⭑Technology ⭑
Core Technology . knowhow . advance science . spiritual Technology

Egyptian wall shows Plasma lamp devise being charged and illuminated by a coiled power system below.
All of us played the plasma ball once in awhile in a life time. But what If I tell you it can be use for healing ?
【Make 100gallons of Structured Water a day】【Energizing Water】with a 100gram portable device.
Liquid light is one of the important health conditioning technologies of Lemuria Light. It contains high concentration of Tachyon particles and bioenergy. Through special technology, water crystals are formed under the influence of high frequency energy. This form of water contains extremely high energy. Through this energy, it can let the human body reach a balanced state of the five elements, hence the body can restore physical and mental health in its most natural state. If consumed for a long period of time, emotional improvement will be particularly noticeable. After the negative energy is released, the mind is easier to restore its peace.
One of the purification and cleansing tools tailored by the Lemuria Light to space, Aura and negative energy purification. It contains pure natural herbs, oils and other ingredients. Each Tibetan incense is handmade, and all its raw materials are also hand-grinded. In addition, each incense will be anchored by special interstellar energy, and its main function is to strengthen the effect of Tibetan incense and strengthen the effect of dispelling negative energy.
Healthy .Fun .Delicious.Organic.Super food
⭑ Healthy ⭑
Natural Treatment. Health . Exercise
By now you’ve likely heard of the celery juice phenomenon that is sweeping the globe.
It’s being touted as the next ‘miracle elixir’ by many, with nearly 90,000。。。。。。。。
As far back as 1954, reports of the full or partial resolution of schizophrenia following a gluten free diet began to surface in the medical literature. I explored this。。。。。。。。
If you’re reading this, you’re probably a human being. Maybe you’re suffering from some kind of health concern. It may not be life threatening, but it’s。。。。。。。。。
I recently published an article titled, “Scientist Explains How Cow’s Milk Leeches Calcium From Your Bones & Makes Them Weaker.” It explains how。。。。。。。。。。
Cannabis has been used to treat people with Epilepsy for more than 100 years. Numerous people including children have had。。。。。。。。
We are facing an epidemic. The number of children diagnosed with autism or a related disorder has grown exponentially, and a。。。。。。。。。
Frankincense, along with gold and myrrh, is one of the most famous Christmas presents in history, and is a fragrant plant resin extracted from the Boswellia sacra tree found across Africa and Arabia……………
Many are diagnosed with ADHD, depression, anxiety and sleep disorders. In 2013, a medical expenditure survey determined that 1 in 6 Americans take 。。。。。。。
Organic food standards are still met but small farms don’t face the level of paperwork and expense that the USDA requires. Consumers are assured of quality products…….
Natural light is crucial to our overall health and wellness as it affects our circadian rhythm, pineal gland, and melatonin production.。。。。。。。
The chemical ingredients found in instant potatoes and instant stuffing mixes affect the nervous system and often make brain fog and。。。。。。。。
Unusual cancer called Schwannoma, cancer of the heart, in male rats has been caused by electromagnetic radiation. In addition, a。。。。。。。。。
There are clearly, undoubtedly, multiple concerns that arise from the genetic engineering of our food. We are past the second decade since their approval and for a long time………..
Cheerios, Quaker Oats, and other breakfast cereals are contaminated with Glyphosate, among other things. It was also recently discovered 。。。。。。。。。
Peer-reviewed research published over many years has shown the tremendous health benefits one can achieve from consuming black seed.。。。。。。。。。。。。
A ketogenic diet might not be as safe and effective in the long term as a balanced whole foods diet, and fasting is a more hazard-free。。。。。。。。
Antibiotics are medicines used to prevent and treat bacterial infections and can be life-saving. However, most people have no idea how much we are consuming and how they can negatively affect our health……..
A recent study was done examining how well top fast food chains actually implemented their antibiotic use policies in their beef. 22 of。。。。。。。。
Organic and natural labels mean different things, and various types of labels tells you what percentage of ingredients are 。。。。。。。。
Glyphosate is a carcinogenic chemical that can be found in an alarming number of food products. Traces have even been found in。。。。。。。。。。
Slowing down the ageing process is not about looks, it's about health, and feeling good. Scientists have discovered multiple healthy ways to 。。。。。。。。
In our current society, there are a few drugs that are not only accepted as entirely normal, but they are also pushed on us everywhere we turn. 。。。。。。
“Children today are sicker than they were a generation ago. From childhood cancers to autism, birth defects and asthma, a wide range of childhood。。。。。。。
There are multiple health benefits to be gained by taking a simple walk every day. These benefits are measurable。。。。。。。。。。
A toxic liver can lead to anger. In Chinese medicine, our biggest detox organ – our liver – is the organ connected to anger. When we work at changing our lifestyles and…………
Overall, consuming fructose in whole fruit form does not have adverse effects on the body. Isolated fructose is another story, yet。。。。。。。。。。。
rain fog is an experience that more and more of us are becoming far too familiar with. Unfortunately, western medicine often overlooks。。。。。。。。。
There are many harmful chemicals lurking in most personal care products. There are enough natural alternatives out there, such as。。。。。。
In our modern lifestyle, we are sitting too much and for too long periods of time. This level of sedentary lifestyle is not natural for our 。。。。。。。。。
Whether it be from a place of compassion, growing concern for environmental sustainability or a more thorough understanding of what it really means。。。。。。。