。但这不会发生。与此同时,美国政府等政府施行它们政策的阻力也会越来越大。抵抗已经开始,抵抗的核心开始找到自己的声音和力量。它不会退缩,而且会成长。
Heru: I would say that in November and December, early December 2005, just about every hot spot on this Planet (the Middle East, North Korea, Taiwan, Nigeria and other places in Africa, Iran) all of this will heat up and it will look like at any moment anyone of them could explode and spiral out of control. But it will not happen. And in the meantime, there will be growing resistance to the governmental policies such as the Government in the US. The resistance is beginning, and the heart of the resistance is beginning to find its voice and its strength. It will not back down, and it will grow.
Elora: Is there anything you would like to add for our readers?
Heru: Dear readers: In this coming few months the atmosphere on your Planet and in the media will become frightening and shrill. Please understand that the fear that is being whipped up into a giant froth is artificially created to achieve the continued control and disempowerment of Humanity. Please do not succumb to this fear. Connect instead to the power in your hearts, and to the rejoicing in your soul that is the promise of certain victory by the Forces of Light. I would see metaphorically - and this is not a predication of anything physical, but where one would be in the Spirit Realm - people taking psychic shelter in caves, with warm candles and sleeping bags, and gathering close with families, surrounding themselves with a few well worn sacred books, and just having quiet time. A time away from the media, a time to be still, to go inside, and to wait until this brown muddy foamy froth is washed away by the Light.
因此,请不要沉浸在黑暗势力散布的恐惧和战争的谣言中。主流媒体中嵌入了许多潜意识控制的编程,旨在让你们远离你们自己的真正力量。因此,请在你们的心中创造平和,并享受那平和。当你们这样做时,它就会从你们身上散发出来。 当你走过这个世界时,保持心中那备受庇护的状态,保持必胜的希望,保持和平的希望,保持圣神之爱的希望,保持所有这些希望。 这并不难做到。我眼前浮现了这样一副画面,一座被围困的城市,炸弹落下,避难所里的人们知道他们是安全的,尽管他们周围已经满目疮痍,但他们之间却充满了友情,他们彼此互相分享,共度难关。所以请坚信你们是安全的。你们不会受到任何伤害。这场战斗将是短暂的,但却非常激烈。我们将在你们内心的那片净土里与你们同在。
So please do not immerse yourself in the fear mongering and the rumors of war. For embedded in the media are many subliminal controlling images designed to keep you from your own true power. Therefore create peace in your hearts, and enjoy that peace. And as you do, it will radiate out from you. As you walk through this world, maintaining the shelter in your hearts, hold the promise of victory, hold the promise of peace, hold the promise of hope and of Divine Love. It is not hard to do. The image that I am getting is of a city under siege with the bombs falling, and the camaraderie and sharing that comes in the shelters where the people know that they are safe, even though there is much destruction around them. Hold on to that faith in your safety. No harm will come to you. This battle will be brief but very intense. And we will be with you in those shelters, in the shelter of your heart.
Elora: You think this battle will last for several weeks?
Elora: So you are strongly suggesting that people actively avoid the media, say from now until this is over?
赫鲁:是的。从接下来的几周开始,恐惧振动将会明显增加。我相信2005年9月5日左右将是你们可以开始脱离主流媒体的时候。9 月 11 周年纪念日之前将会有很多事情发生,然后事情将开始不断向前推进。
Heru: Yes. Starting in the next couple of weeks there will be a marked increase in the fear vibration. I believe about September 5th 2005 will be the time to start disengaging from the media. There will be much running up to the September 11th Anniversary and then continuing from there.